: fixed MWE
We use deprel ‘fixed’ to annotate multi-word adverbs and prepositions in Indonesian.
Examples of adverb MWEs:
- lebih dari/kurang dari “more than/less than”
- kurang lebih “approximately/more or less”
- sering kali “often”
- sama sekali “absolutely/totally/at all”
- kadang kala “sometimes”
Examples of preposition MWEs:
- antara lain “among others/such as”
- oleh karena “therefore”
lebih dari 500 pembangkit listrik \n more than 500 power plants
advmod(500-3, lebih)
fixed(lebih, dari)
nummod(pembangkit, 500-3)
nmod(pembangkit, listrik)
advmod(500-9, more)
fixed(more, than)
nummod(plants, 500-9)
kurang lebih 100 orang \n approximately 100 people
advmod(100-3, kurang)
fixed(kurang, lebih)
nummod(orang, 100-3)
advmod(100-7, approximately)
sering kali berakhir dengan pertengkaran \n often ending in a fight
advmod(berakhir, sering)
fixed(sering, kali)
advmod(ending, often)
Saya sama sekali tidak setuju . \n I totally disagree .
advmod(sama, setuju)
fixed(sama, sekali)
advmod(setuju, tidak)
advmod(disagree, totally)
antara lain buku pengetahuan dan agama \n such as books of knowledge and religion
case(buku, antara)
fixed(antara, lain)
nmod(buku, pengetahuan)
conj(pengetahuan, agama)
cc(dan, agama)
case(books, such)
fixed(such, as)
Oleh karena itu , kamu harus berobat . \n Therefore , you must seek treatment .
fixed(Oleh, karena)
fixed(Oleh, itu)
advmod(berobat, Oleh)
advmod(seek, Therefore)
fixed in other languages: [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [hy] [id] [it] [ja] [ka] [ky] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [u] [xcl]