Treebank Statistics: UD_Italian-PoSTWITA: POS Tags: INTJ
There are 255 INTJ
lemmas (2%), 305 INTJ
types (2%) and 1345 INTJ
tokens (1%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of INTJ
is: 9 in number of lemmas, 9 in number of types and 15 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent INTJ
lemmas: grazie, no, sì, ciao, buongiorno, ok, eh, lol, ah, forza
The 10 most frequent INTJ
types: grazie, no, si, sì, ciao, buongiorno, ok, eh, ah, forza
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: grazie (INTJ 197, ADP 10, NOUN 4), no (INTJ 104, ADV 23, X 2), sì (INTJ 105, ADV 25), buongiorno (INTJ 39, NOUN 1), ok (INTJ 35, ADV 4, NOUN 3), forza (NOUN 41, INTJ 12, PROPN 2), cazzo (NOUN 37, INTJ 20), ecco (ADV 67, INTJ 7), notte (NOUN 12, INTJ 7), dio (INTJ 6, NOUN 3, PROPN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: grazie (INTJ 128, ADP 10, NOUN 9), no (INTJ 94, ADV 22, X 1), si (PRON 556, INTJ 42, ADV 4, AUX 1, X 1), sì (INTJ 42, ADV 3), buongiorno (INTJ 11, NOUN 1), ok (INTJ 19, ADV 4, NOUN 2), ah (INTJ 14, AUX 1), forza (NOUN 32, INTJ 12, PROPN 2), cazzo (NOUN 29, INTJ 17), dai (INTJ 11, VERB 1)
- grazie
- no
- si
- PRON 556: Pure Passera si può definire un membro di il governo ? #monti
- INTJ 42: @user si cazzo c’ è la devo fare c’ è la posso fare !
- ADV 4: #556 si a favore di il Governo #Monti : cominciamo ora ?
- AUX 1: condividere sempre con il cliente un progetto che possa aiutar lo in l’ ottimizzare le risorse e far in modo che tutto si fluido ed efficace , au…
- X 1: @user hahahahha ma tu si scem uu * ride *
- sì
- buongiorno
- ok
- ah
- forza
- cazzo
- dai
The form / lemma ratio of INTJ
is 1.196078 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.310882).
The 1st highest number of forms (7) was observed with the lemma “haha”: HAHAHAHAAHAHHA, HAHAHAHAHAAH, HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHA, Hahahahhahahhahahhhhaahahhhaha, haha, hahahahahahah, hahahahahahahah.
The 2nd highest number of forms (7) was observed with the lemma “sì”: Seeee, Seeeeeeee, Sii, si, siii, siiii, sì.
The 3rd highest number of forms (6) was observed with the lemma “ahah”: AHAHAAHAHAH, Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Ahahahhah, ahah, ahahahahahaahahah, ahahahahahah.
occurs with 1 features: Typo (1; 0% instances)
occurs with 1 feature-value pairs: Typo=Yes
occurs with 2 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is _
(1344 tokens).
Examples: grazie, no, si, sì, ciao, buongiorno, ok, eh, ah, forza
nodes are attached to their parents using 23 different relations: discourse (993; 74% instances), root (178; 13% instances), parataxis (49; 4% instances), conj (40; 3% instances), obj (21; 2% instances), obl (13; 1% instances), case (9; 1% instances), orphan (7; 1% instances), nsubj (6; 0% instances), nmod (5; 0% instances), flat (4; 0% instances), dep (3; 0% instances), fixed (3; 0% instances), acl:relcl (2; 0% instances), advcl (2; 0% instances), amod (2; 0% instances), ccomp (2; 0% instances), compound (1; 0% instances), csubj (1; 0% instances), flat:foreign (1; 0% instances), flat:name (1; 0% instances), parataxis:appos (1; 0% instances), vocative (1; 0% instances)
Parents of INTJ
nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: VERB (612; 46% instances), NOUN (207; 15% instances), (178; 13% instances), ADJ (83; 6% instances), INTJ (78; 6% instances), PRON (60; 4% instances), PROPN (53; 4% instances), ADV (31; 2% instances), SYM (26; 2% instances), X (7; 1% instances), NUM (5; 0% instances), DET (2; 0% instances), SCONJ (2; 0% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances)
684 (51%) INTJ
nodes are leaves.
360 (27%) INTJ
nodes have one child.
128 (10%) INTJ
nodes have two children.
173 (13%) INTJ
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a INTJ
node is 13.
Children of INTJ
nodes are attached using 28 different relations: punct (457; 33% instances), vocative (268; 19% instances), discourse (132; 10% instances), parataxis (115; 8% instances), nmod (97; 7% instances), conj (55; 4% instances), obl (52; 4% instances), parataxis:hashtag (30; 2% instances), cc (27; 2% instances), nummod (27; 2% instances), advmod (23; 2% instances), case (17; 1% instances), det (17; 1% instances), advcl (13; 1% instances), fixed (9; 1% instances), flat (9; 1% instances), nsubj (8; 1% instances), dep (7; 1% instances), cop (5; 0% instances), amod (4; 0% instances), obj (4; 0% instances), flat:foreign (3; 0% instances), acl (2; 0% instances), det:poss (2; 0% instances), mark (2; 0% instances), parataxis:appos (2; 0% instances), goeswith (1; 0% instances), obl:agent (1; 0% instances)
Children of INTJ
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: PUNCT (457; 33% instances), SYM (333; 24% instances), NOUN (158; 11% instances), PROPN (90; 6% instances), INTJ (78; 6% instances), VERB (50; 4% instances), PRON (45; 3% instances), CCONJ (35; 3% instances), ADV (32; 2% instances), NUM (28; 2% instances), ADP (24; 2% instances), ADJ (19; 1% instances), DET (19; 1% instances), X (14; 1% instances), AUX (5; 0% instances), SCONJ (2; 0% instances)