: voice
Values: | Cau | SCau |
indicates the relationship between the action and its participants.
: Causative
In Tekó, the causative voice is marked with morphemes -bo
The direct causation morpheme -bo
, -mõ
) is inserted between the person index and the verb root and expresses that someone makes someone else perform the action described with an intransitive verb.
The morpheme -okar
after /o/ and /u/) is inserted between the person index and the verb and indicates that someone causes someone else to perform the action on another person . It is less frequent than bo-
and has not been lexicalized.
- wane idʒe amozaug “I wash it well.”
- seg oboapɨg “Poof, he sits her down.”
- okaʔarokar “We had it destroyed (the restaurant).”
- idʒeate lekol aiɲuŋokar “It was I who made to establish the school.”
: Sociative Causative
In Tekó, the sociative causative voice is marked with a morpheme -ero
.It is inserted between the person index and the verb and indicates that someone makes someone else perform the action while performing it himself.
This prefix has several variations:
- the stem tends to lose the initial vowel /e/ in the 1st SG, 1st INCL, 2nd SG and 2nd PL
- /w/ is often added between indices ending in /o/ and the stem
- a tendency to nasalization before a morpheme with a nasal feature
- the reduction to ir-, er- or r- in certain cases of lexicalization
The morpheme -ero
combines only with intransitive verbs
- zawarenam ka oweronan “The dog runs with/makes the wasps run.”
- ko zawar oeroʔar tupawər “And then the dog drops the box with a toad.”
- oerokʷa baʔezaʔu “She passes with the food.”
- aroʔa “I sleep with someone.”
Prague Dependency Treebank
The PDT tagset does not distinguish Ptan
from Plur
and Coll
from Sing
therefore this distinction is not being made in the converted data.
Voice in other languages: [abq] [am] [arr] [bej] [bg] [bor] [ceb] [cs] [el] [eme] [en] [fi] [fr] [gn] [gub] [ha] [hu] [hy] [jaa] [ka] [ky] [myu] [pay] [qpm] [qtd] [quc] [ru] [sv] [tl] [tpn] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urb] [urj] [xcl]