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PronType: pronominal type

Values: Prs Art Int Exc Rel Dem Tot Ind

PronType (pronominal type) is a lexical feature of pronouns and some determiners that indicates their grammatical function. This feature helps to classify pronouns and determiners into specific categories based on how they are used in the sentence.

Prs: personal pronoun or determiner

This feature includes both nominal personal, possessive, and reflexive pronouns or determiners.


Art: article

This includes definite articles (el, la, los, las) and indefinite articles (un, una, unos, unas).


Int: interrogative pronoun or determiner

Interrogative pronouns or determiners are used to introduce questions. They are typically used to ask about the identity or nature of a person, thing, or concept.


Exc: exclamative pronoun or determiner

Exclamative pronouns or determiners are used to express surprise, shock, or strong emotion. In Spanish, interrogative pronouns are usually use as exclamative.


Rel: relative pronoun or determiner

Relative pronouns or determiners are used to link two clauses together, creating a relationship between the clause that the pronoun or determiner is in and a preceding clause or noun. They provide more information about the subject or object they’re referring to.


Dem: demonstrative pronoun or determiner

Demonstrative pronouns or determiners are used to indicate and distinguish entities based on their distance from the speaker or listener. In Spanish, they can refer to something close (“este”, “esta”), something further away (“ese”, “esa”), or something far away (“aquel”, “aquella”).


Tot: total (collective) pronoun or determiner

Total (collective) pronouns or determiners are used to refer to all members of a group. In Spanish, words like “todo”, “todos”, “toda”, “todas”, “cada “can be used for this purpose.


Neg: negative pronoun, determiner or adverb

Negative pronouns, determiners, or adverbs are used to indicate the non-existence, absence, or negation of something. Words like “nadie”, “nada”, “ninguno”, “ninguna” are used in Spanish.


Ind: indefinite pronoun, determiner, numeral or adverb

Indefinite pronouns, determiners, numerals, or adverbs are used to refer to non-specific entities or quantities. They are often used in Spanish with words like “uno”, “unas”, “otra”, “algo”, “alguna”, “muchos”, “pocos”, etc.


PronType in other languages: [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [bor] [cs] [el] [en] [es] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gn] [gub] [gun] [hu] [hy] [it] [ka] [kpv] [ky] [la] [myu] [pcm] [qpm] [sga] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urj] [xav] [zh]