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Case: case

Case helps specify the role of the noun phrase in the sentence. For example, the nominative and accusative cases often distinguish subject and object of the verb, while in fixed-word-order languages these functions would be distinguished merely by the positions of the nouns in the sentence.

In Turkish, case is an inflectional feature of nouns. In some cases, numerals) may also be inflected for case when they are used as nouns.

Traditionally, Tatar is considered to have 6 cases: Nom (Nominative), Acc (Accusative), Gen (Genitive), Dat (Dative), Loc (Locative), and Abl (Ablative). We also consider suffix -ча or -чә as a Equ (Equative) case suffix. This treatment enables flexible morphological analyses for rather productive expressions such as әйт-ү-ен-чә (say-VNoun-3-Equ) “according to him”.

Nom: nominative / direct

The base form of the noun, typically used as citation form (lemma).


Acc: accusative

Tatar usually marks a definite direct object with accusative case. Indefinite direct objects do not receive the accusative suffix, but stays in the bare form (Nom).

In Tatar Acc is expressed by the suffix -ны or -не when the noun does not have a 3rd person possessive suffix; when it does, it is expressed by the suffix .


Dat: dative

Dative case is typically used to indicate movement into/towards/to a place or time. The oblique arguments of some verbs and complements (noun phrases) of some postpositions also required to be in dative case.

In Tatar Dat is expressed by the suffix -га, ка, гә, or кә.


Gen: genitive

A prototypical meaning of genitive is that the noun phrase belongs to its governor in some manner; it would often be translated by the English preposition of. Complements of some postpositions are also required to be in genitive case. The genitive morpheme may also mark the subject of some sorts of subordinate clauses (cf. Exceptional Case Marking).

In Tatar, Gen is expressed by the suffix -ның or нең.


Loc: locative

The locative case often expresses location in space or time, which gave it its name. The oblique arguments of some verbs and complements (noun phrases) also required to be in locative case.

In Tatar Loc is expressed by the suffix -да, -дә, -та, or -тә.


Abl: ablative

A noun with ablative typically means a starting point from which something moves away. The oblique arguments of some verbs and the complements (noun phrases) of some postpositions are also required to be in ablative case. Ablative is also used as a denominator in fraction numerals.

In Tatar Abl is marked by -дан, -дән, -тан, -тән, -нан, or -нән.


Equ: equative

In Tatar, The equative case means “X-like”, “according to X”, “X-ish”, etc. This case-marking is productive, but is more restricted than other cases.


Case in other languages: [am] [apu] [arr] [bej] [bg] [cs] [el] [eme] [en] [es] [ess] [et] [fi] [ga] [gn] [grc] [gub] [hu] [hy] [ka] [kmr] [koi] [kpv] [ky] [mdf] [myu] [myv] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tl] [tpn] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urb] [urj]