: numeral
A numeral is a word, functioning most typically as a determiner, adjective or pronoun, that expresses a number and a relation to the number, such as quantity, sequence, frequency or fraction.
Cardinal numerals are covered by NUM
whether they are used
as determiners or not (as in Windows Seven) and whether they
are expressed as words (four), or digits (4).
There are numerals belonging to other parts of speech in the universal tagging scheme, based mainly on syntactic criteria: e.g. ordinal numerals are tagged as adjectives or pronouns (first, second, third, …). In Italian there are no adverbial numerals like [cs] poprvé “for the first time” nor multiplicative numerals such as [en] (once, twice).
Note that, since Roman numerals (IV) are only used as ordinal numerals in Italian (Enciclopedia Treccani), are tagged ADJ for coherence with other ordinal numerals.
In this case we specify NumType=Ord
as morphological feature.
A similar treatment is reserved to a cardinal with a suffix such as a, o, esimo, esima, or the symbol ° (similar to the English use of the suffix “th”).
Other words functioning as determiners (including quantifiers such as many and few) are tagged DET.
Tagged as NUM
- 0, 1, 2, 2014, 1000000, 3,14159265359
- zero, uno, due, settantasette
Tagged as ADJ:
- XX secolo
- 48esimo
- primo, secondo, ultima
- 20°
Tagged as PRON:
- il terzo ad arrivare “the third to arrive”
Treebank Statistics (UD_Italian)
There are 1095 NUM
lemmas (6%), 1105 NUM
types (4%) and 4609 NUM
tokens (2%).
Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of NUM
is: 5 in number of lemmas, 5 in number of types and 12 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent NUM
lemmas: due, 1, 2, tre, 3, cinque, mila, quattro, 4, 20
The 10 most frequent NUM
types: due, 1, 2, tre, 3, cinque, mila, quattro, 4, 20
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: 1 (NUM 176, PROPN 1), 4 (NUM 60, PROPN 1), 5 (NUM 47, PROPN 1), uno (DET 4256, PRON 204, NUM 37, ADJ 2), 7 (NUM 34, PROPN 1), 1994 (NUM 28, NOUN 1), 22 (NUM 15, PROPN 1), zero (NUM 5, NOUN 1), cinquecento (NUM 2, NOUN 1), novecento (NOUN 2, NUM 2)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: 1 (NUM 176, PROPN 1), 4 (NUM 60, PROPN 1), 5 (NUM 47, PROPN 1), sei (NUM 34, VERB 5, AUX 4), 7 (NUM 34, PROPN 1), 1994 (NUM 28, NOUN 1), venti (NUM 20, NOUN 4), un (DET 2191, NUM 16, PRON 1), 22 (NUM 15, PROPN 1), una (DET 1446, PRON 59, NUM 15, ADJ 2, NOUN 1)
- 1
- 4
- 5
- sei
- 7
- 1994
- venti
- NUM 20: A volte i dettagli complessi su i luoghi si estendono da le quindici a le venti pagine .
- NOUN 4: A inguaiare Minetto , che si è sempre proclamato innocente , sono state soprattutto le amicizie con parecchi neofascisti , come Marcello Soffiati , coinvolto in l’ inchiesta su la “ Rosa di i venti “ .
- un
- DET 2191: gusto un po’ facile e appeal sicuro .
- NUM 16: A Baldas il gravissimo reato d’ opinione costerà un anno di purgatorio :
- PRON 1: Secondo James Shapiro studioso di Shakespeare , in il Giulio Cesare “ i vari elementi di politica , personaggio , introspezione , eventi contemporanei , persino le stesse riflessioni di Shakespeare su la scrittura , iniziano a sovrappor si l’ un l’ altro .
- 22
- una
- DET 1446: Abbiamo cercato di presentare una interpretazione diversa .
- PRON 59: Campione di rugby una di le vittime , un altro ha le gambe tranciate .
- NUM 15: una , due volte a il giorno .
- ADJ 2: La Repubblica , una e indivisibile , riconosce e promuove le autonomie locali ;
- NOUN 1: ” Sì , perché se qualcuno fa il furbo e non torna in caserma a l’ ora di chiusura di i cancelli , a mezzanotte e tre volte a il mese a l’ una , rischia di far si cogliere in fallo perché magari in il frattempo è stato messo in lista per uno straordinario .
The form / lemma ratio of NUM
is 1.009132 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.491677).
The 1st highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “cinquanta”: cinquant’, cinquanta, cinquant’.
The 2nd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “uno”: un, una, uno.
The 3rd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “quaranta”: quarant’, quaranta.
occurs with 1 features: NumType (4588; 100% instances)
occurs with 1 feature-value pairs: NumType=Card
occurs with 2 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is NumType=Card
(4588 tokens).
Examples: due, 1, 2, tre, 3, cinque, mila, quattro, 4, 20
nodes are attached to their parents using 14 different relations: nummod (4015; 87% instances), conj (164; 4% instances), compound (150; 3% instances), root (86; 2% instances), dobj (57; 1% instances), name (56; 1% instances), nsubj (42; 1% instances), mwe (19; 0% instances), nsubjpass (9; 0% instances), it-dep/acl:relcl (5; 0% instances), advcl (2; 0% instances), xcomp (2; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), foreign (1; 0% instances)
Parents of NUM
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: NOUN (2823; 61% instances), VERB (932; 20% instances), NUM (339; 7% instances), PROPN (241; 5% instances), ROOT (86; 2% instances), SYM (84; 2% instances), ADJ (59; 1% instances), PRON (24; 1% instances), ADV (14; 0% instances), PUNCT (3; 0% instances), X (2; 0% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances), DET (1; 0% instances)
2484 (54%) NUM
nodes are leaves.
677 (15%) NUM
nodes have one child.
1064 (23%) NUM
nodes have two children.
384 (8%) NUM
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a NUM
node is 22.
Children of NUM
nodes are attached using 26 different relations: punct (1647; 38% instances), det (838; 19% instances), case (790; 18% instances), nmod (296; 7% instances), conj (210; 5% instances), compound (150; 3% instances), advmod (128; 3% instances), cc (121; 3% instances), nummod (34; 1% instances), mwe (27; 1% instances), amod (21; 0% instances), cop (19; 0% instances), nsubj (17; 0% instances), advcl (8; 0% instances), it-dep/acl:relcl (5; 0% instances), appos (4; 0% instances), acl (3; 0% instances), dobj (3; 0% instances), parataxis (3; 0% instances), mark (2; 0% instances), aux (1; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), it-dep/det:poss (1; 0% instances), it-dep/det:predet (1; 0% instances), neg (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)
Children of NUM
nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: PUNCT (1589; 37% instances), DET (842; 19% instances), ADP (770; 18% instances), NUM (339; 8% instances), NOUN (317; 7% instances), ADV (150; 3% instances), CONJ (121; 3% instances), ADJ (65; 2% instances), SYM (60; 1% instances), VERB (40; 1% instances), PROPN (15; 0% instances), PRON (13; 0% instances), X (8; 0% instances), SCONJ (2; 0% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances)
NUM in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]