: relative clause
The relation acl:relcl
is used for finite or participial clauses which are attached to nominals.
The prototypical case is a finite clause preceded by the subordinating conjunction אשר /ʼasher/.
ויעל מעליו אלהים במקום אשר־דבר אתו׃
ṿayaʻal meʻalaṿ ʼelohim bamaḳom ʼasher diber ʼito
And God went up from with him in the place where He had spoken to him.
We treat nominal clauses preceded by אשר as finite as well.
ותוצא הארץ דשא עשב מזריע זרע למינהו ועץ עשה פרי אשר זרעו־בו למינהו וירא אלהים כי־טוב׃
ṿatotseʼ haʼarets desheʼ ʻeśev mazriʻa zeraʻ leminehu ṿeʻets ʻośeh peri ʼasher zarʻo bo leminehu ṿayarʼ ʼelohim ki ṭov
And the earth brought forth vegetation: herbs producing seed according to their kinds and trees making fruit which had its seed in it according to their kinds, and God saw that it was good.
When אשר immediately follows a preposition, the clause after it will be attached to the preposition with acl:relcl
and the preposition will be promoted to the head of the noun phrase, usually taking the relation obl or obj.
והיה ביום הששי והכינו את אשר־יביאו והיה משנה על אשר־ילקטו יום׀ יום׃ ס
ṿehayah bayom hashishi ṿehekhinu ʼet ʼasher yaviʼu ṿehayah mishneh ʻal ʼasher yilḳeṭu yom yom s
And it shall be on the sixth day, and they shall prepare that which they have gathered and it shall be twice what they gather day by day.
Participial clauses are also marked with acl:relcl
These often take the form of a noun immediately followed by a participle which agrees in gender, number, and definiteness (like an ADJ would), and then other arguments to the verb.
ועתה ירא פרעה איש נבון וחכם וישיתהו על־ארץ מצרים׃
ṿeʻatah yereʼ parʻoh ʼish navon ṿeḥakham ṿishitehu ʻal ʼerets mitsrayim
“And now, let Pharaoh look for a man who understands and is wise and let him place him over the land of Egypt.”
Sometimes the head noun has compound morphology.
In such cases, acl:relcl
is still applied if the verb has any arguments.
הן גרשת אתי היום מעל פני האדמה ומפניך אסתר והייתי נע ונד בארץ והיה כל־מצאי יהרגני׃
hen gerashta ʼoti hayom meʻal pene haʼadamah umipanekha ʼesater ṿehayiti naʻ ṿanad baʼarets ṿehayah kal motsʼi yahargeni
“Behold, you have driven me out today from upon the face of the ground and I am hidden from your face; I shall be a wander and a fugitive on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”
However, if the verb takes no arguments, or itself has compound morphology and thus has its arguments attached with compound:smixut, then it is considered nominalized, is tagged NOUN, and is attached with compound:smixut.
ושם אחיו יובל הוא היה אבי כל־תפש כנור ועוגב׃
ṿeshem ʼaḥiṿ uval huʼ hayah ʼavi kal tofeś kinor ṿeʻugav
And the name of his brother was Jubal; he was the father all Zither and Flute players.
acl:relcl in other languages: [ab] [bej] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [fi] [fr] [ga] [hy] [id] [it] [no] [pa] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sv] [swl] [u] [urj] [vi]