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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Nmzr: nominalizer

Values: Rel Ag Adv Inst

Nmzr is a morpheme that transformes another part of speech to a noun.

Rel: Relativizer

The relativizing morpheme -mãʔẽ can be regarded as a “translative” which allows to convert a predicate into an argument.


Ag: Agentive

The agentive nominalizer is expressed in Tekó with the suffix -har.


Adv: Adverbial

The adverbial nominalizer is marked in Tekó with suffixes -(e)war/-wan. It is often used to express the origin or place of being of an individual, or the usual location of a thing. It attaches to a demonstrative adverb or a postpositional group.


Inst: Instrumental

The instrumental nominalizer with the suffix -a, which refers to an unanimate object.



Prague Dependency Treebank

The PDT tagset does not distinguish Ptan from Plur and Coll from Sing, therefore this distinction is not being made in the converted data.

Nmzr in other languages: [eme] [jaa]