Tokenization and Word Segmentation
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- This corpus contains 64 sentences and 403 tokens.
- This corpus contains 34 sentences and 438 tokens.
- This corpus contains 114 tokens (28%) that are not followed by a space.
- This corpus contains 168 tokens (38%) that are not followed by a space.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus contains 2 types of words with spaces. Examples: ṁ bed, ṅ dǽ
- This corpus contains 3 types of words that contain both letters and punctuation. Examples: .i., .c, .d.
- This corpus contains 1 types of words that contain both letters and punctuation. Examples: .i.
- This corpus uses 16 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, VERB, X
- This corpus does not use the following tags: SYM
- This corpus uses 13 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADJ, ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, NOUN, PART, PRON, PROPN, SCONJ, VERB, X
- This corpus does not use the following tags: NUM, INTJ, SYM, PUNCT
- This corpus contains 18 word types tagged as particles (PART): Do, a, at, fo, fu, hí, in, nad, ni, no, ní, ro, sa, sin, so, th, ǽr, ᚄᚑ
- This corpus contains 22 word types tagged as particles (PART): a, as, at, con, d, do, eter, hí, in, int, nas, ni, nno, no, ní, r, ro, se, sin, siu, so, to
- This corpus contains 11 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): a, do, m, mo, mé, sa, so, som, sí, t, tú
- This corpus contains 26 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): a, ar, b, cani, cote, cách, do, dob, ed, far, id, m, mo, n, ni, ní, s, sa, se, si, so, som, són, t, tú, é
- This corpus contains 4 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): a, cach, in, nach
- This corpus contains 2 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): a, in
- Out of the above, 1 lemmas occurred sometimes as PRON and sometimes as DET: a
- Out of the above, 1 lemmas occurred sometimes as PRON and sometimes as DET: a
- This corpus contains 1 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): is
- This corpus contains 1 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): is
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
- This corpus does not use the VerbForm feature.
Nominal Features
Nominal Features
- Fem
- ADJ: acher, bec, mar, mass
- DET: in, ind, inna, nd, sin, ᚔᚅ, ṅ
- PRON: sí
- Masc
- ADJ: gann, glass, línech, naue
- DET: in, inna, ind, inḍt, naib
- Masc
- ADJ: adthramli, diadi, macthi
- DET: in, ind, na
- PRON: hé, d
- Masc,Neut
- ADP: and, de, foir, oco
- PRON: a, som, ᚐ
- Neut
- ADJ: haill, minn, tana
- DET: a, in, naib
- SCONJ: nach
- Neut
- ADJ: chotarsne, domunde, essamin, foirbthi, gáitha, inse, mílsi, suaignid, thoirsech, trom
- DET: a, inna
- PRON: hed, a
- Plur
- ADJ: libardaib
- ADP: dún, friu
- DET: inna, naib
- NOUN: bachal, comroicniu, dindgnaib, doss, déainmmnichdechaib, fidbaidae, grec, laitnori, ṅén, ṡianach
- PRON: a
- VERB: ecmoṅgat, seichetar
- Plur
- ADJ: adthramli, diadi, domunde, foirbthi, gáitha, macthi, mílsi, uili, æcni
- ADP: dúib, frib, fuirib, indib, lib, linn
- AUX: bimmi, bed, nirubtar
- DET: inna, na
- NOUN: belre, biada, béssu, comairli, dánu, fochidi, gnímu, mban, soscéli, tol
- PRON: for, ar, far, b, n, ndob, s
- PROPN: maccidóndu
- VERB: amlid, chretsit, fulsam, gaibid, gessam, gigeste, nducaid, nropridchissem, riat, rocomalnisid
- Sing
- ADJ: gann, acher, bec, cáin, dorchæ, glass, haill, lainn, línech, mall
- ADP: dom, and, dait, de, foir, frimm, lat, oco
- AUX: is, d, ní, bid, bith, mba
- DET: in, a, ind, cach, inna, inḍt, na, nd, sin, ᚔᚅ
- NOUN: ᚉᚑᚉᚐᚏᚈ, dia, dias, ingen, ainm, airdircus, aite, aithne, anmmain, bendacht
- PRON: m, a, mo, do, mei, mm, siu, som, sse, sv
- PROPN: brigtae, choirbbre, dongus, donngus, ferguso, finguine, lothlind, maddoc, mail, máel
- SCONJ: nach
- VERB: chain, Gaib, braigim, cél, cóima, epur, farcai, fuasna, giuil, llega
- Sing
- ADJ: chotarsne, domunde, dían, essamin, frecṅdircc, inse, loingthech, maith, suaignid, thoirsech
- ADP: de, dét, lim, limm, tree, uáit, ṅduit
- AUX: is, d, ni, ba, p, am, as, bes, i, naba
- DET: a, in, ind
- NOUN: cenn, nem, precept, precepte, airli, carcair, chenél, chomalnad, chorp, chuimriug
- PRON: mo, a, m, t, hed, hé, d, do, mm, tú
- PROPN: abracham, crist, moysi
- VERB: tá, ail, anicc, arim, beir, beo, bera, bered, berinn, bia
- Acc
- ADJ: haill
- DET: in, na, ṅ
- NOUN: chluim, chuil, colcaid, comroicniu, doidṅgi, dul, hési, laitnori, ndead, rainn
- PROPN: máel
- Acc
- ADJ: diadi, domunde, macthi, mílsi
- DET: inna, a, na
- NOUN: cenn, biada, béssu, chomalnad, chumang, comarbus, dia, dánu, etargne, etiuth
- PROPN: maccidóndu
- Dat
- ADJ: glass, lainn, libardaib
- DET: cach, in, naib, nd, sin
- NOUN: dia, anmmain, buith, ceniul, charcair, coimthecht, comṡuidiguth, dindgnaib, déainmmnichdechaib, inis
- PROPN: lothlind, maddoc
- Dat
- ADJ: frecṅdircc
- NOUN: precept, carcair, chorp, chuimriug, eícndarcus, formut, irbáig, nem, nícc, nóinur
- Gen
- ADJ: minn
- DET: inna, ind
- NOUN: bachal, chasc, con, cói, denmo, dodcaid, doss, ecni, fairggae, fidbaidae
- PROPN: brigtae, ferguso, patric, ᚋᚐᚏᚈᚐᚔᚅ
- Gen
- ADJ: domunde
- DET: ind, inna
- NOUN: precepte, soscéli, belre, firinne, hirisse, mban, nanme, nathar, sosceli, tol
- PROPN: crist
- Nom
- ADJ: gann, acher, bec, cáin, dorchæ, línech, mall, mar, mass, mmall
- DET: in, a, ind, inḍt, ᚔᚅ
- NOUN: ᚉᚑᚉᚐᚏᚈ, dias, ainm, airdircus, aite, aithne, bendacht, bruach, cenéle, chliab
- PROPN: choirbbre, dongus, donngus, finguine, ruadri
- Nom
- ADJ: chotarsne, adthramli, dían, essamin, foirbthi, gáitha, inse, loingthech, maith, suaignid
- DET: in, a
- NOUN: airli, chenél, comairli, fochricc, foirbthetu, labrad, machthad, temel, thorbe, threte
- PROPN: abracham, moysi
- Voc
- NOUN: ingen
- PROPN: mail, máelecán
- Def
- ADP: do, ar, di, i
- DET: cach
- Ind
- ADP: hi, do, dom, ar, de, huas, i, and, dait, di
- DET: na
- Ind
- ADP: ar, dúib, oc, dar, i, de, di, fri, as, dochum
Degree and Polarity
Degree and Polarity
- Pos
- ADJ: ferr, gann, mar, nóib, acher, bec, cáin, dorchæ, droch, find
- Pos
- ADJ: chotarsne, domunde, adthramli, diadi, dían, essamin, foirbthi, frecṅdircc, gáitha, il
- Neg
- AUX: ní
- CCONJ: na
- PART: ni, ní, nad
- SCONJ: na, nach
- Neg
- ADV: nacc
- AUX: ni, naba, nirubtar, ní
- PART: ni, ní
- PRON: cain
- SCONJ: na, ná, nád
- Pos
- AUX: is, d, bid, bith, mba
- Pos
- AUX: is, d, ba, bimmi, p, am, as, bed, bes, i
Verbal Features
Verbal Features
- Imp
- VERB: bered, carad, gníthe
- Perf
- AUX: nirubtar
- VERB: nropridchissem, rocomalnisid, ronóibad, rreractid, rucca, rérachtid, árbas, érbarthar
- Imp
- AUX: bed, naba
- VERB: amlid, gaibid, léic, mil
- Ind
- AUX: is, ní, bith
- VERB: chain, braigim, cél, ecmoṅgat, epur, farcai, fuasna, giuil, llega, maraith
- Ind
- AUX: is, ni, bimmi, am, as, i, nda, nirubtar, ní
- VERB: tá, ail, anicc, beir, bered, bia, biur, biuu, carad, chechladar
- Sub
- AUX: d, bid, mba
- VERB: cóima, roib, samlar
- Sub
- AUX: d, ba, p, bes, ropad
- VERB: arim, beo, bera, berinn, certa, fulsam, gessam, gessir, labrar, nducaid
- Fut
- AUX: bith
- VERB: cél, róis, tiach
- Fut
- AUX: bimmi
- VERB: bia, chechladar, creitfess, gigeste, ririu
- Past
- AUX: bid
- VERB: giuil, roscribad, roscríbad, rosechestar
- Past
- AUX: nirubtar, ropad
- VERB: anicc, bered, berinn, carad, chretsit, gníthe, nropridchissem, rocomalnisid, ronóibad, rreractid
- Pres
- AUX: is, d, ní, mba
- VERB: chain, Gaib, braigim, cóima, ecmoṅgat, epur, farcai, fuasna, llega, maraith
- Pres
- AUX: is, d, ni, ba, p, am, as, bes, i, nda
- VERB: tá, ail, arim, beir, beo, bera, biur, biuu, certa, denim
- Act
- VERB: chain, Gaib, braigim, cél, cóima, ecmoṅgat, epur, farcai, fuasna, giuil
- Act
- VERB: tá, ail, amlid, anicc, arim, beir, beo, bera, bered, berinn
- Pass
- VERB: roscribad, roscríbad
- Pass
- VERB: etar, gníthe, ronóibad, árbas, érbarthar
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
- Art
- DET: in, a, ind, inna, naib, inḍt, nd, sin, ᚔᚅ, ṅ
- Art
- DET: inna, a, in, ind, na
- Dem
- PART: so, a, se, sin, siu
- Emp
- PRON: sa, si, se, ni, so, som
- Int
- PART: in
- PRON: cote, cain
- Prs
- ADP: dom, and, dait, de, dún, foir, frimm, friu, lat, oco
- PRON: a, m, mo, do, mei, mm, sí, t, thv, ᚐ
- SCONJ: nach
- Prs
- ADP: dúib, de, dét, frib, fuirib, indib, lib, lim, limm, linn
- PRON: mo, a, for, m, ar, t, far, hed, hé, b
- Yes
- PRON: mo, for, a, ar, far, do, m, mm
- 1
- ADP: dom, dún, frimm
- PRON: m, mo, mei, mm, sse
- VERB: braigim, cél, epur, samlar, scríbaimm, tiach, ágor
- 1
- ADP: lim, limm, linn
- AUX: bimmi, am, nda
- PRON: mo, m, ar, mm, n
- VERB: arim, beo, berinn, biur, biuu, denim, fulsam, gessam, gníu, guidimm
- 2
- ADP: dait, lat
- PRON: do, siu, sv, t, thv
- VERB: Gaib, róis
- 2
- ADP: dúib, dét, frib, fuirib, indib, lib, uáit, ṅduit
- AUX: ba, bed, naba
- PRON: for, t, far, b, do, ndob, tú
- VERB: amlid, gaibid, gigeste, léic, mil, nducaid, ngeiss, rocomalnisid, rreractid, rérachtid
- 3
- ADP: and, de, foir, friu, oco
- AUX: is, d, ní, bid, bith, mba
- PRON: a, som, sí, ᚐ
- SCONJ: nach
- VERB: chain, cóima, ecmoṅgat, farcai, fuasna, giuil, llega, maraith, mardda, roib
- 3
- ADP: de, tree
- AUX: is, d, ni, p, as, ba, bes, i, nirubtar, ní
- PRON: a, hed, hé, d, s
- VERB: tá, ail, anicc, beir, bera, bered, bia, carad, certa, chechladar
Other Features
Other Features
- AdpType
- Prep
- ADP: do, hi, ar, dom, i, de, di, huas, and, dait
- AdpType
- Prep
- ADP: ar, dúib, oc, dar, i, de, di, fri, as, dochum
- Foreign
- Yes
- ADV: amen
- CCONJ: et
- NOUN: femininum, ᚃᚓᚏᚔᚐ, ᚆᚑᚇᚔᚓ, accentus
- SCONJ: ut
- VERB: adest
- X: .c, .d.
- Foreign
- Yes
- CCONJ: et
- X: et, gloria, legis
- PartType
- Aug
- PART: ro
- VERB: roib, roscribad, roscríbad, rosechestar
- Dct
- Rel
- Vb
- PART: fo, Do, a, at, fu, in, no, th
- Voc
- PartType
- Dct
- Rel
- Vb
- PART: no, do, as, nas, a, at, con, d, eter, int
- Prefix
- Yes
- ADJ: nóib, droch, find, mar, menn, ᚋᚔᚅ
- NOUN: sam
- PART: ǽr
- Typo
- Yes
- DET: inḍt
- NOUN: ᚉᚑᚉᚐᚏᚈ, accentus, ᚙᚑᚉᚐᚏᚈ
- VerbType
- Cop
- AUX: is, d, ní, bid, bith, mba
- VerbType
- Cop
- AUX: is, d, ni, ba, bimmi, p, am, as, bed, bes
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus uses 1 lemmas as copulas (cop). Examples: is.
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus uses 1 lemmas as copulas (cop). Examples: is.
- This corpus does not contain auxiliaries.
- This corpus does not contain auxiliaries.
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN-Acc (1)
- VERB--NOUN-Nom (5)
- VERB--PRON (1)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN-Acc (5)
- VERB--NOUN-Nom (3)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN-Acc (13)
- VERB--PRON (2)
Relations Overview
- This corpus uses 10 relation subtypes: acl:relcl, case:voc, compound:prt, flat:foreign, nmod:poss, nmod:pre, obj:infx, obl:agent, obl:prep, obl:tmod
- The following 1 main types are not used alone, they are always subtyped: compound
- The following 13 relation types are not used in this corpus at all: iobj, csubj, xcomp, expl, aux, appos, clf, fixed, list, orphan, goeswith, reparandum, dep
Relations Overview
- This corpus uses 8 relation subtypes: acl:relcl, compound:prt, flat:foreign, mark:int, nmod:poss, nsubj:outer, obj:infx, obl:prep
- The following 2 main types are not used alone, they are always subtyped: compound, flat
- The following 15 relation types are not used in this corpus at all: iobj, vocative, expl, discourse, aux, appos, nummod, clf, fixed, list, orphan, goeswith, reparandum, punct, dep