: pronominal type
Values: | Dem | Ind | Int | Neg | Prs | Rel | Tot |
In Khoekhoe, PronType is a feature of pronouns, determiners and pronominal adverbs
: personal or possessive personal pronoun or determiner
See also the Poss feature that distinguishes normal personal pronouns from possessives. Note that it is not a full list, since the paradigms of personal and possessive pronouns is more extensive. Please see Case, Gender, Number, and Person features.
tita, sats, ǁîb, ǁîs, ǁî-i, sida, sadu, ǁîn “I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they”
ta, ts, b, s, i, da, du, n “I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they” (subject clitics)
te, tsi, bi, si, i, da, du, ni/in “me, us, you, you, him, her, it, them”
âta, âts, âgu “my, your (masc. sing.), their (masc. plur.)”
ti, sa “my, your (sing.)”
: interrogative pronoun, determiner, or adverb
Note that it is not a full list.
tari-i, taris “who (comm. sing.), who (fem. sing.)”, ham-i, hams_ “who (comm. sing.), who (fem. sing.)”
tare-i, taren “what (comm. sing.), what (comm. plur.)”
mâs, mân “what, which one of them”
mâ “which”
mâti “how”
mâtikō “how many”
mâpa “where”
mâǁae “when”
: relative pronoun
Note that this class overlaps with personal pronouns (specifically subject clitics).
- ta, ts, b, s, i, da, du, n “I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they” (relative but not subject clitics)
: demonstrative pronoun, determiner, or adverb
Note that it is not a full list.
nē-i, nēn “this one, those ones”
ǁnā-i, ǁnān “that one, these ones”
nau-i, naun “the other one, the other ones”
nē, ǁnā, nau “this, that, the other”
nēpa, ǁnāpa, naupa “here, there, there (at a distance)”
: total pronoun, determiner
Note that it is not a full list.
hoakhom, hoan “the two of them, all of them”
hoa “all” (before a nominal)
hoab, hoan “the whole (of him), all (of them)” (after a nominal with the person-gender-number marker doubling)
mâ “all/whole” (before a nominal with hoa after a nominal)
hoaraga “every”
hoapa “everywhere”
hoaǁae “always”
: indefinite pronoun, determiner
ǀoro “few”
ǂgui “many”
ǀoron “few ones”
ǂguin “many ones”
: Negative determiner
Negative pronominal words are distinguished from negating particle and auxiliaries (tama, tita, etc.). Those words do not use PronType=Neg, they use Polarity=Neg instead. See the Polarity feature for further details.
- xare-i, xaren “none, no” (in apposition with nominals)
: Emphatic determiner
Note that it is not a full list.
- ǂû-i, ǂûn “itself, themselves” (in apposition with nominals)
PronType in other languages: [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [bor] [cs] [el] [en] [es] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gn] [gub] [gun] [hu] [hy] [it] [ka] [kpv] [ky] [la] [myu] [pcm] [qpm] [sga] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urj] [uz] [xav] [xcl] [zh]