: numeral
Numbers bear the nominal inflectional features (Number, Case, Number[psor], Person[psor], Number[psed]), plus the NumType feature.
Treebank Statistics (UD_Hungarian)
There are 182 NUM
lemmas (3%), 200 NUM
types (2%) and 476 NUM
tokens (2%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of NUM
is: 6 in number of lemmas, 6 in number of types and 11 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent NUM
lemmas: két, egy, három, millió, ezer, tíz, fél, négy, 30, hat
The 10 most frequent NUM
types: két, egy, három, millió, ezer, tíz, fél, 30, négy, hat
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: két (NUM 64, ADV 2), egy (DET 86, NUM 33, ADV 3), fél (NOUN 10, NUM 9), hat (NUM 8, VERB 3), 11 (NUM 5, PROPN 3), 2000 (NUM 4, PROPN 1), hét (NOUN 18, NUM 3), 2 (PROPN 5, NUM 2), egyetlen (ADJ 10, NUM 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: egy (DET 83, NUM 29), fél (NUM 9, NOUN 3), hat (NUM 7, VERB 2), 11 (NUM 5, PROPN 3), 2000 (NUM 3, PROPN 1), hét (NOUN 7, NUM 3), 2 (NUM 2, PROPN 2), egyben (NUM 1, ADV 1), egyetlen (ADJ 10, NUM 1)
- egy
- fél
- hat
- 11
- 2000
- hét
- 2
- egyben
- NUM 1: Itt minden megtörténhet egy az egyben , még az is , hogy Tarzan beszélget az állatokkal , hogy úgy mozog , mint ők , akiktől a dzsungelélet minden fortélyát el kellett tanulnia az életben maradáshoz .
- ADV 1: A kizárólag egyedi vagy kis sorozatban készített kerámiatárgyak a majd másfél száz éves műhely hagyományteremtő szellemiségét képviselik , s egyben arra is választ adnak , miért váltak a Zsolnay-tárgyak világszerte ismertté .
- egyetlen
The form / lemma ratio of NUM
is 1.098901 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.458408).
The 1st highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “kettő”: kettejük, kettő, kettőnek.
The 2nd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “1”: 1, 1-től.
The 3rd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “10”: 10, 10-ig.
occurs with 6 features: Case (476; 100% instances), NumType (476; 100% instances), Number (476; 100% instances), hu-feat/Number[psed] (476; 100% instances), hu-feat/Number[psor] (476; 100% instances), hu-feat/Person[psor] (476; 100% instances)
occurs with 20 feature-value pairs: Case=Abl
, Case=Acc
, Case=Del
, Case=Ess
, Case=Gen
, Case=Ine
, Case=Ins
, Case=Nom
, Case=Sub
, Case=Tem
, Case=Ter
, NumType=Card
, NumType=Dist
, NumType=Frac
, Number=Sing
, Number[psed]=None
, Number[psor]=None
, Number[psor]=Plur
, Person[psor]=3
, Person[psor]=None
occurs with 15 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Number[psed]=None|Number[psor]=None|NumType=Card|Person[psor]=None
(396 tokens).
Examples: két, egy, három, millió, ezer, tíz, 30, négy, hat, száz
nodes are attached to their parents using 15 different relations: nummod (356; 75% instances), hu-dep/nmod:obl (30; 6% instances), compound (29; 6% instances), conj (10; 2% instances), remnant (10; 2% instances), advcl (9; 2% instances), hu-dep/nmod:att (9; 2% instances), parataxis (6; 1% instances), nmod (5; 1% instances), hu-dep/amod:att (3; 1% instances), dobj (3; 1% instances), nsubj (3; 1% instances), hu-dep/advmod:tfrom (1; 0% instances), hu-dep/advmod:tlocy (1; 0% instances), hu-dep/amod:obl (1; 0% instances)
Parents of NUM
nodes belong to 6 different parts of speech: NOUN (338; 71% instances), ADJ (49; 10% instances), NUM (49; 10% instances), VERB (32; 7% instances), DET (7; 1% instances), PRON (1; 0% instances)
390 (82%) NUM
nodes are leaves.
59 (12%) NUM
nodes have one child.
20 (4%) NUM
nodes have two children.
7 (1%) NUM
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a NUM
node is 4.
Children of NUM
nodes are attached using 15 different relations: compound (28; 23% instances), hu-dep/advmod:mode (16; 13% instances), punct (14; 12% instances), conj (10; 8% instances), cc (9; 7% instances), det (9; 7% instances), mark (9; 7% instances), remnant (8; 7% instances), case (6; 5% instances), hu-dep/amod:att (3; 2% instances), nummod (3; 2% instances), hu-dep/advmod:tlocy (2; 2% instances), hu-dep/nmod:att (2; 2% instances), acl (1; 1% instances), hu-dep/nmod:obl (1; 1% instances)
Children of NUM
nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: NUM (49; 40% instances), ADV (19; 16% instances), PUNCT (14; 12% instances), DET (10; 8% instances), CONJ (9; 7% instances), SCONJ (9; 7% instances), ADP (6; 5% instances), ADJ (2; 2% instances), NOUN (2; 2% instances), VERB (1; 1% instances)
NUM in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]