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nsubj: nominal subject

A nominal subject (nsubj) is a nominal which is the syntactic subject of a clause. In Georgian a nominal subject is a nominal which is the (ergative, nominative or dative) subject of the verbal predicate. The governor of this relation is typically a verb with the following exceptions: when the verb is a copular verb, the nsubj relation is headed by the complement of the copular verb, which can be an adjective or a noun. E.g.

თეთრ მარმარილოს კიბეებზე ყვაოდა დილა/NOUN. \n 'Morning was blooming on the white marble stairs.'
nsubj(ყვაოდა, დილა)
თითქოს ზოსიმე მღვდელს ენამ/NOUN უყივლა. \n 'It was as if the priest Zosime had felt something.'
nsubj(უყივლა, ენამ)
ძვირფასმა/ADJ მაჩუქა პატარა ცინდალი. \n 'The dear one gave me a small balsam.' 
nsubj(მაჩუქა, ძვირფასმა)
ქუჩები და მოედნები უზრუნველად მოსეირნე გოგო-ბიჭებს/NOUN აევსო. \n 'Carefree walking girls and boys filled streets and squares.' 
nsubj(აევსო, გოგო-ბიჭებს)

NB Note that when the verb is used in the passive voice the nominal syntactic subject is marked with the subtype nsubj:pass. When the subject is clausal, it’s preferable to use other specialized relations (csubj or its subtype csubj:pass.

nsubj in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [ess] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [fro] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [kmr] [ky] [mr] [myv] [no] [pa] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [uz] [vi] [yue] [zh]