: clausal complement
marks clausal dependents of verbs that function like a complement of that verb. The complement clause has its own internal subject.
Jeder hier glaubt , daß er eine Chance hat . \n Everyone here thinks that he has a chance .
ccomp(glaubt, hat)
nsubj(hat, er)
Es heißt , die Arbeiter würden streiken . \n People say the workers are on strike .
ccomp(heißt, streiken)
nsubj(streiken, Arbeiter)
Wann kann ich mir anschauen , was du gemacht hast ? \n When will I see what you have done .
ccomp(anschauen, gemacht)
nsubj(gemacht, du)
obj(gemacht, was)
ccomp in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [fro] [ga] [gsw] [gub] [hy] [it] [ja] [ka] [kk] [ky] [ml] [no] [pa] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [ssp] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [urj] [uz] [vi] [xcl] [yue] [zh]