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ADV: adverb


Adverbs are words that typically modify verbs for such categories as time, place, direction or manner. In Italian, they may also modify adjectives (as in palesemente falso “clearly fake”), other adverbs (as in molto bene “very well”), or even nouns / pronouns (as in proprio lui “exactly him”).

Since in traditional Italian grammars there is no clear consensus on the existence of pronominal adverbs as an independent morpho-syntactic category, we decided to avoid using the ADV postag to deal with potential pronominal adverbs which are rather treated as PRON.

Corresponding language-specific part-of-speech tags

B: Adverb

BN: Negation adverb


Treebank Statistics (UD_Italian)

There are 574 ADV lemmas (3%), 582 ADV types (2%) and 10484 ADV tokens (4%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of ADV is: 6 in number of lemmas, 6 in number of types and 9 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent ADV lemmas: non, più, anche, dove, come, quando, solo, ancora, sempre, prima

The 10 most frequent ADV types: non, più, anche, dove, come, quando, solo, sempre, ancora, prima

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: più (ADV 765, DET 39, PRON 28, NOUN 5, CONJ 1, ADP 1, ADJ 1), dove (ADV 295, SCONJ 5, PRON 1), come (ADP 473, ADV 240, SCONJ 177, CONJ 3, PRON 1), quando (SCONJ 310, ADV 207, CONJ 1), solo (ADV 190, ADJ 72), ancora (ADV 170, NOUN 1), prima (ADV 158, ADP 18, ADJ 7, NOUN 3), già (ADV 156, INTJ 1), oggi (ADV 143, NOUN 2), così (ADV 136, CONJ 3)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: più (ADV 759, DET 38, PRON 28, NOUN 5, CONJ 1, ADP 1, ADJ 1), dove (ADV 161, SCONJ 5, PRON 1), come (ADP 451, SCONJ 148, ADV 64, CONJ 3, PRON 1), quando (SCONJ 243, ADV 5, CONJ 1), solo (ADV 178, ADJ 31), ancora (ADV 154, NOUN 1), prima (ADV 144, ADJ 137, ADP 17, NOUN 2, PRON 2), oggi (ADV 109, NOUN 2), così (ADV 123, CONJ 2), molto (ADV 119, DET 8, PRON 3)


The form / lemma ratio of ADV is 1.013937 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.491677).

The 1st highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “eccetera”: ecc, ecc., eccetera, etc..

The 2nd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “bene”: ben, bene, benissimo.

The 3rd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “lontano”: lontan, lontanissimo, lontano.

ADV occurs with 2 features: PronType (1888; 18% instances), Degree (15; 0% instances)

ADV occurs with 2 feature-value pairs: Degree=Abs, PronType=Neg

ADV occurs with 3 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is _ (8581 tokens). Examples: più, anche, dove, come, quando, solo, sempre, ancora, prima, già


ADV nodes are attached to their parents using 18 different relations: advmod (7799; 74% instances), neg (1869; 18% instances), case (389; 4% instances), mark (145; 1% instances), conj (92; 1% instances), root (71; 1% instances), mwe (68; 1% instances), cc (22; 0% instances), dobj (8; 0% instances), nsubj (5; 0% instances), nmod (4; 0% instances), advcl (3; 0% instances), discourse (3; 0% instances), it-dep/acl:relcl (2; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), dep (1; 0% instances), parataxis (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Parents of ADV nodes belong to 17 different parts of speech: VERB (5933; 57% instances), NOUN (1789; 17% instances), ADJ (1516; 14% instances), ADV (388; 4% instances), PRON (258; 2% instances), PROPN (194; 2% instances), NUM (150; 1% instances), SCONJ (86; 1% instances), ROOT (71; 1% instances), ADP (60; 1% instances), AUX (14; 0% instances), CONJ (11; 0% instances), SYM (8; 0% instances), DET (3; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances), PUNCT (1; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)

8709 (83%) ADV nodes are leaves.

1469 (14%) ADV nodes have one child.

200 (2%) ADV nodes have two children.

106 (1%) ADV nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a ADV node is 8.

Children of ADV nodes are attached using 26 different relations: punct (566; 25% instances), mwe (533; 23% instances), case (272; 12% instances), advmod (264; 12% instances), nmod (194; 9% instances), neg (73; 3% instances), cc (64; 3% instances), det (58; 3% instances), conj (57; 3% instances), ccomp (35; 2% instances), cop (32; 1% instances), advcl (21; 1% instances), nsubj (20; 1% instances), nummod (14; 1% instances), csubj (12; 1% instances), it-dep/acl:relcl (10; 0% instances), amod (9; 0% instances), dobj (8; 0% instances), mark (8; 0% instances), xcomp (6; 0% instances), acl (5; 0% instances), discourse (5; 0% instances), expl (5; 0% instances), parataxis (4; 0% instances), aux (3; 0% instances), vocative (1; 0% instances)

Children of ADV nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: ADP (694; 30% instances), PUNCT (566; 25% instances), ADV (388; 17% instances), NOUN (197; 9% instances), VERB (118; 5% instances), SCONJ (90; 4% instances), CONJ (66; 3% instances), DET (60; 3% instances), PRON (40; 2% instances), ADJ (20; 1% instances), PROPN (17; 1% instances), NUM (14; 1% instances), INTJ (5; 0% instances), AUX (3; 0% instances), SYM (1; 0% instances)

ADV in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]