: mood
Values: | Cnd | CndSub | Des | Imp | Ind | Nec | Opt | Prec | Proh | Sub |
Mood is a feature that expresses modality and subclassifies finite verb forms.
: conditional
The conditional mood is used to express conditions, i.e. protasis, for actions of the main clause. This mood marker can be found in finite and non-finite forms alike, as well as followed by derivational suffixes.
- [mdf] Касондярян, улян лётчикокс. “When I grow up, I am going to be a pilot.”
: conditional subjunctive
The conditional subjunctive mood is used to express hypothetical conditions, i.e. protasis, for actions of the main clause. This mood marker can be found in finite and non-finite forms alike, as well as followed by derivational suffixes.
- [mdf] Путондяряльхть утомня, … “If they were to build an outbuilding, …”
: desiderative
The desiderative mood is used to express desired or potential actions that are not fulfilled.
- [mdf] Молелексолеть “Did you want to go”
: indicative
The imperative is used for second person singular and plural. It is distinguished from the optative and precutive elsewhere documented as imperative with softening clitic.
- [mdf] Архт, архт меки общежитияв. “Go, go back to the dormitory.”
: indicative
The indicative can be considered the default mood. A verb in the indicative merely states that something happens, has happened or will happen, without adding any attitude of the speaker.
- [mdf] Сон кошардозе мирденц машинань штама. “She ordered her husband to wash the car.”
: necessative
The necessative mood is equated with the use of the -Ома
non-finite occuring in the predicate position.
In Moksha, this is a homonym of the Vnoun.
- [mdf] Лётчикне, улема, кядьса токсесазь коволнятнень. “The pilots , it must be, touch the clouds with their hands.”
: negative conditional subjunctive
The negative conditional subjunctive mood is used to express hypothetical negative conditions, i.e. protasis, for actions of the main clause.
- [mdf] аф озадонь седи улефтяряль, “If it were not for her being upset, …”
: optative
The optative is used for three persons in two numbers. It expresses a concessive attitude and at time resultative.
- [mdf] , а матодовондяряй – кирдест стенатне. “, but should he/she fall asleep, may the walls hold out.”
: precutive
The precutive mood is used to express requests instead of commands.
- [mdf] Да тон варжака, конашкава ляпоня! “and you take a look at how soft it is!”
: conjunctive (subjunctive)
The conjunctive mood (also subjunctive) is attested in both the main clause and subordinate clauses. It is used to express actions that would have taken place under some circumstances but they actually did not / do not happen. The conjunctive is also used to express volition in both proclamations and questions
- [mdf] Цёранянди шачелеть, сяда кице удалаль,… “Had you been born a man, your road would have succeeded better,…”
Mood in other languages: [ab] [akk] [arr] [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [cy] [el] [eme] [en] [es] [ess] [et] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gn] [gub] [hbo] [hu] [hy] [it] [jaa] [ka] [ky] [mdf] [myv] [pcm] [qpm] [qtd] [quc] [ru] [say] [sl] [sv] [tpn] [tr] [tt] [u] [ug] [uk] [urb] [urj]