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acl:relcl: relative clause modifier

A relative clause modifier marks the relation between a relative clause and a noun phrase in a preceding clause. The head of the relative clause is usually a verb.


Chaill sé pé rud a bhí aige `He lost everything that he had

Chaill sé pé rud a bhí aige \n Lost he whatever thing that had he
nmod(pé, rud)

Cheannaigh sé leabhar áit a bhí sé ar fáil `He bought a book wherever it was available’

Cheannaigh sé leabhar áit a bhí sé ar fáil \n Bought he book place was available
acl:relcl(áit, bhí)

Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoin taisteal a rinne Naomh Pádraig in Éirinn `Find out more information about the journeysmade by Saint Patrick in Ireland’

Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoin taisteal a rinne Naomh Pádraig in Éirin \n Find more information about journies made St. Patrick in Ireland
acl:relcl(taisteal, rinne)

Usáideadh dílseacht don Eaglais Bhunaithe mar ghléas le (…) daoine áirithe a iompú in aghaidh na hEaglaise inar rugadh iad `Loyalty to the Established Church was used as a way of (…) turning certain people against the Church into which they were born

Usáideadh dílseacht don Eaglais Bhunaithe mar ghléas (...) le daoine áirithe a iompú in aghaidh na hEaglaise inar rugadh iad \n Used loyalty for-the Church Established as instrument (...) with people certain to-turn against the Church in-which were-born they
acl:relcl(hEaglaise, rugadh)
obl(rugadh, inar)

NOTE: ‘dá’ in Irish is often POS-tagged as SCONJ (conditional marker) in the treebank. However, it is also a relative compound when the particles a and ar are used with the prepositions de and do to become and dár.

Níor chuala mise, ná aon duine raibh in aon sacán liom, mo thuismitheoirí ag labhairt Béarla riamh. ‘I did not hear, or anyone else my age who was with me, my parents speaking English before.

'Níor chuala mise, ná aon duine dá raibh in aon sacán liom, mo thuismitheoirí ag labhairt Béarla riamh. \n Not hear me, or any person who was in any age with_me, my parents at speaking English before.
obl(raibh, dá)
acl:relcl(duine, raibh)

NOTE: There are also examples of embedded relative clauses introduced by the copula, as shown below.

Tá cúpla rud eile sa leabhar seo ar mhaith liom tagairt dóibh. `There are a few other things in this book which I would like to address.

Tá cúpla rud eile sa leabhar seo ar mhaith liom tagairt dóibh. \n Are a_couple thing other in_the book this of_which would_be_good with_me to_refer to_them.
acl:relcl(rud, mhaith)
cop(mhaith, ar)

…go raibh 49% de pháistí, ar Naíonáin Shinsearacha iad an bhliain sin,… `…that 49% of children, who where Senior Infants that year,…’

go raibh 49% de pháistí , ar Naíonáin Shinsearacha iad an bhliain sin, \n to that 49% of children, of_whom Infants Senior were_they the year that,
acl:relcl(pháistí, Naíonáin)
cop(Naíonáin, ar)

NOTE: This kind of construction occurs quite often in legal text.

…cibé forálacha teagmhasacha, forlíontacha agus iarmhartacha is dóigh leis an Aire a bheith riachtanach… `…whatever incidental, supplementary and consequential provisions as appear to the Minister to be necessary

...cibé forálacha teagmhasacha, forlíontacha agus iarmhartacha is dóigh leis an Aire a bheith riachtanach... \n ...whatever provisions incidental, supplementary and consequential that is_thought with the Minister to be necessary...
acl:relcl(forálacha, dóigh)
cop(dóigh, is)
csubj:cop(dóigh, bheith)

NOTE: A relative clause can appear with a copula. The copula equates two NPs, with a relative clause coming off the second NP.

Is ise an té a chuir Dick Spring i mbun na Roinne Oideachais ‘She is the person who put Dick Spring in charge of the Department of Education’

Is ise an té a chuir Dick Spring i mbun na Roinne Oideachais \n Is her the person who put Dick Spring in charge of_the Department of_Education

cop(ise, Is)
nsubj(ise, té)
acl:relcl(té, chuir)

The iterrogative pronouns ‘cad’ (what) and ‘céard’ (a contraction of cad é (an) rud, i.e. what thing) are also treated as the relativised fronted head of the clause, as shown below.

Ansin céard a tharlós nuair atá tú sean? `Then what will happen when you’re old?

ROOT Ansin céard a tharlós nuair atá tú sean? \n Then what_thing that will_happen when that_are you old?
root(ROOT, céard)
nsubj(tharlós, a)
acl:relcl(céard, tharlós)

Ní deireann sí go soiléir céard a tharlóidh má dhiúltaíonn na daoine do na moltaí seo. `It doesn’t clearly say what will happen if people refuse to accept these recommendations.

Ní deireann sí go soiléir céard a tharlóidh má dhiúltaíonn na daoine do na moltaí seo. \n Does_not say it_(fem) [] clearly what_thing that will happen if refuses the people to the recommendations these. 
acl:relcl(céard, tharlóidh)
nsubj(tharlóidh, a)
ccomp(deireann, céard)

acl:relcl in other languages: [ab] [bej] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [fi] [fr] [ga] [hy] [id] [it] [no] [pa] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sv] [swl] [u] [urj] [vi]