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This page pertains to UD version 2.


Language: Latin (code: la)
Family: Indo-European, Italic

This treebank has been part of Universal Dependencies since the UD v2.14 release.

The following people have contributed to making this treebank part of UD: Federica Iurescia, Federica Gamba, Flavio Massimiliano Cecchini, Francesco Mambrini, Giovanni Moretti, Marco Passarotti, Paolo Ruffolo.

Repository: UD_Latin-CIRCSE
Search this treebank on-line: PML-TQ
Download all treebanks: UD 2.14

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Genre: fiction, poetry

Questions, comments? General annotation questions (either Latin-specific or cross-linguistic) can be raised in the main UD issue tracker. You can report bugs in this treebank in the treebank-specific issue tracker on Github. If you want to collaborate, please contact [federica • iurescia (æt) unicatt • it]. Development of the treebank happens directly in the UD repository, so you may submit bug fixes as pull requests against the dev branch.

Annotation Source
Lemmas annotated manually in non-UD style, automatically converted to UD, with some manual corrections of the conversion
UPOS annotated manually in non-UD style, automatically converted to UD, with some manual corrections of the conversion
XPOS annotated manually in non-UD style, automatically converted to UD, with some manual corrections of the conversion
Features annotated manually in non-UD style, automatically converted to UD, with some manual corrections of the conversion
Relations annotated manually, natively in UD style


UD_Latin-CIRCSE is a repository of treebanks featuring Latin texts natively annotated at the CIRCSE Research Centre in Milan (https://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/circse/en.html) following the Universal Dependencies (UD) (https://universaldependencies.org) annotation scheme. The repository includes prose and poetry texts from different periods.

This treebank repository is a work in progress collective endeavour. Presently, it contains the following annotated texts: Seneca Hercules Furens, Seneca Agamemnon, Tacitus Germania.

Seneca Hercules Furens

Hercules Furens is a tragedy written by Seneca the younger in 1st century CE. The source text was received with tokenisation, and annotation with respect to lemmatisation, POS tagging, and morphological features from the Opera Latina corpus built by the LASLA laboratory in Liège. In few cases, the received annotation with regard to POS tag and morphological annotation was modified during the syntactic annotation; deviations from the received annotation are detailed in the file SenecaYounger_HercF_LASLA_CIRCSE. The syntactic annotation was performed manually at CIRCSE, and follows the UD scheme. The text (7714 tokens, 555 sentences) was enhanced with the annotation of the speakers to whom each sentence is attributed. This annotation, performed manually at CIRCSE, is formatted as a comment in the conllu file following the comment line reporting the text of the sentence, as exemplified in what follows:


The annotation of Seneca Hercules Furens and Agamemnon has been conducted in the framework of the LiLa: Linking Latin project. LiLa has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme – Grant Agreement No. 769994. Warmful thanks to Federica Gamba and Flavio Massimiliano Cecchini for their support and precious advices during the annotation process.

Statistics of UD Latin CIRCSE

POS Tags






Tokenization and Word Segmentation



Nominal Features

Degree and Polarity

Verbal Features

Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers

Other Features


Auxiliary Verbs and Copula

Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts

Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).

Verbs with Reflexive Core Objects

Relations Overview