: pronoun
Pronouns are words that substitute for nouns or noun phrases, whose meaning is recoverable from the linguistic or extralinguistic context. Pronouns under this definition function like nouns.
Personal pronouns
These are PronType=Prs
They are used either in the full form (without a dash, except for ǁî-i), or only the second part (e.g. ta, ts). Only the second part is used as the subject person-gender-number marker, as well as in possessive noun phrase, etc.
The nominative case is written outside of the brackets, whereas the accusative (oblique) case is the form which combines the first part (before the dash) with the second part as written in the brackets (e.g. satsa for the second person masculine singular). If nothing is written in the brackets, the nominative and the accusative case forms are identical (e.g. tita for the first person singular).
Number | Gender/Person | 1 exclusive | 1 inclusive | 2 | 3 |
singular | masculine | ti - ta | - | sa - ts [tsa] | ǁî - b [ba] |
singular | feminine | ti - ta | - | sa - s [sa] | ǁî - s [sa] |
singular | neuter | - | - | - | ǁî - i [e] |
dual | masculine | si - khom [khoma] | sa - khom [khoma] | sa - kho [kha] | ǁî - kha |
dual | feminine | si - m [ma] | sa - m [ma] | sa - ro [ra] | ǁî - ra |
dual | neuter | si - m [ma] | sa - m [ma] | sa - ro [ra] | ǁî - ra |
plural | masculine | si - ge | sa - ge | sa - go [ga] | ǁî - gu [ga] |
plural | feminine | si - se | sa - se | sa - so [sa] | ǁî - di [de] |
plural | neuter | si - da | sa - da | sa - du [da] | ǁî - n [ba] |
Object markers
These also are PronType=Prs
. This version is usually used directly following the verb and representing a direct/indirect object.
Number | Gender/Person | 1 exclusive | 1 inclusive | 2 | 3 |
singular | masculine | te | - | tsi | bi |
singular | feminine | te | - | si | si |
singular | neuter | - | - | - | i |
dual | masculine | khom | khom | kho | kha |
dual | feminine | mi/im | mi/im | ro | ra |
dual | neuter | mi/im | mi/im | ro | ra |
plural | masculine | ge | ge | go | gu |
plural | feminine | se | se | so | di |
plural | neuter | da | da | du | ni/in |
(Associative) possessive pronouns
These are also annotated with PronType=Prs
. The form consists of â + the second part of personal pronouns, e.g. âta “my”, âb “his”.
Interrogative pronouns
These are annotated with PronType=Int
. The form consists of one of the following as the first part tari “who”, ham “who”, tare “what”, mâ “what”, and the second part of personal pronouns, e.g. taris “who”, mân “which one of them”.
Relative pronouns
These are annotated with PronType=Rel
. The form consists of the second part of personal pronouns, e.g. ta, b.
Demonstrative pronouns
Annotated with PronType=Dem
. Their form is nē “this”, ǁnā “that”, or nau “that (the other one)” and the second part of a personal pronoun. For example, nē-i “this one”, ǁnān “those ones”, naub “the other one”.
Total pronouns
Annotated with PronType=Tot
. They form consists of hoa “all” and the second part of personal pronouns, e.g. hoagu “all of them”, hoab “the whole of him”.
PRON in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [da] [de] [el] [en] [es] [ess] [et] [fi] [fro] [fr] [ga] [grc] [hu] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [kpv] [ky] [myv] [nci] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sla] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [uk] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]