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This page pertains to UD version 2.

DET: determiner

The tag DET is applied to the prefix ה /ha/ when it applies to a nominal element, such as a NOUN, ADJ, or PRON. In these cases, it has the relation det.

ויחפש בגדול החל ובקטן כלה וימצא הגביע באמתחת בנימן׃

ṿayḥapeś bagadol heḥel uvaḳaṭon kilah ṿayimatseʼ hagaviʻa beʼamtaḥat binyamin

And he searched, beginning with the eldest and ending with the youngest, and he found the cup in the bag of Benjamin.

When it applies to clausal elements, such as participles, it is retagged as SCONJ.

וישם דרך שלשת ימים בינו ובין יעקב ויעקב רעה את־צאן לבן הנותרת׃

ṿayaśem derekh sheloshet yamim beno uven yaʻaḳov ṿeyaʻaḳov roʻeh ʼet tsoʼn lavan hanotarot

And he put a road of three days between him and between Jacob, and Jacob pastured the flock of Laban which remained.


Determiners should have the feature PronType with the value Art.


Determiners have the BHSA POS tag art.

DET in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [da] [de] [el] [en] [es] [ess] [et] [fi] [fro] [fr] [ga] [grc] [hu] [hy] [it] [ja] [kk] [kpv] [ky] [myv] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sla] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [uk] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]