Treebank Statistics: UD_Italian-PoSTWITA: POS Tags: X
There are 681 X
lemmas (5%), 685 X
types (4%) and 963 X
tokens (1%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of X
is: 6 in number of lemmas, 6 in number of types and 16 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent X
lemmas: of, Prince, i, live, a, _, and, on, the, in
The 10 most frequent X
types: of, Prince, i, live, a, and, on, the, in, my
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: of (X 3, PROPN 2), Prince (X 21, PROPN 7), i (X 15, INTJ 5, PROPN 3, PRON 1), live (X 12, NOUN 2, ADV 1), a (ADP 2901, PROPN 16, X 10, INTJ 3, SYM 1), _ (X 9, PUNCT 6), and (X 9, PROPN 1), the (X 8, NOUN 1, PROPN 1), in (ADP 1238, X 5, PROPN 1), me (PRON 166, X 5, PROPN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: of (X 3, PROPN 2), Prince (X 21, PROPN 7), i (DET 1152, INTJ 5, PROPN 3, X 3, PRON 1), live (X 12, ADV 1, NOUN 1), a (ADP 2760, PROPN 16, X 10, AUX 5, INTJ 2, DET 1), and (X 9, PROPN 1), the (X 5, NOUN 1, PROPN 1), in (ADP 1139, X 5, DET 1, PROPN 1), me (PRON 154, X 5, PROPN 1), o (CCONJ 154, X 3)
- of
- Prince
- i
- DET 1152: @user ma me dici che hai fatto ?? xk hai messo i puntini ?
- INTJ 5: @user vabbe i .. un giorno riusciremo anche noi a veder li
- PROPN 3: Siamo già a le minacce – Attacco a #Grillo | Italia i Dolori : via @user
- X 3: RT @user : se anche tu vorresti abbracciare il tuo / oi idolo / i #rt segui mi e ti seguo ♥ x22
- PRON 1: @user lillii i need cure speciali di la giuly ! è stata una pasqua difficile .
- live
- X 12: mario monti massone ( live at )
- ADV 1: Governo Monti ? Per forza ? O elezioni subito ? Vieni a dire la tua live a piazza Grazioli 18 . Seconda puntata a le 15 di #citofonareadinolfi
- NOUN 1: Va bene , va bene , guardate Sanremo … Tanto fra qualche giorno esce il primo video estratto da il live di i Just for Fun :D — su di giri
- a
- ADP 2760: buongiorno a tutti #oncaci
- PROPN 16: Vabbè ragazzi ma siamo su scherzi a parte ?
- X 10: I liked a @user video Cominciano i guai per il governo Monti
- AUX 5: #Grillo che scappa inseguito da Bertazzoni mi a fatto cadere le palle per terra . #ServizioPubblico
- INTJ 2: Oi twitter , a quanto tempo xD
- DET 1: Perche’ non molla a poltrona anche Penati ?
- and
- X 9: TT ITALIA 03:48 1 . #cinemaInChiesa 2 . #serviziopubblico 3 . #Grillo 4 . Trota 5 . Levon Helm 6 . Prince Of Persia 7 . Damon and Elena 8 . Lega
- PROPN 1: TT ITALIA 04:28 1 . #cinemaInChiesa 2 . #serviziopubblico 3 . #Grillo 4 . Trota 5 . Levon Helm 6 . Damon and Elena 7 . Prince Of Persia 8 . Lega
- the
- X 5: Mario Monti , the Tinkerman .. rimette a posto le cose ! Ranieri ha i giorni contati
- NOUN 1: e siamo gia’ a una decina di miliardi di euro di danno da il governo Monti … forse piu’ che the con la Merkel bisogna impressionare mercati .
- PROPN 1: @user dopo aver elencato tutti i pregi di the flash per due giorni ahahahahah
- in
- ADP 1139: RT @user : Va boh me ne vó in palestra , a più tardi !
- X 5: Mi riguardo l’ year in the making e mi metto a piangere . Va tutto bene Camilla , tutto bene çç
- DET 1: #BoldiCapra ha fatto più ridere con questo insulto , che con in suoi film … Uomini inutili a la società !
- PROPN 1: @user buona pasqua domani sera guardero anche io alice in wonderland sono i miei film preferiti
- me
- o
The form / lemma ratio of X
is 1.005874 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.310882).
The 1st highest number of forms (6) was observed with the lemma “_”: che, i, ignora, sera, up, è.
The 2nd highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “i”: i, mausolei, moltissimi.
The 3rd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “for”: 4, for.
occurs with 4 features: Clitic (1; 0% instances), Number (1; 0% instances), Person (1; 0% instances), PronType (1; 0% instances)
occurs with 4 feature-value pairs: Clitic=Yes
, Number=Sing
, Person=2
, PronType=Prs
occurs with 2 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is _
(962 tokens).
Examples: of, Prince, i, live, a, and, on, the, in, my
nodes are attached to their parents using 29 different relations: flat:foreign (278; 29% instances), dep (135; 14% instances), parataxis (109; 11% instances), nmod (63; 7% instances), conj (48; 5% instances), obl (48; 5% instances), root (43; 4% instances), flat (42; 4% instances), obj (37; 4% instances), discourse (30; 3% instances), list (24; 2% instances), nsubj (16; 2% instances), appos (13; 1% instances), flat:name (13; 1% instances), amod (11; 1% instances), case (9; 1% instances), advcl (7; 1% instances), vocative (6; 1% instances), ccomp (5; 1% instances), goeswith (5; 1% instances), xcomp (5; 1% instances), acl:relcl (3; 0% instances), fixed (3; 0% instances), compound (2; 0% instances), iobj (2; 0% instances), parataxis:hashtag (2; 0% instances), parataxis:obj (2; 0% instances), dislocated (1; 0% instances), nsubj:pass (1; 0% instances)
Parents of X
nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: X (271; 28% instances), VERB (252; 26% instances), NOUN (161; 17% instances), PROPN (98; 10% instances), SYM (59; 6% instances), (43; 4% instances), ADJ (24; 2% instances), PRON (22; 2% instances), INTJ (14; 1% instances), ADV (10; 1% instances), NUM (5; 1% instances), DET (2; 0% instances), ADP (1; 0% instances), SCONJ (1; 0% instances)
540 (56%) X
nodes are leaves.
142 (15%) X
nodes have one child.
109 (11%) X
nodes have two children.
172 (18%) X
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a X
node is 12.
Children of X
nodes are attached using 38 different relations: flat:foreign (240; 21% instances), punct (192; 17% instances), det (110; 10% instances), case (83; 7% instances), parataxis (54; 5% instances), flat (52; 5% instances), nummod (36; 3% instances), cop (35; 3% instances), nsubj (34; 3% instances), advmod (33; 3% instances), cc (32; 3% instances), nmod (31; 3% instances), vocative (28; 2% instances), conj (24; 2% instances), obl (22; 2% instances), discourse (16; 1% instances), amod (12; 1% instances), aux (12; 1% instances), mark (12; 1% instances), parataxis:hashtag (12; 1% instances), flat:name (8; 1% instances), obj (7; 1% instances), expl (6; 1% instances), dep (5; 0% instances), advcl (4; 0% instances), appos (4; 0% instances), det:poss (3; 0% instances), iobj (3; 0% instances), acl:relcl (2; 0% instances), aux:pass (2; 0% instances), nsubj:pass (2; 0% instances), acl (1; 0% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), dislocated (1; 0% instances), expl:impers (1; 0% instances), orphan (1; 0% instances), parataxis:appos (1; 0% instances), parataxis:insert (1; 0% instances)
Children of X
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: X (271; 24% instances), PUNCT (192; 17% instances), DET (113; 10% instances), SYM (89; 8% instances), ADP (82; 7% instances), PROPN (72; 6% instances), NOUN (59; 5% instances), AUX (49; 4% instances), NUM (39; 3% instances), ADV (37; 3% instances), CCONJ (32; 3% instances), VERB (27; 2% instances), PRON (26; 2% instances), ADJ (17; 2% instances), SCONJ (11; 1% instances), INTJ (7; 1% instances)