: pronoun
Pronouns are words that substitute for nouns or noun phrases, whose meaning is recoverable from the linguistic or extralinguistic context. Some pronouns – in particular certain demonstrative, total, indefinite, and interrogatives pronouns – may also function as determiners (DET
) and are tagged as such when functioning as a modifier of a noun.
- Personal pronouns
- 我 / ngo5 “I”, 你 / nei5 “you”, 佢 / keoi5 “he”, 我哋 / ngo5dei6 “we”, 你哋 / nei5dei6 “you”, 佢哋 / keoi5dei6 “they”, 人哋 / jan4dei6 “others, other (people); he/she/it/they”
- Reciprocal and reflexive pronouns
- 自己 / zi6gei2 “self”, 我自己 / ngo5zi6gei2 “myself”, 你自己 / nei5zi6gei2 “yourself”, 佢哋自己 / keoi5dei6zi6gei2 “themselves (f.)”, etc
- Total pronouns
- 全部 / cyun4bou6 “all”, 大家 / daai6gaa1 “everybody”
- Indefinite pronouns
- 有啲 / jau5di1 “some”, 好多 / hou2do1 “many”, 大部分 / daai6bou6fan6 “the majority”, 唔少 / m4siu2 “not few”, 多數 / do1sou3 “most”, 其他 / kei4taa1 “the other ones”
- Locational pronouns
- “here”: 呢度 / ni1dou6, 呢邊 / ni1bin1, 呢處 / ni1syu3 - “there”: 嗰度 / go2dou6, 嗰邊 / go2bin1, 嗰處 / go2syu3
- Manner pronouns
- 咁樣 / gam2joeng2 “thus, this way, like this” (also ADV)
- Interrogative pronouns
- 邊個 / bin1go3 “who”, 乜(嘢) / mat1(je5) “what”, 咩 / me1 “what”, 幾多 / gei2do1 “how many”, 邊度 / bin1dou6 “where”, 點樣 / dim2joeng2 “how” (also ADV)
- Other
- X + 方: 對方 / deoi3fong1 “the other party”, 雙方 / soeng1fong1 “both parties”
- X + 者: 前者 / cin4ze2 “the former”, 後者 / hau6ze2 “the latter”, 兩者 / loeng2ze2 “the two”, 三者 / saam1ze2 “the three”, etc.
- 其餘 / kei4jyu4 “the rest”
PRON in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [da] [de] [el] [en] [es] [ess] [et] [fi] [fro] [fr] [ga] [grc] [hu] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [kpv] [ky] [myv] [nci] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sla] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [uk] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]