: numeral
The English NUM
corresponds exactly to the PTB CD.
Treebank Statistics (UD_English)
There are 1241 NUM
lemmas (6%), 1241 NUM
types (5%) and 4913 NUM
tokens (2%).
Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of NUM
is: 5 in number of lemmas, 5 in number of types and 13 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent NUM
lemmas: one, two, 2, 3, 5, 1, 10, 4, three, 20
The 10 most frequent NUM
types: one, two, 2, 3, 5, 1, 10, 4, three, 20
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: one (NUM 451, NOUN 146, PRON 26, VERB 1), 2 (NUM 145, X 30, PROPN 2, ADP 1, PART 1), 3 (NUM 122, X 17, NOUN 1), 5 (NUM 112, X 4, PROPN 1), 1 (NUM 111, X 31), 10 (NUM 99, X 2), 4 (NUM 97, X 13, ADP 1, SCONJ 1), 20 (NUM 66, NOUN 5), 6 (NUM 64, X 2), m (NUM 46, NOUN 17, PROPN 3)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: one (NUM 398, NOUN 105, PRON 22), 2 (NUM 145, X 30, PROPN 2, ADP 1, PART 1), 3 (NUM 122, X 17), 5 (NUM 112, X 4, PROPN 1), 1 (NUM 111, X 31), 10 (NUM 99, X 2), 4 (NUM 97, X 13, ADP 1, SCONJ 1), 20 (NUM 66, NOUN 3), 6 (NUM 64, X 2), m (NUM 41, VERB 14, NOUN 11, AUX 8, PROPN 3)
- one
- 2
- NUM 145: Analyst Team 2 : Coach : Doug Sewell
- X 30: * 2 . The second ingredient is words , more precisely lies . *
- PROPN 2: and it seems this is the FIRST site of ragnarok 2 hahaha since the site is new send me your suggestions and comments
- ADP 1: go 2 starbucks do nt spend more than 20 bucks :)
- PART 1: hi everyone …. just hav my hands on my new OLYMPUS X940 digital camera .. wel , i always wanted 2 hav one by sony .. but anyways , ended up having olympus X940 from my dad ……. does any1 already has it ?
- 3
- 5
- NUM 112: I was thinking Kenneally ‘s at around 5 .
- X 4: 5 ) W. Brumbley 4632 Hilton Ave Suite # 31 Columbus , Ohio 43228
- PROPN 1: Lunar landers and other gear needed for extended visits to the moon will be lofted by gargantuan launchers as big as the Apollo - era Saturn 5 , the most powerful rockets ever flown .
- 1
- 10
- 4
- 20
- 6
- m
The form / lemma ratio of NUM
is 1.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.173588).
The 1st highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “’02”: ‘02.
The 2nd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “’05”: ‘05.
The 3rd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “’07”: ‘07.
occurs with 2 features: NumType (4912; 100% instances), Number (1; 0% instances)
occurs with 2 feature-value pairs: NumType=Card
, Number=Sing
occurs with 2 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is NumType=Card
(4912 tokens).
Examples: one, two, 2, 3, 5, 1, 10, 4, three, 20
nodes are attached to their parents using 26 different relations: nummod (2895; 59% instances), nmod (539; 11% instances), root (423; 9% instances), compound (256; 5% instances), appos (212; 4% instances), list (115; 2% instances), dobj (105; 2% instances), nsubj (103; 2% instances), conj (93; 2% instances), nmod:tmod (68; 1% instances), amod (19; 0% instances), parataxis (18; 0% instances), advcl (9; 0% instances), advmod (9; 0% instances), nmod:npmod (9; 0% instances), xcomp (9; 0% instances), remnant (8; 0% instances), ccomp (7; 0% instances), nsubjpass (4; 0% instances), acl:relcl (3; 0% instances), case (2; 0% instances), det (2; 0% instances), reparandum (2; 0% instances), iobj (1; 0% instances), nmod:poss (1; 0% instances), vocative (1; 0% instances)
Parents of NUM
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: NOUN (2388; 49% instances), PROPN (787; 16% instances), NUM (443; 9% instances), VERB (435; 9% instances), ROOT (423; 9% instances), SYM (355; 7% instances), ADJ (41; 1% instances), X (15; 0% instances), ADV (14; 0% instances), DET (5; 0% instances), PRON (5; 0% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances), PUNCT (1; 0% instances)
3201 (65%) NUM
nodes are leaves.
1032 (21%) NUM
nodes have one child.
278 (6%) NUM
nodes have two children.
402 (8%) NUM
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a NUM
node is 13.
Children of NUM
nodes are attached using 34 different relations: punct (704; 23% instances), case (557; 18% instances), nmod (359; 12% instances), advmod (214; 7% instances), nmod:tmod (197; 6% instances), appos (174; 6% instances), compound (157; 5% instances), conj (101; 3% instances), cc (93; 3% instances), cop (92; 3% instances), nummod (92; 3% instances), nsubj (89; 3% instances), det (57; 2% instances), parataxis (47; 2% instances), amod (27; 1% instances), acl:relcl (20; 1% instances), mark (15; 0% instances), nmod:npmod (13; 0% instances), aux (11; 0% instances), advcl (9; 0% instances), remnant (7; 0% instances), neg (6; 0% instances), discourse (5; 0% instances), acl (4; 0% instances), nmod:poss (2; 0% instances), reparandum (2; 0% instances), cc:preconj (1; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), csubj (1; 0% instances), det:predet (1; 0% instances), dobj (1; 0% instances), goeswith (1; 0% instances), list (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)
Children of NUM
nodes belong to 17 different parts of speech: PUNCT (694; 23% instances), NOUN (573; 19% instances), ADP (481; 16% instances), NUM (443; 14% instances), ADV (190; 6% instances), VERB (165; 5% instances), SYM (114; 4% instances), CONJ (90; 3% instances), ADJ (85; 3% instances), PRON (80; 3% instances), DET (70; 2% instances), PROPN (47; 2% instances), AUX (11; 0% instances), SCONJ (8; 0% instances), PART (5; 0% instances), INTJ (3; 0% instances), X (3; 0% instances)
NUM in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]