: mood
Values: | App | Ass | Imp | Ind | Int | Pot | Prh |
In Khoekhoe, Mood
is a feature of auxiliaries.
: declarative
Similar to the indicative mood, can be considered the default mood in Khoekhoe. Could be used in combination with the apprehensive tā and the interrogative i. This value is used exclusively for the declarative auxiliary ge.
- ǁîs ge ariba ra ǃao. “She is afraid of the dog.”
: imperative
The speaker uses imperative to politely order or ask the addressee to do the action expressed by the verb. This value is used exclusively for the imperative auxiliary re. Unmarked orders and requests are less polite.
- Kō re! “Look!”
: prohibitive
The speaker uses prohibitive to order or ask the addressee not to do the action of the verb. Often in combination with imperative auxiliary. This value is used exclusively for the prohibitive auxiliary tā.
- Tā “Ti khoeb ge” ti mî re. “Don’t say “My guy.””
: apprehensive
The speaker uses apprehensive to warn against the happening of the event. Could be used in combination with the declarative auxiliary. This value is used exclusively for the apprehensive auxiliary tā.
- Tā i ge ǀgaisase nî ǀgamsa. “It should not be too hot.”
: potential
The action of the clause is possible but not certain. In Khoekhoe, there is no distinction between potential and conditional. This value is used for the potential auxiliary ga/ka and potential imperfect auxiliary kara/gara.
ǃGûb ga o, ota ge nî ǃgû. “If he goes, I will go”
Tita ge nē xū-e gara dī o, o ta ge huiba nî ǂhâ. “If I do this, I’m going to need your help.”
: interrogative
The speaker may use interrogative in yes-not questions. This value is used for the interrogative auxiliary i, and the emphatic interrogative kha.
ǁNâuǃā its ra? “Do you understand?”
ǂÛb kha ge ǁîba ǁgan-e? “Did he eat the meat?”
: assertive
The speaker uses assertive to state the action of the clause, when they believe that the addressee thinks otherwise. This value is used exclusively for the multi-word assertive auxiliary kom … o.
- Tita kom ra hîo. “I am (certainly) doing.”
Mood in other languages: [ab] [akk] [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [el] [eme] [en] [es] [ess] [et] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gn] [gub] [hbo] [hu] [hy] [it] [jaa] [ka] [ky] [mdf] [myv] [pcm] [ps] [qpm] [qtd] [quc] [ru] [say] [sl] [sv] [tpn] [tr] [tt] [u] [ug] [uk] [urb] [urj] [xcl]