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case: case marking

Armenian uses a combination of oblique morphological cases and adpositions to express semantic case. They are treated as dependents of the noun they attach to. The relation between the noun and the adposition is labeled case.

դեպի/ADP գյուղ/NOUN[Case=Nom] \n to the-village
case(գյուղ, դեպի)
case(the-village, to)
գյուղի/NOUN[Case=Dat] համար/ADP \n for the-village
case(գյուղի, համար)
case(the-village, for)

Currently, we also use case for some other case-marking elements treated as separate syntactic words (derived from a closed set of nouns, adjectivs/participles or adverbs). These elements (traditionally known as “adpositional words”) are treated as dependents of the noun or clause they attach to or introduce. They are still tagged ADP. Some of them may be tagged and annotated according to their basic use.

երկրաշարժից/NOUN[Case=Abl] հետո/ADP \n after the-earthquake
case(երկրաշարժից, հետո)
case(the-earthquake, after)
այս/DET իշխանությունների/NOUN[Case=Dat] երեսից/NOUN[Case=Abl] \n these authorities-' fault
nmod:poss(երեսից, իշխանությունների)
det(իշխանությունների, այս)
nmod:poss(fault, authorities-')
det(authorities-', these)
միջազգային/ADJ չափանիշներին/NOUN[Case=Dat] համապատասխան/ADV \n corresponding-to the-international criteria 
obl(համապատասխան, չափանիշներին)
amod(չափանիշներին, միջազգային)
obl(corresponding-to, criteria)
amod(criteria, the-international)
չնայած/VERB պարտավորություններին/NOUN[Case=Dat] \n despite obligations
obj(չնայած, պարտավորություններին)
obj(despite, obligations)

Some inflected postpositions / localizers (traditionally known as “improper adpositions”), are labeled with case:loc instead.

case in other languages: [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [et] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gsw] [gub] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [ky] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [ssp] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]