: emphasizing word, intensifier
This is a special class of adverbial modifiers.
It corresponds to the words that are attached in the analytical layer of PDT with the label AuxZ
In the tectogrammatical layer they often get the label (functor) RHEM
While other adverbial modifiers usually modify verbs, adjectives or adverbs, these emphasizers often modify noun phrases, including prepositional phrases.
Other examples:
- Mohli by obvinit i některého ministra. “They could prosecute also/even a minister.”
- Začnou až o měsíc později. lit. They-will-start even by month later. “They will start one month later.” (Až expresses that the speaker or the listener did not expect the thing to happen that late.)
- Ani vojáci o to nemají zájem. “Not even soldiers are interested in it.”
- Hraje už v sobotu. “He will play already on Saturday.”
- Chceme se sejít ještě tento týden. lit. We-want to meet still this week. “We want to meet before this week ends.”
- u asi 20 titulů “by around/approximately 20 items”
- Dá se to dokumentovat právě na početné skupině dětí. “It can be shown just on a large group of children.”
advmod:emph in other languages: [cs] [hy] [id] [kpv] [pcm] [qpm] [tr] [tt] [u]