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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Aspect: aspect

Aspect is a feature that specifies duration of the action in time, whether the action has been completed, ongoing etc.

In Kyrgyz a set of verbal morphemes alter the Aspect feature of a verb. These morphemes often affect the Tense and Mood features as well. The mapping between the suffixes and the Aspect values may sometimes be non-trivial.

The following describes the values used for Aspect together with the suffixes typically introduce the defined Aspect value. See ky-overview/special-syntax for the discussion of mapping relevant verbal suffixes to Tense, Aspect and Mood values.

Perf: perfect aspect

The action has been / will have been completed.


Prog: progressive aspect

Action is in progress with respect to current or a reference time.


Hab: habitual aspect

Verbal morphology in Kyrgyz may indicate an action that happens repeatedly at present or past.

Күн сайын эртең менен 5 км чуркадым “I ran 5 km every morning”.


Imp: imperfect aspect

The imperfective marks an unbounded process or state, seen from the point of view of its unfolding and not as a bounded or completed event. It can be used in any temporal context, past, present or future.


Coming soon.

Aspect in other languages: [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [bor] [cs] [el] [eme] [ga] [gn] [gub] [ha] [hu] [hy] [hyw] [jaa] [ka] [ky] [la] [mdf] [myu] [myv] [nci] [pcm] [qpm] [ru] [say] [sl] [tpn] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urb] [urj] [yrl]