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SCONJ: subordinating conjunction

The tag SCONJ is applied to words which introduce subordinate clauses (mainly advcl and ccomp). The tag is generally applied to any word which BHSA tags conj that is not CCONJ.

ועינכם אל־תחס על־כליכם כי־טוב כל־ארץ מצרים לכם הוא׃

ṿeʻenkem ʼal taḥos ʻal kelekhem ki ṭuv kal ʼerets mitsrayim lakhem huʼ

“And do not cast your eyes upon your tools, because the best of the land of Egypt, it is yours.”

It is also applied to the determiner ה /ha/ when it applies to a participial clause.

יהי־דן נחש עלי־דרך שפיפן עלי־ארח הנשך עקבי־סוס ויפל רכבו אחור׃

yehi dan naḥash ʻale derekh shefifon ʻale ʼoraḥ hanoshekh ʻiḳbe sus ṿayipol rokhbo ʼaḥor

“Dan is a serpent upon the road, a snake upon the path which bites the horse’s heel and his rider falls backwards.”

Similarly, a handful of prepositions occasionally apply to finite clauses and in such cases they are tagged SCONJ as well.

אמרי־נא אחתי את למען ייטב־לי בעבורך וחיתה נפשי בגללך׃

ʼimri naʼ ʼaḥoti ʼat lemaʻan yiṭav li baʻavurekh ṿeḥaytah nafshi biglalekh

“Please say you are my sister, so that it will be well with me on account of you and my soul may live regarding you.”

There is also one word which is otherwise a NOUN but operates like the prepositions above. It is בלתי /bilti/ “unless”, and BHSA considers it a potential preposition.

ואם־אינך משלח לא נרד כי־האיש אמר אלינו לא־תראו פני בלתי אחיכם אתכם׃

ṿeʼim ʼenka meshaleḥa loʼ nered ki haʼish ʼamar ʼelenu loʼ tirʼu panai bilti ʼaḥikhem ʼitkem

“And if you do not send, we cannot go down because the man said to us ‘You will not see my face unless your brother is with you.’.”


Subordinating conjunctions should not have any features.


The tag SCONJ usually corresponds to conj and sometimes to art. In a very small number of cases it can also be prep or subs.

See also fixed for documentation of multiword subordinating conjunctions.

SCONJ in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [da] [el] [en] [es] [et] [fi] [fro] [fr] [ga] [grc] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kpv] [ky] [myv] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [uk] [u] [urj] [vi] [xcl] [yue] [zh]