: pronominal type
This feature typically applies to pronouns, determiners, pronominal numerals (quantifiers) and pronominal adverbs.
Definition in Uzbek language: Bоshqa so‘zlar, shuningdеk, so‘z birikmasi va gap o‘rnida qo‘llaniluvchi, ularga ishоra qiluvchi yoki so‘rоq bildiruvchi so‘zlar оlmоsh dеyiladi.
: personal
Pronouns that refer to one of three persons. Note: “n” is dropped when adding -ni, -ning, -niki to the pronouns: men+ni, sen+ning, men+niki if “Biz(we)” is used in place of singular, i.e. instead of “Men(I)”, it means modesty; When “siz”, “ular” are used in the singular, i.e. when “Sen(you)”, “U(he/she)” is used, it means polarity(respect). It means that it performs a methodological task.
- men “I”
- sen “you-SG”
- siz “you-PL”
- biz “we-PL”
- u “he/she/it-SG”
- ular “they-PL”
: reciprocal pronoun
The definition is in Uzbek language: To‘pdan ajratilgan shaхs, narsa, bеlgilarni bildiruvchi оlmоshlar yoki jamlikni ifоdalоvchi оlmоshlardir: har kim, har nima, har qachоn, har qancha, har qanday, har bir (pronouns denoting a person, thing, sign separated from the group); hamma, jami, yalpi, butun, barcha (defining pronouns denoting totality).
- Har kim vazifani o‘z vaqtida bajarsin “Everybody should do their tasks on time”
- Har nimani ham gapirib bo‘lmaydi “It is not recommended to speak everything”
- Har qachon men sizga yordam beraman “I help you anytime”
- Har qanday vaziyatda o‘zingizni qo‘lga oling “Keep calm in every situation”
- Har bir ishda hikmat bor “There is wisdom in every work”
- Bir-biringizga yaxshi qarang “Take care of each other”
: interrogative pronoun, determiner, numeral or adverb
The definition is in Uzbek language: So‘zlovchiga noma’lum bo‘lgan shaxs narsa, belgi-xususiyatlarni so‘rash ma’nosini bildiradi. Shaxs, narsa, belgi-xususiyat, harakat-holatlarni so‘rash uchun ishlatiladigan olmoshlarga so‘roq olmoshlari deyiladi: kim? nima? qachon? qaysi? qancha? necha? nimaga? qani? nima qildi? nima bo‘ldi?
- kim “who”
- nima “what”
- qachon “when”
- qaysi ”which”
- qancha/necha/nechta “how many/how much”
- kimning “whose”
- nimaga/nega “why”
- qani/qayerda “where”
- nima qildi?/nima bo‘ldi “what’s happened/ what’s up?”
: demonstrative pronoun
The definition is in Uzbek language: Mustaqil so‘zlar yoki gaplar o‘rnida kelib, ularni ko‘rsatib keladi. Mustaqil so‘zlar orqali ifodalangan shaxs, predmet belgi, harakatlarni ko‘rsatib kelgan olmosh¬larga ko‘rsatish olmoshlari deyiladi: u, bu, shu, o‘sha, mana bu (manavi), mana shu, ushbu.
- bu “this”
- shu “that/this”
- o‘sha “that”
- u “that/it”
- mana bu/manavi / mana shu “this one”
- anavi/ ana shu “that one”
- ushbu “this”
: indefinite pronoun
The definition is in Uzbek language: Shaxs-narsa, belgi-xususiyat bildiruvchi mustaqil so‘zlar o‘rnida kelib, uning ma’nosini taxminlab, gumonlab keluvchi olmoshlarga gumon olmoshlari deyiladi. allakim, allanarsa, allaqanday allaqancha kimdir, nimadir, qaysidir, ba’zi
- Gapimni allakim tushundimi “Did anybody understand my saying?”
- U allanarsa olib keldi “He/She/It brings something”
- Allaqanday gap aytdi “He said some sort of sentence”
- Allaqancha yuk tashidi “He carried the amount of load.”
- Kimdir keldi “Somebody came”
- Qandaydir gap aytdi “He said some sort of sentence”
- Qanchadir yuk tashidi “He carried the amount of load”
- Nimadir shitrladi “Some voice came out”
- Qaysidir kitobdan o‘qidim “I read it from some book”
- Ba’zı odamlar biladi “Some people know”
: negative determiner or pronoun
The definition is in Uzbek language: Shaxs-narsa, belgi-xususiyat bildiruvchi mustaqil so‘zlar o‘rnida kelib, uning inkorini bildiradi. Mustaqil so‘zlar o‘rnida kelib, uning inkorini bildirgan olmosh-larga bo‘lishsizlik olmoshlari deyiladi. hech kim, hech nima, hech qancha, hech qanday, hech qanaqa, hech narsa, hech bir.
- hech kim “nobody”
- hech nima / hech narsa “nothing”
- hech bir “none of it”
- hech qancha “not much”
- hech qanday “”
- hech qanaqa “”
: relative pronoun, determiner, numeral or adverb
Note that in many languages this class heavily overlaps with interrogatives, yet there are pronouns that are only relative, and in some languages (Bulgarian, Hindi) the two classes are distinct.
- [cs] jenž, což “which”, “that” (relative but not interrogative pronouns); jehož “whose” (possessive relative pronoun)
: total (collective) pronoun, determiner or adverb
- [cs/en] každý / every, everybody, everyone, each, všechno / everything, all, všude / everywhere, vždy / always
PronType in other languages: [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [bor] [cs] [el] [en] [es] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gn] [gub] [gun] [hu] [hy] [it] [ka] [kpv] [ky] [la] [myu] [pcm] [qpm] [sga] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urj] [uz] [xav] [xcl] [zh]