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InflClass[nominal]: nominal inflectional class of nominal verbal forms

Values: IndEurA IndEurO IndEurX IndEurI IndEurU Ind

The nominal layer for InflClass uses the same values as InflClass to distinguish the declensions of nominal forms of verbs, whose first-layer InflClass already refers to a conjugation class. It can thus be observed that nominal forms of verbs can maximally belong to two inflectional paradigms at the same time.

Nominal form(s) Reference form(s) InflClass[nominal] Notes
Perfect/future participle, gerundive/gerund amatus, amaturus, amandus IndEurA or IndEurO, according to Gender (Fem and Masc/Neut respectively) Like first-class adjectives
Present participle amans IndEurI Like most second-class adjectives and third-declension nouns with i stem
Supine amatu IndEurU Only appears in the ablative and accusative cases
Present/perfect infinitives amare, amari, amauisse Ind° Indeclinable verbal noun

(Note: in the following m = masculine gender, f = feminine, n =neuter.)

° deprecated

IndEurA: first declension of nominal forms

Perfect and future participles, gerundives, and all superlative forms thereof (not all equally attested, but possible) follow the first declension in the feminine (like first-class adjectives).

Nominal form(s) Nominative singular form (f)
Perfect participle amata
Future participle amatura
Gerundive amanda
Superlatives amatissima, amaturissima, amandissima


IndEurO: second declension of nominal forms

Perfect and future participles, gerundives/gerunds, and all superlative forms thereof (not all equally attested, but possible) follow the second declension in the masculine/neuter (like first-class adjectives).

Nominal form(s) Nominative singular forms (m/n)
Perfect participle amatus/amatum
Future participle amaturus/amaturum
Gerundive amandus/amandum
Superlatives amatissimus/amatissimum, amaturissimus/amaturissimum, amandissimus/amandissimum


IndEurX: third declension of nominal forms (consonant stems)

Only comparative forms of participles and gerundives (not all equally attested, but possible) show this declension type for all three genders.

Nominal form(s) Nominative singular forms (m/f/n)
Present participle amantior/amantior/amantius
Perfect participle amatior/amatior/amatius
Future participle amaturior/amaturior/amaturius
Gerundive amandior/amandior/amandius


IndEurI: third declension of nominal forms (i stems)

Present participles (like second-class adjectives) follow the third i-stem declension for all three genders.

Nominal form(s) Nominative singular forms (m/f/n)
Present participle amans/amans/amans


IndEurU: fourth declension of nominal forms

The supine is a defective verbal noun belonging to the fourth declension, appearing only in the accusative and ablative cases.

Nominal form(s) Forms
Supine amatum, amatu


Ind: indeclinable nominal forms (deprecated)

All infinitives are indeclinable verbal nouns (and they are not marked for Case, Gender nor Number).

Nominal form(s) Form
Present active infinitive amare
Present passive infinitive amari
Perfect (active) infinitive amauisse
[Future active infinitive (archaic) *amassere ]
