UD Teko TuDeT
Language: Teko (code: eme
Family: Tupian, Maweti-Guarani
This treebank has been part of Universal Dependencies since the UD v2.10 release.
The following people have contributed to making this treebank part of UD: Uliana Vedenina, Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi.
Repository: UD_Teko-TuDeT
Search this treebank on-line: PML-TQ
Download all treebanks: UD 2.14
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Genre: grammar-examples
Questions, comments? General annotation questions (either Teko-specific or cross-linguistic) can be raised in the main UD issue tracker. You can report bugs in this treebank in the treebank-specific issue tracker on Github. If you want to collaborate, please contact [fabricio • gerardi (æt) uni-tuebingen • de]. Development of the treebank happens directly in the UD repository, so you may submit bug fixes as pull requests against the dev branch.
Annotation | Source |
Lemmas | annotated manually |
UPOS | annotated manually, natively in UD style |
XPOS | not available |
Features | annotated manually, natively in UD style |
Relations | annotated manually, natively in UD style |
UD_Teko-TuDeT is a collection of annotated sentences in Tekó (Emérillon) . The sentences stem from the only grammatical description of the language (Rose, 2011). Sentence annotation and documantation by Uliana Vedenina and Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi.
UD_Teko-TuDeT is a collection of annotated sentences in Tekó (Emérillon) . It is part of TuLaR, Tupían Language Resources. The project is work-in-progress and the treebank is being updated on a regular basis. Sentence annotation and documantation by Uliana Vedenina and Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi.
Text sources
- Rose, Françoise (2011), Grammaire de l’Émerillon Teko: une langue Tupi-Guarani de Guyane Française. Leuven: Peeters.
The development of this treebank is supported by the by European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 834050).
Statistics of UD Teko TuDeT
POS Tags
Accomp – Also – Aspect – Case – Clusivity – Conces – Contrast – Corf – Degree – Emph – Excl – Foc – Imprs – Int – Intens – Mood – Nmzr – Number – Number[obj] – Number[subj] – Person – Person[obj] – Person[subj] – Polarity – Pred – PronType – Red – Reflex – Rel – Subord – Tense – Top – VerbForm – Voice
acl – advcl – advmod – amod – appos – case – cc – ccomp – compound – conj – cop – dep – det – discourse – dislocated – fixed – flat – iobj – mark – nmod – nsubj – nummod – obj – obl – parataxis – punct – root – vocative – xcomp
Tokenization and Word Segmentation
- This corpus contains 913 sentences, 2689 tokens and 2896 syntactic words.
- All tokens in this corpus are followed by a space.
- This corpus does not contain words with spaces.
- This corpus contains 7 types of words that contain both letters and punctuation. Examples: Trois-Sautskotɨ, F., K., La.Franceapewar, en.92anam, la.mairie, parce.que
- This corpus contains 191 multi-word tokens. On average, one multi-word token consists of 2.08 syntactic words.
- There are 150 types of multi-word tokens. Examples: awakʷəraraʔɨr, nanipamẽ, nanipamẽitʃe, arehete, baʔekomarehe, oibarehe, zawararehe, Polorekojaram, amanaraʔɨrate, amanaraʔɨraterehe, amãhãitʃe, apamabaʔekʷər, apamaʔesiparate, ijɨrehewe, lekolazar, nanãhãte, otuirupiwe, oɨrumõde, panaĩsĩkomarupidʒi, pasiʔɨrehedʒira, perupi, pirarehe, planchearehe, tazar, tekorapɨdʒate, tupawər, wɨrakʷar, zawarakomarehe, zawararaʔɨr, zaɨaʔebaʔekʷər, 12zaɨãhã, SaintGeorgesarupidʒi, Sisukija, abaʔepotɨrpoʔo, akaʔakuarupiwe, akaʔanũpã, akãakãmãʔẽrehe, amõkomabaʔekʷəranẽ, anamiaha, apamabaʔekʷərakom, apamabaʔepeãhã, apoʔãetaokar, apõʔãnoŋ, asĩŋatumãʔẽrehe, awarapɨdʒato, awawo, azenamiahaokar, aʔebarehete, aʔekomaraikʷararupawərareheʔe, aʔekomãhã.
- This corpus uses 15 UPOS tags out of 17 possible: ADP, ADV, AUX, CCONJ, DET, INTJ, NOUN, NUM, PART, PRON, PROPN, PUNCT, SCONJ, VERB, X
- This corpus does not use the following tags: ADJ, SYM
- This corpus contains 17 word types tagged as particles (PART): a, am, enam, kupanam, kupao, kupaɲ, mame, mamen, mamenako, mamenasinã, pir, sa, siʔe, taenã, to, waɨ, waɨkuwa
- This corpus contains 17 lemmas tagged as pronouns (PRON): am, amõ, awa, de, e, ede, ereɲ, idʒe, maŋ, mozepẽ, nõde, orereɲ, orone, pamẽ, tede, wɨɲ, ze
- This corpus contains 6 lemmas tagged as determiners (DET): a, aŋ, aʔe, les, wɨɲ, ɨɲ
- Out of the above, 1 lemmas occurred sometimes as PRON and sometimes as DET: wɨɲ
- This corpus contains 5 lemmas tagged as auxiliaries (AUX): ate, dati, dʒu, kob, tui
- Out of the above, 2 lemmas occurred sometimes as AUX and sometimes as VERB: dʒu, tui
- There are 2 (de)verbal forms:
- Ger
- ADP: rupi, rehe, rehete, idʒupekupamãʔẽ, rehewe
- ADV: nanimãʔẽra
- AUX: adʒumãʔẽ, otuiomãʔẽrehe
- NOUN: wanemãʔẽ, nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ, dawarimãʔẽ, ereiba, piramãʔẽ, tamãʔẽ, tukukimaʔẽ, zaɨr, akãakãmãʔẽ, asĩŋatumãʔẽ
- NUM: mokoɲamãʔẽkom
- VERB: nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte, arowarowagamãʔẽkom, airuɲmãʔẽ, obaʔebaʔemãʔẽ, odʒapɨakamãʔẽ, omanõmãʔẽ, onanmãʔẽate, onaʔaŋtanẽmãʔẽte, otuiomãʔẽ, otuipamãʔẽ
- Ser
- VERB: azemim, sidʒemin, azaug, ekʷa, ezo, oho, ohoɲ, opopor, owawag, owawagoŋ
Nominal Features
- Plur
- ADP: nõdereheo, rehe, nõderehe, ehekom, ehekomanawe, pedehe, pedeheɲ, pegotɨ, rehete
- AUX: sidʒu, pedʒu
- DET: aʔekom, aʔekoma, wɨɲakom, wɨɲakomãhã
- NOUN: pitakom, wãĩwĩkom, baʔekom, munakom, lekolazarakom, logementssociauxkom, awakʷərakom, baʔekoma, ikɨwɨrakom, nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ
- NOUN-Ger: nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ, ereiba, imodamãʔẽkom, nõderapɨdʒapope
- NUM-Ger: mokoɲamãʔẽkom
- PART: kupao
- PRON: nõde, amõkom, amõkoma, nõdekom, nõdepe, orereɲ
- PROPN: tekokom, meneɲõkom, tekokomãhã, Sẽswawanakom
- VERB: pedʒapɨakaõwã, sikuwakatu, pedʒuɲ, pekuar, pezika, sidʒemin, sinan, tomãʔẽkom, depeidudʒi, depezezikatari
- VERB-Ger: oʔuramãʔẽkom
- VERB-Ser: sidʒemin
- Sing
- ADP: derehe, erehe, dewɨrakotɨ, epewaramte, nõdeʔaragatu, orepe
- ADV: ekotɨ, awɨganam
- AUX: adʒu, adʒumãʔẽ, adʒunẽɲ, eredʒu, eredʒuɲ
- AUX-Ger: adʒumãʔẽ
- CCONJ: deroʔoram
- NOUN: emen, ereiba, eraha, erapɨdʒape, eru, ezozopodʒ, abaʔepotɨr, akaʔa, anami, apoʔã
- NOUN-Ger: derapɨdʒ, ereram
- PRON: idʒe, ede, ereɲ, idʒeate, tede, edeatesipo, depe, epe, idʒeanẽ, idʒeenam
- VERB: ekʷa, abaʔe, ahotar, aiɲuŋokar, azor, damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi, aho, aiɲuŋokartar, amãʔẽ, apotar
- VERB-Ger: airuɲmãʔẽ
- VERB-Ser: azemim, azaug, ekʷa, ezo
- Abl
- ADP: idʒuwi, idʒuwiŋ
- ADV: kowi, ɨɲtʃɨwi
- DET: aʔewi, aŋawi, ɨɲawite
- NOUN: kawi, wɨrawi, apamawi, apamaʔewi, baʔewi, kʷarawi, urukureʔawi, ewinẽ, idʒuwi, ikuɲawi
- PROPN: Cayenneawinẽ
- All
- DET: aʔegotɨnẽʔe
- NOUN: watekotɨ, masogotɨ, nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ, nõdezarakotɨ, wɨrakarakotɨ, apɨdʒakotɨ, oapɨdʒakotɨ, watekotɨwarakom, wɨrakarakotɨnuwã
- NOUN-Ger: nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ
- PROPN: Trois-Sautskotɨ, Renékotɨ
- Dat
- ADP: idʒupe
- NOUN: lekolape, bokalape, maziʔogape, Kayenape, pitakomape, zoaʔɨrape, ʔarape, erapɨdʒape, ikerape, iparɨrupe
- PRON: awapeto, depe, epe, nõdepe
- PROPN: Cayenneape, La.Franceapewar
- VERB: mãʔẽharakomape
- Loc
- ADP: iwɨrakotɨ, iʔar, dewɨrakotɨ, iwɨb, owɨb
- DET: aʔepori
- NOUN: ʔɨb, kijapope, baʔepopedʒi, bokalapedʒi, kukupope, patupope, tab, zawapinimaʔar, ʔɨpope, ikotɨ
- NOUN-Ger: kaʔapopemãʔẽ, nõderapɨdʒapope, səmãʔẽʔar, tamãʔẽpope
- PROPN: surinamapope, Camopipori
- Ref
- ADP: ba, rehe, ehekomanawe, iʔarawe, nõdeʔaragatu, rehete
- ADV: ikemɨnanam, aipoate, munuʔaŋanate, mɨnawe, dizeraʔenawe, en92anam, korate, matɨwara, mɨnawarer, nanaɨwərasipo
- AUX: kobaitʃe, kobara, kobazepe
- DET: wɨɲate, aŋara, aʔeate, aʔekoma, wɨɲakom, wɨɲakomãhã, wɨɲanẽ
- NOUN: awakʷəra, lekola, zawara, amana, apama, munakom, lekolazarakom, raʔɨrate, awakʷərakom, baʔekoma
- NOUN-Ger: poromokonamãʔẽate, rapɨdʒate, raʔɨrate
- NUM-Ger: mokoɲamãʔẽkom
- PART: mamenasinã, mamenako
- PRON: idʒeate, edeatesipo, amõkoma, idʒeanẽ, maŋato
- PROPN: SaintGeorgesa, Sẽswawanakom, tekoate
- VERB: arowarowagamãʔẽkom, oʔararehe, ereikɨdʒanũwã, eremozaugaõwãzepeʔepo, eretarawadʒenuwã, ewurana, ewuranã, okoaraõwã, omomokoɲanam, omõgʷeraharanẽ
- VERB-Ger: arowarowagamãʔẽkom, onanmãʔẽate, oʔuramãʔẽkom, zaiɲuŋamãʔẽ
- Tra
- ADP: epewaramte
- NOUN: ʒãdamam, ɨŋam, tarawadʒam, wãĩwĩam, aʔɨam, aʔɨamnẽ, baʔeraʔɨraʔepɨhɨgam, duriam, karaam, kudʒaburuam
- NOUN-Ger: ereram
- PART: am
- PROPN: tekoam
Degree and Polarity
- Aug
- NOUN: arakapusauhu, duʔauhu, wɨraʔauhu, bodʒuhukom
- Cmp
- ADV: naonanpɨrɨnẽ
- AUX: kobtarpɨrɨ
- NOUN: atãpɨrɨ, epɨbɨrɨ, ipoɨdjpɨlɨ, izonaɲapɨrɨ, taʔɨrpɨrɨ
- VERB: okuwapɨlɨ
- Dim
- NOUN: takuruũwĩ, pitaŋaũwĩ
- VERB: emõdurawĩ, oʔoʔogawĩ
- Sup
- NOUN: səbɨrɨ
- Neg
- ADP: iwonõwã
- ADV: dimani, dikaruginam, nanenũwã, wɨtʃɨnũwãso
- AUX: dati
- NOUN: kuʔidʒinũwã, nõderɨruũwã, sikãĩnũwã, wɨrakaranũwã, zarenũwã, daepɨdʒiaʔu, debaʔewari, dekaraɨdʒi, dekuɲaɲi, demebɨri
- NUM: dimokoɲi
- PART: waɨ, mame, mamen, mamenasinã, waɨkuwa, mamenako
- PROPN: tekoũwã
- VERB: damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi, datɨpɨdʒi, nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte, dapotari, dapɨhɨgi, dosuʔutari, dozaugi, dozemõdɨʔariŋ, nõdurtari, nõdutari
- VERB-Ger: nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte
Verbal Features
- Compl
- ADV: manãkuwapa
- AUX: kobpakatu
- NOUN: deraɨhɨpadʒi, nõderaɨhɨpadʒira, poroʔupa, zazemõapampa
- VERB: oiɲuŋbanam, oʔupakatu, oʔupanawe, zapɨhɨpa, akuwapakatu, dabaʔepatari, dazaugpadʒi, dobaʔepakatudʒi, oeraokompa, ohopaŋ
- VERB-Ger: otuipamãʔẽ
- Cont
- ADP: nõdereheo, pedeheɲ
- ADV: ikotɨɲ
- AUX: otuio, adʒunẽɲ, eredʒuɲ, otuiomãʔẽrehe
- AUX-Ger: otuiomãʔẽrehe
- NOUN: ibaʔeraɨo, zawaro, emẽbɨriɲ, ibaʔewato, nõdekuruo, oibao, omẽbɨro, poroiruwo
- PART: kupao, kupaɲ
- VERB: omumuɲõ, oʔao, oapɨgo, esago, ohoɲ, okeokero, okero, okʷaɲ, omãʔẽo, oʔuo
- VERB-Ger: airuɲmãʔẽ, otuiomãʔẽ
- Iter
- AUX: otuiʔe
- DET: aŋeʔe
- NOUN: imeneʔe
- VERB: oporeʔe, opoʔoʔe, aiɲuŋeʔe, eʔiʔe, ohoʔe, okusugatuʔe, okusuggatuʔe, okusukusugkatueʔe, okusukusukatueʔe, opukudʒeʔe
- Des
- NOUN: nõdeapisitanẽ
- VERB: erezaugtanẽpo, onaʔaŋtanẽmãʔẽte, zamãʔẽtanẽ
- VERB-Ger: onaʔaŋtanẽmãʔẽte
- Dub
- ADV: kʷienã
- PART: taenã
- Imp
- NOUN: pewɨkəko
- VERB: ekʷa, pedʒapɨakaõwã, ezo, pezika, ehem, ekerakoɲ, ekukusugkatu, ekukusukatu, emeʔeŋ, emõdur
- VERB-Ser: ekʷa, ezo
- Irr
- ADV: wɨtʃɨkuwa, ãhãitʃe, wanekuwa, manãkuwapa, wanegatukuwa
- AUX: kobaitʃe
- NOUN: nõdeawuawekuwaenam, nõdekamitʃakuwa
- PART: waɨkuwa
- PRON: pamẽitʃe
- VERB: opokadʒaitʃe, ozepiraitʃe
- Jus
- NOUN: derapɨdʒnane
- PART: mamenasinã, mamenako
- PRON: kede
- Per
- NOUN: tekuar, tenũpã
- VERB: tapoʔo, tareko, tomãʔẽ, tomãʔẽkom, topaʔam, toʔu, taboɨg, taike, tairur, tamãʔẽ
- Fut
- AUX: kobtar, kobtarpɨrɨ, otuitar, zabodʒutar
- NOUN: diawutari, eawutar, erapɨdʒtar, erepokogtar, ezikatar, nõdeawutari
- NUM: mokoɲtaroŋ
- VERB: ahotar, oʔutar, damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi, nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte, aiɲuŋokartar, orohotar, oʔurtar, aiɲuŋokatar, anantar, awedʒutar
- VERB-Ger: nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte
- Past
- ADP: reherako
- ADV: kweherako, nanirako
- NOUN: kowioʔu
- VERB: ozemõdɨʔaramõnam, õhemoʔu
- Cau
- AUX: zabodʒutar
- NOUN: poromõmaʔam, emozeburupakomokar, emozemohun, nõdemõdokaroŋ, nõdemõgʷera, obobaʔewatokat, oromozonaɲokar, zazemõapampa
- VERB: aiɲuŋokar, aiɲuŋokartar, ahaokar, aiɲuŋokatar, etaokar, obosale, oboʔa, okaʔarokar, zabaʔeokar, amokoɲokar
- SCau
- NOUN: derozaug, erowawag
- VERB: oweronan, arowarowag, oeroker, areko, arowag, aroãbɨ, aroʔa, erahoɲ, oeraho, oerokʷa
- X: eraho
Pronouns, Determiners, Quantifiers
- Ind
- PRON: amõ, mozepẽ, amõenam, amõkom, amõkoma
- Rcp
- ADP: zekapɨrernẽ, zeʔar, zeʔari
- ADV: zekapɨrernẽ, zeporikatu
- CCONJ: zeʔoram
- PRON: ze
- VERB: zemenõ
- Tot
- PRON: pamẽ, pamẽitʃe
- Yes
- ADV: zeakapɨreri
- NOUN: azenami, emozemohun, ozekɨ, ozewa, ozeɨru, zazemõapampa
- VERB: azemim, ozemim, sidʒemin, azeboʔe, azemimtar, azemɨmgatu, dazemimi, depezezikatari, omozezopodʒ, onenaŋoŋ
- VERB-Ser: azemim, sidʒemin
- 1
- ADP: nõdereheo, erehe, nõderehe, epewaramte, nõdeʔaragatu, orepe, rehete
- ADV: ekotɨ, ikotɨŋ, awɨganam
- AUX: adʒu, sidʒu, adʒumãʔẽ, adʒunẽɲ
- AUX-Ger: adʒumãʔẽ
- NOUN: ereiba, emen, nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ, eraha, erapɨdʒape, eru, ezozopodʒ, nõdeawuawekuwaenam, nõdebaʔe, nõderɨruũwã
- NOUN-Ger: nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ, ereiba, ereram, nõderapɨdʒapope
- PRON: idʒe, nõde, idʒeate, ereɲ, orereɲ, epe, idʒeanẽ, idʒeenam, idʒerawe, idʒeãhã
- VERB: abaʔe, ahotar, aiɲuŋokar, azor, damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi, aho, aiɲuŋokartar, amãʔẽ, apotar, arowarowag
- VERB-Ger: airuɲmãʔẽ
- VERB-Ser: azemim, sidʒemin, azaug
- 2
- ADP: derehe, dewɨrakotɨ, pedehe, pedeheɲ, pegotɨ
- AUX: eredʒu, eredʒuɲ, pedʒu
- CCONJ: deroʔoram
- NOUN: itawa, pepazenam, debaʔewarapo, debaʔewaraso, defreãhã, deleiba, demõdate, deradʒɨr, derapɨdʒ, derapɨdʒnane
- NOUN-Ger: derapɨdʒ
- PRON: ede, tede, edeatesipo, ereɲ, depe, kede, sede
- VERB: ekʷa, pedʒapɨakaõwã, erenũpã, erepotanẽso, erezor, ezo, pedʒuɲ, pekuar, pezika, depeidudʒi
- VERB-Ser: ekʷa, ezo
- 3
- ADP: oehe, owɨb
- AUX: otuio, otui, otuiʔe, otuiomãʔẽrehe, otuitar
- AUX-Ger: otuiomãʔẽrehe
- NOUN: oiba, oɨru, orekʷar, idʒar, oakaŋ, okẽ, owɨ, ozara, oɨ, apɨdʒakotɨ
- VERB: oho, oiɲuŋ, eʔi, oʔa, obaʔe, oker, omãʔẽ, onan, owir, owur
- VERB-Ger: nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte, obaʔebaʔemãʔẽ, odʒapɨakamãʔẽ, omanõmãʔẽ, onanmãʔẽate, onaʔaŋtanẽmãʔẽte, otuiomãʔẽ, otuipamãʔẽ, owatamaʔẽ, ozikamãʔẽ
- VERB-Ser: oho, ohoɲ, opopor, owawag, owawagoŋ, oʔa, oʔu
Other Features
- Accomp
- Yes
- ADP: rehedʒira
- ADV: nanimãʔẽra, pɨanamara
- ADV-Ger: nanimãʔẽra
- AUX: kobara
- DET: aŋara
- NOUN: nõderaɨhɨpadʒira
- PRON: idʒerawe
- VERB: eʔira
- Yes
- Also
- Yes
- ADP: rupiwe, ipuriweʔe, iʔarawe, rehewe
- ADP-Ger: rehewe
- ADV: mɨnawe
- NOUN: wɨrawe, arakapusawe, eibawe, nõdeawuawekuwaenam, sikãĩwe, səwe, dereibawesipo, dʒuribaweʔe, edʒɨawe, edʒɨwe
- PRON: idʒerawe, oronekomuwe
- VERB: orohotaruwe, okidʒewerehe, taowe
- Yes
- Clusivity
- Ex
- ADP: orepe
- NOUN: oronekarakuri, oronekarakurinam, oronekarakuriõwãnam
- PRON: orereɲ, oronekomuwe
- VERB: orohotar, orohotaruwe, orowɨgtareʔe, orozopodʒ, toroike, torowɨkɨpodʒ
- In
- ADP: nõdereheo, nõderehe, nõdeʔaragatu, rehete
- AUX: sidʒu
- NOUN: nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ, nõdeawuawekuwaenam, nõdebaʔe, nõdemõdokaroŋ, nõderɨruũwã, nõdezar, nõdezarakotɨ, nõdeapisitanẽ, nõdeawutari, nõdebaʔekʷəra
- NOUN-Ger: nõdebaʔemãʔẽkotɨ, nõderapɨdʒapope
- PRON: nõde, nõdekom, nõdepe, orereɲ
- VERB: sikuwakatu, sidʒemin, sinan, disidʒapɨakadʒi, disimãʔẽɲi, nõderapɨdʒ, seike, seikokom, sibaʔetar, sidʒaonẽ
- VERB-Ser: sidʒemin
- Ex
- Conces
- Yes
- AUX: kobazepe
- VERB: eremozaugaõwãzepeʔepo, sidʒeminanãzepe
- Yes
- Contrast
- Yes
- ADP: zekapɨrernẽ, ipopenẽ
- ADV: wɨtʃɨnẽ, atɨnẽ, cinqenam, kɨwonẽ, naonanpɨrɨnẽ, zekapɨrernẽ
- AUX: kobnẽ, adʒunẽɲ
- DET: aʔegotɨnẽʔe, wɨɲanẽ
- NOUN: aʔɨamnẽ, nananẽ, apamanẽ, baʔekʷəranẽ, ewinẽ, nõdeɨane, oesiruwanẽ, oɨruanẽʔe, rɨepopenẽ, takuruʔaranẽ
- PRON: idʒeanẽ
- PROPN: Cayenneawinẽ
- VERB: omãʔẽnẽ, amãʔẽnẽ, erepotanẽso, erezikanẽ, eʔinẽɨwər, omõgʷeraharanẽ, ozemokasinẽ, sidʒaonẽ, õhẽõhemnẽ
- Yes
- Corf
- Yes
- ADP: oehe, owɨb
- NOUN: oiba, oakaŋ, orekʷar, owɨ, ozara, oɨ, apɨdʒakotɨ, oapar, oapara, oapɨdʒakotɨ
- VERB: omõgʷeraharanẽ, osapatokom
- Yes
- Emph
- Yes
- ADP: ipuriweʔe, iwɨrakotɨʔe, iʔareʔe, reheʔe
- ADV: ameʔenam
- DET: aŋeʔe, wɨɲeʔe, aʔegotɨnẽʔe
- NOUN: dʒuribaweʔe, iboteaweʔe, oronekarakuriõwãnam, oɨruanẽʔe, sapaweʔe
- VERB: pedʒapɨakaõwã, eremozaugaõwãzepeʔepo, odʒarapaʔameʔe, omowaɲeʔe, omãʔẽnaneʔe, owerahotareʔeŋ, sidʒapɨakaõwã, tepedʒapɨakaõwã, õhemeʔe
- Yes
- Excl
- Yes
- ADV: matɨsipo, manasipo, nanaɨwərasipo
- NOUN: baʔesipo, dereibawesipo, emenatesipo
- PRON: edeatesipo, awasipo
- VERB: pezeboaitesipo
- Yes
- Foc
- Yes
- ADP: rehete, epewaramte, ipurite
- ADP-Ger: rehete
- ADV: ãhãte, ãtɨte, aipoate, aipote, korate, nanirehete
- CCONJ: oʔoramte
- DET: wɨɲate, aʔeate, ɨɲawite
- NOUN: raʔɨrate, siparate, iwaɲete, rapɨdʒate, aʔɨrate, demõdate, dʒaiwərate, emenatesipo, ibaridʒate, idʒarɨdʒate
- NOUN-Ger: poromokonamãʔẽate, rapɨdʒate, raʔɨrate
- PRON: idʒeate, edeatesipo
- PROPN: tekoate
- VERB: nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte, aʔete, onanmãʔẽate, onaʔaŋtanẽmãʔẽte, pezeboaitesipo
- VERB-Ger: nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte, onanmãʔẽate, onaʔaŋtanẽmãʔẽte
- Yes
- Imprs
- Yes
- ADP: zoehe
- AUX: zadʒu, zabodʒutar
- NOUN: zoɨpɨ, poromõmaʔam, poropɨhɨg, zoaʔɨrape, poroiruwo, poromokonamãʔẽate, porozikaharate, poroʔupa, zazemõapampa, zokarakurikom
- NOUN-Ger: poromokonamãʔẽate
- VERB: zaiko, zadʒapɨaka, zaho, zamãʔẽ, zapuru, odʒakaʔar, zabaʔeokar, zaidu, zaikenam, zapɨhɨpa
- VERB-Ger: zaiɲuŋamãʔẽ
- Yes
- Int
- Yes
- ADV: mananesipo, mananeto, mananãhãto, manãto, mataʔe, matɨsipo, wanepa, ãhãsa, ãhãso, manasipo
- INTJ: tãõwãpo
- NOUN: baʔeto, baʔesipo, pairato, debaʔewarapo, debaʔewaraso, dereibawesipo, emenatesipo, pebaridʒaso, pebaridʒateso, rapɨdʒato
- PART: taenã, to
- PRON: tede, awata, awapeto, awasipo, edeatesipo, maŋato, sede
- VERB: erepotanẽso, aʔenũwãso, eremozaugaõwãzepeʔepo, erepotaneso, erepotarnẽso, erezaugtanẽpo, noidudʒiso, pezeboaitesipo, seredʒuɲ, teredʒu
- Yes
- Intens
- Yes
- ADP: nõdeʔaragatu
- ADV: imaniaɨ, wanegatukuwa, zeporikatu
- AUX: datikatu, kobpakatu
- NOUN: perabkatu, tukukaɨ, asĩŋatumãʔẽ, dikarakuriaɨdʒi, iɲuʔaŋaɨ
- NOUN-Ger: asĩŋatumãʔẽ
- VERB: damãʔẽtaraɨdʒi, nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte, sikuwakatu, oʔupakatu, akuwapakatu, azemɨmgatu, didʒamãʔẽaɨdʒi, dobaʔepakatudʒi, ekukusugkatu, ekukusukatu
- VERB-Ger: nomãʔẽtaraɨdʒimãʔẽte
- Yes
- Nmzr
- Adv
- ADP: epewaramte, ipopewar
- ADV: amewar, matɨwara, mɨnawarer
- NOUN: tatapewan, watekotɨwarakom
- PROPN: La.Franceapewar, Sẽswawanakom
- Ag
- NOUN: ibaʔehar, porozikaharate, zomãʔẽnanhar, zozikahar
- VERB: baʔehar, kisiha, mãʔẽharakomape, omõgʷeraharanẽ
- Inst
- NOUN: zozikaa
- VERB: apɨka, dzewaka, pukutʃa, pɨhɨka, zozoga
- Adv
- Number[obj]
- Plur
- NOUN: dezarakom, emozeburupakomokar, nõdemõdokaroŋ, nõderaʔɨrakomateenam
- VERB: arowarowagamãʔẽkom, aporoekar, azikakom
- VERB-Ger: arowarowagamãʔẽkom
- Sing
- ADV: ekotɨŋ
- NOUN: epotaroŋ, eparɨkom
- VERB: toroʔu
- Plur
- Number[subj]
- Plur
- ADP: eheŋ, idʒupekupamãʔẽ, idʒupeŋ, idʒuwiŋ
- ADP-Ger: idʒupekupamãʔẽ
- ADV: ekotɨŋ, ikotɨŋ, kotɨŋ
- NOUN: epotaroŋ, ebɨgoŋ, eparɨkom, nõdemõdokaroŋ, apɨdʒoŋ, ebɨʔaramoŋnõwã, eibaŋ, iawuŋ, imenoŋ, iɲuʔaŋoŋ
- NUM: mokoɲoŋ, mokoɲtaroŋ
- PART: kupao, kupanam, kupaɲ
- VERB: ohoŋ, okuʔeŋ, obaʔeŋ, opɨhɨgoŋ, oʔaŋ, dozemõdɨʔariŋ, meʔeŋoŋ, oiɲuŋoŋ, onũpãŋ, opaʔamoŋ
- VERB-Ser: owawagoŋ
- Sing
- NOUN: dezarakom, emozeburupakomokar
- VERB: arowarowagamãʔẽkom, azikakom, toroʔu
- VERB-Ger: arowarowagamãʔẽkom
- Plur
- Person[obj]
- 1
- ADV: ekotɨŋ
- NOUN: epotaroŋ, eparɨkom, nõdemõdokaroŋ, nõderaʔɨrakomateenam
- 2
- VERB: aporoekar, toroʔu
- 1
- Person[subj]
- 1
- NOUN: emozeburupakomokar
- VERB: arowarowagamãʔẽkom, aporoekar, azikakom, toroʔu
- VERB-Ger: arowarowagamãʔẽkom
- 2
- NOUN: dezarakom
- 1
- Pred
- Yes
- NOUN: bɨgi, siŋi, tukugi, kuʔidʒi, tabedʒi, tawadʒi, tukukimaʔẽ, bɨgimãʔẽ
- NOUN-Ger: tukukimaʔẽ, bɨgimãʔẽ
- Yes
- Red
- Yes
- NOUN: ezozopodʒ, orɨorɨ, akãakãmãʔẽ, ememebɨr, erowawag, oʔɨwiwi, səsəwe
- NOUN-Ger: akãakãmãʔẽ
- VERB: oituĩtun, arowarowag, opopor, arowarowagamãʔẽkom, oetaeta, oitunitun, oiɲuiɲuŋ, okeokero, omãʔẽmãʔẽ, ozezeka
- VERB-Ger: arowarowagamãʔẽkom, obaʔebaʔemãʔẽ
- VERB-Ser: owawagoŋ
- Yes
- Rel
- Abs
- NOUN: tapɨdʒ, tata, tupa, tapɨdʒa, tapɨdʒam, tapɨdʒape, tapɨdʒapope, tatapewan, taʔaŋa, taʔɨrpɨrɨ
- Cont
- ADP: rehe, rupi, rehete, nõdereheo, rehewe, rupiwe, derehe, ehe, erehe, nõderehe
- ADV: nanirehete
- AUX-Ger: otuiomãʔẽrehe
- CCONJ: deroʔoram
- NOUN: raʔɨr, karairupi, reiba, ereiba, raʔɨrate, awurehe, eraha, erapɨdʒape, eru, nipẽrehe
- NOUN-Ger: asĩŋatumãʔẽ
- VERB: raha, okidʒerehe, eʔirehe, oʔararehe, reka, apotar, aʔerehe, nõderapɨdʒ, okidʒewerehe, resagoŋ
- NCont
- ADP: ehe, idʒupe, ipope, iwɨb, idʒuwi, iwonõwã, iwɨrakotɨ, iwɨrarupi, iʔar, upi
- ADP-Ger: idʒupekupamãʔẽ
- ADV: ikotɨ, ikotɨŋ, ipuri, irupi, owotete, ikotɨɲ
- CCONJ: oʔoram
- NOUN: ijɨ, eiba, ibaridʒa, imõdo, eraho, iawu, idʒar, imõbo, itʃɨg, iɨ
- NOUN-Ger: akãakãmãʔẽ, ibaʔeraɨmãʔẽ, ikijamaʔẽ, imodamãʔẽkom, iʔawumãʔẽ
- VERB: eraho, reta, daorɨdʒi, eruŋ, omõderehe
- X: eraho
- Abs
- Subord
- Yes
- ADP: ehekomanawe, ehenam
- ADV: aʔenawe, ikemɨnanam, aʔenam, en.92anam, naninam, pɨanam, ameʔenam, awɨganam, dikaruginam, dizeraʔenawe
- AUX-Ger: otuiomãʔẽrehe
- NOUN: mɨdɨdʒunam, pepazenam, sikãĩnam, tarawadʒanam, 10heuresaʔenawe, 2heuresanam, deuxheuresanam, ebotenam, idʒarɨdʒanam, ipaʔanam
- PART: kupanam
- VERB: odʒapɨakanam, oiɲuŋbanam, okidʒerehe, eʔirehe, oʔararehe, oʔupanawe, zaikenam, aʔerehe, dosuʔutarinam, ohonam
- Yes
- Top
- Yes
- ADV: koenam, kʷienam
- NOUN: zawarenam, bedʒuenam, kaenam, masakaraenam, nõdeawuawekuwaenam, wareʔeteaʔu, wãĩwĩenam, wãɨwɨenam, zawaraenam, daepɨdʒiaʔu
- NOUN-Ger: dawarimãʔẽenam
- PART: enam
- PRON: amõenam, idʒeenam
- VERB: wareʔeteaʔu
- Yes
Auxiliary Verbs and Copula
- This corpus uses 5 lemmas as copulas (cop). Examples: dʒu, kob, dati, tui, ate.
- This corpus does not contain auxiliaries.
Core Arguments, Oblique Arguments and Adjuncts
Here we consider only relations between verbs (parent) and nouns or pronouns (child).
- nsubj
- VERB--NOUN (111)
- VERB--NOUN-Ref (17)
- VERB--PRON (21)
- VERB--PRON-Ref (5)
- VERB-Ger--PRON (2)
- obj
- VERB--NOUN (151)
- VERB--NOUN-ADP(ehe) (1)
- VERB--NOUN-Ref (16)
- VERB--NOUN-Ref-ADP(ehe) (2)
- VERB--NOUN-Tra (11)
- VERB--PRON (3)
- VERB-Ger--NOUN (3)
- iobj
- VERB--PRON (1)