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This page pertains to UD version 2.

acl:relcl: relative clause modifier

A relative clause modifier (acl:relcl) marks relative clauses. The governor is the phrase or clause modified. Usually, it is a noun, but in Finnish it can also be a verb, when the dependent refers to the entire action described. The dependent is the main predicate of the relative clause.

Mies , jonka hän oli nähnyt eilen , oli taas ovella . \n The_man , whom he had seen yesterday , was again at_the_door .
acl:relcl(Mies-1, nähnyt-6)
punct(nähnyt-6, ,-2)
obj(nähnyt-6, jonka-3)
nsubj(nähnyt-6, hän-4)
aux(nähnyt-6, oli-5)
advmod(nähnyt-6, eilen-7)
punct(nähnyt-6, ,-8)
nsubj(oli-9, Mies-1)
advmod(oli-9, taas-10)
nmod(oli-9, ovella-11)
punct(oli-9, .-12)
Ovi kolahti auki , mikä säikäytti lapsen . \n The_door clanked open , which scared the_child .
nsubj(kolahti-2, Ovi-1)
advmod(kolahti-2, auki-3)
acl:relcl(kolahti-2, säikäytti-6)
punct(säikäytti-6, ,-4)
nsubj(säikäytti-6, mikä-5)
obj(säikäytti-6, lapsen-7)
punct(kolahti-2, .-8)


###Turku Dependency Treebank

The governor can also be a verb, when the dependent refers to the entire action described in the main sentence.


FI_FTB applies the universal relation acl instead of the language-specific relation acl:relcl.

acl:relcl in other languages: [ab] [bej] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [fi] [fr] [ga] [hy] [id] [it] [no] [pa] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sv] [swl] [u] [urj] [vi]