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fixed: multi-word expression

The fixed relation is used for a small set of multiword expressions, largely taken over intact from ARCOSG.

These mainly fall into the following categories:


“the southern side of the country”

“a short time ago”

copula and expletive pronoun, here “it was a dozen acres”. This is a really common construction in Scottish Gaelic.

Full list

The following expressions are approved by the validator at https://github.com/colinbatchelor/gdbank/blob/master/validate_gd_extras.py

As such they include dialect variants, spelling variants, words without diacritics and spelling mistakes. They can also be found in https://github.com/colinbatchelor/gdbank/blob/master/fixed.gd

This list contains bigrams that are not valid on their own but only as part of larger expressions. These bigrams are not listed below.

Within their categories they are listed in alphabetical order of content word followed by non-content words, disregarding lenition, so bho thoiseach is listed after an toiseach.

Compound adjectives

Some of these also serve as adverbs.

Phrase gloss UPOS for tokens ExtPos Notes
air bith any ADP NOUN ADJ  
sam bith, sam bidh any ADP NOUN ADJ This is originally anns am bith but we’re not treating the first element as a MWE yet
air choireigin, air choreigin or other ADP NOUN ADJ  
a deas south PART NOUN ADJ  
mu dheas southern PART NOUN ADJ  
bho dheireadh, fo dheireadh, mu dheireadh, ma dheireadh last ADP NOUN ADJ ma is dialectal
‘n ear, an ear east PART NOUN ADJ  
an earas, an earras southeast PART NOUN ADJ  
‘n iar, an iar west PART NOUN ADJ  
an iaras, an iarras southwest PART NOUN ADJ  
air leth exceptional ADP NOUN ADJ  
fa leth individual ADP NOUN ADJ  
a mach out PART NOUN ADJ  
a muigh outside PART NOUN ADJ  
a staigh, a stigh inside PART NOUN ADJ  
a steach in PART NOUN ADJ  
a tuath north PART NOUN ADJ  
mu thuath northern PART NOUN ADJ  

Compound adverbs

Many of these are spelt, at least according to GOC, with a hyphen.

Some of these also serve as adjectives.

Phrase gloss UPOS for tokens ExtPos
an àird, an àirde up PART NOUN ADV
a dh’aithghearr shortly ADP NOUN ADV
a dh’aona-ghnothaich deliberately ADP NOUN ADV
an ath-oidhch’, an ath-oidhche tomorrow night PART NOUN ADV
anns a’ bhad, sa bhad at once ADP DET NOUN ADV
am bliadhna this year PART NOUN ADV
a bhòn-uiridh the year before last PART PRON ADV
a chaoidh ever PART PRON ADV
a cheana already PART NOUN ADV
an ceart-uair, an ceartuair right now PART NOUN ADV
a cheile, a chèile, a chéile each other PART NOUN ADV
ri cheile, ri chèile, ri chéile together, against each other ADP NOUN ADV
mar an ceudna similarly SCONJ DET NOUN ADV
dè cho, dé cho how (as in how big) PRON ADV ADV
an còmhnaidh always ADP NOUN ADV
an dè yesterday PART NOUN ADV
air dheireadh behind, late, trailing ADP NOUN ADV
mu dheireadh thall, ma dheireadh thall eventually ADP NOUN ADV ADV
‘n diugh, an diugh, a’ diugh today PART NOUN ADV
an dràsda, an dràsta now PART NOUN ADV
an earar the day after tomorrow PART NOUN ADV
fad as far off NOUN ADP ADV
air falbh away ADP NOUN ADV
an ìre mhath fairly ADP NOUN ADJ ADV
air leth particularly ADP NOUN ADV
fa leth one by one ADP NOUN ADV
an iarar the day before yesterday PART NOUN ADV
an làrna-mhàireach the following morning PART NOUN ADV
a mach out PART NOUN ADV
a muigh outside PART NOUN ADV
a màireach tomorrow PART NOUN ADV
a neisd, a nis, a nise now PART NOUN ADV
a nuas down (towards speaker) PART NOUN ADV
a nochd tonight PART NOUN ADV
a raoir, an raoir last night PART NOUN ADV
a riamh every PART NOUN ADV
a rithist again PART NOUN ADV
‘n seo, an seo, a seo here PART PRON ADV
ann a sheo, ann a-seo, ann an seo here ADP (PART) PRON ADV
ann a sheothach, ann a-seothach, an seothach here ADP (PART) ADJ ADV
mu sgaoil, ma sgaoil loose PART NOUN ADV
an sin, ‘n sin, a sin, an sean there PART PRON ADV
ann a shin, ann a-sin there ADP PART PRON ADV
ann a-sineach, an sineach there ADP ADJ ADV
an siod, an siud, ann a-siud, ann a shiud yonder PART PRON ADV
an siudach, ann a shiodach, ann a shiudach yonder ADP (PART) ADJ ADV
a staigh, a stigh inside PART NOUN ADV
a steach in PART NOUN ADV
ma tha, ma thà indeed SCONJ VERB ADV
an toiseach at first ADP NOUN ADV
bho thoiseach from the start ADP NOUN ADV
mu thràth already ADP NOUN ADV
air thùs at first ADP NOUN ADV
mar is trice, mar bu trice usually SCONJ AUX ADJ ADV
‘n uairsin, an uairsin, an uair sin then ADP NOUN (DET) ADV
o’n uairsin since then ADP DET NOUN ADV
an uiridh, an uirigh last year PART NOUN ADV

Compound auxiliaries

Phrase words gloss UPOS for words ExtPos
b’ ann, bann bu an e was (fronts an adjective, adverb or PP) AUX ADP PRON AUX
b’ e bu e was (fronts an NP) AUX PRON AUX
b’ i bu i was (fronts an NP) AUX PRON AUX
chan ann chan an e isn’t (fronts an adjective, adverb or PP) AUX ADP PRON AUX
chan e chan e isn’t (fronts an NP) AUX PRON AUX
gur ann gur an e that it is (fronts an adjective, adverb or PP) AUX ADP PRON AUX
gun e, gur e, gur h-e gur e that it is (fronts an NP) AUX PRON AUX
’s ann, ‘sann, sann, is ann is an e is (fronts an adjective, adverb or PP) AUX ADP PRON AUX
’s e, ‘se, se, is e is e is (fronts an NP) AUX PRON AUX
’s i, ‘si, si, is i is i is (fronts an NP) AUX PRON AUX
nach ann nach an e isn’t it (fronts an adjective, adverb or PP) AUX ADP PRON AUX
nach e nach e isn’t it (fronts an NP) AUX ADP PRON AUX

Compound coordinators

Phrase gloss UPOS for words ExtPos
air neo or ADP CCONJ CCONJ

Compound determiners

Phrase gloss UPOS for tokens ExtPos
a h-uile, a chuile every DET NOUN DET

Compound particles

Phrase gloss UPOS for tokens ExtPos
na b’, na bu comparative marker (past) PART AUX PART

Compound prepositions

Phrase gloss UPOS for tokens ExtPos Notes
a dh’aindeoin, a dh’ainneoin in spite of ADP NOUN ADP  
ann am, ann an, ann a’ in (indefinite) ADP ADP ADP Also ann a: for a dysfluency. ann a’ is non-standard but shows up in the news subcorpus
anns a’, anns an, anns na in (definite) ADP ADP ADP  
as aonais, ás aonais, às aonais apart from ADP NOUN ADP  
air beulaibh, air bheulaibh in front of ADP NOUN ADP Contains the old -(a)ibh dative ending
am broinn within ADP NOUN ADP  
bho chionn, o chionn since ADP NOUN ADP  
os cionn, fos cionn above ADP NOUN ADP  
mu choinneamh, mu choinneimh opposite ADP NOUN ADP  
mu chuairt, mun chuairt around, about ADP NOUN ADP  
an cois at the foot of, accompanying ADP NOUN ADP  
air cùlaibh behind ADP NOUN ADP Contains the old -(a)ibh dative ending
‘n déidh, an deidh, an dèidh, an déidh after ADP NOUN ADP  
as deidh, as dèidh, as déidh after ADP NOUN ADP  
mu dheidhinn, ma dheidhinn, mu ‘n about ADP NOUN ADP ma is a variant of mu
air feadh throughout ADP NOUN ADP  
ri linn on account of, at the time of ADP NOUN ADP  
a lùib, an lùib along with ADP NOUN ADP  
am measg among ADP NOUN ADP  
a réir, a rèir according to ADP NOUN ADP originally do réir
gu ruige up to ADP NOUN ADP Dwelly says that the correct for is gu nuig
air sgath, air sgàth because of ADP NOUN ADP  
air son for ADP NOUN ADP usually airson
an taca ri, an taca ris compared to ADP NOUN ADP ADP Validator also supports an tac because of a dysfluency
a thaobh in regard to ADP NOUN ADP  

Compound pronouns

Phrase gloss UPOS for tokens ExtPos Notes
air mo bheulaibh in front of me ADP DET NOUN PRON and do, a
có dhiubh which of them PRON ADP NOUN PRON  
gu dé, gu dè what PRON PRON PRON reanalysis of ciod é. is standard
dé mar, dè mar how PRON ADV PRON  
cia mheud how many PRON NOUN PRON  
car son why ADP NOUN PRON usually carson

Compound subordinators

The usual pattern is (ADP|PART)? NOUN CCONJ but there are others.

Phrase gloss UPOS for tokens ExtPos Notes  
gu bè gu dè, gu b’e dè whichever, whatever SCONJ AUX (PRON) PRON SCONJ is b’ e and should be analysed like that.  
bho ‘n since ADP PART SCONJ    
as bith dè, às bith dè whichever, whatever SCONJ NOUN PRON SCONJ    
gar bith dè whichever, whatever SCONJ NOUN PRON SCONJ Officially ge air bith dè  
ge brith dè whichever, whatever CCONJ NOUN PRON SCONJ Precedes or _cò  
a chionn is because PART NOUN CCONJ SCONJ    
fad ‘s, fhad ‘s, fhad agus as far as NOUN CCONJ SCONJ    
fiù ‘s even if NOUN CCONJ SCONJ    
am feadh is while PART NOUN CCONJ SCONJ    
ri linn ‘s because ADP NOUN CCONJ   SCONJ  
air sgàth ‘s because ADP NOUN CCONJ SCONJ    
a thoradh, a thoireadh because PART NOUN SCONJ    
an uair, ‘n uair when PART NOUN SCONJ    
aon uair ‘s when NUM NOUN CCONJ SCONJ    

fixed in other languages: [bg] [bm] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [hy] [id] [it] [ja] [ka] [ky] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [u] [xcl]