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AUX: auxiliary verb

The English AUX covers PTB MD and uses of the various verbal tags (VB, VBP, VBG, VBN, VBD, VBZ) when they are forms of be, have, do, and get when used as an auxiliary (we count passive get as an auxiliary).

Treebank Statistics (UD_English)

There are 38 AUX lemmas (0%), 71 AUX types (0%) and 9748 AUX tokens (4%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of AUX is: 15 in number of lemmas, 14 in number of types and 10 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent AUX lemmas: be, have, will, do, can, would, could, should, may, might

The 10 most frequent AUX types: will, can, would, have, do, is, was, be, are, has

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: be (VERB 6553, AUX 2940, NOUN 2, X 1), have (VERB 1668, AUX 1567), will (AUX 1262, NOUN 6, PROPN 1, SCONJ 1), do (AUX 1135, VERB 669, NOUN 2, ADV 1, PROPN 1, ADP 1), can (AUX 877, NOUN 7, VERB 3), may (AUX 226, PROPN 1), must (AUX 76, NOUN 3), get (VERB 744, AUX 41), of (ADP 4163, SCONJ 165, ADV 48, AUX 3, CONJ 1), nt (PART 91, AUX 2, NOUN 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: will (AUX 982, NOUN 6, PROPN 1, SCONJ 1), can (AUX 716, NOUN 6), have (VERB 938, AUX 720), do (AUX 576, VERB 331, NOUN 2, ADV 1, PROPN 1, ADP 1), is (VERB 2213, AUX 527, ADV 1, PRON 1), was (VERB 962, AUX 505), be (VERB 854, AUX 507, NOUN 2, X 1), are (VERB 906, AUX 459), has (AUX 436, VERB 208), did (AUX 231, VERB 95)


The form / lemma ratio of AUX is 1.868421 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.173588).

The 1st highest number of forms (16) was observed with the lemma “be”: ‘m, ‘re, ‘s, ai, am, are, be, been, being, is, m, r, re, s, was, were.

The 2nd highest number of forms (8) was observed with the lemma “have”: ‘d, ‘ve, had, has, have, having, v, ve.

The 3rd highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “will”: ‘ll, ll, will, wilt, wo.

AUX occurs with 5 features: VerbForm (9746; 100% instances), Tense (4812; 49% instances), Mood (4685; 48% instances), Number (1871; 19% instances), Person (1868; 19% instances)

AUX occurs with 11 feature-value pairs: Mood=Imp, Mood=Ind, Number=Sing, Person=1, Person=3, Tense=Past, Tense=Pres, VerbForm=Fin, VerbForm=Ger, VerbForm=Inf, VerbForm=Part

AUX occurs with 13 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is VerbForm=Fin (4052 tokens). Examples: will, can, would, could, do, should, have, is, was, are


AUX nodes are attached to their parents using 15 different relations: aux (8047; 83% instances), auxpass (1595; 16% instances), advcl (34; 0% instances), acl:relcl (17; 0% instances), root (16; 0% instances), conj (14; 0% instances), ccomp (9; 0% instances), cop (5; 0% instances), parataxis (4; 0% instances), neg (2; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), compound (1; 0% instances), mark (1; 0% instances), reparandum (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Parents of AUX nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: VERB (8890; 91% instances), ADJ (420; 4% instances), NOUN (271; 3% instances), ADV (80; 1% instances), PROPN (33; 0% instances), ROOT (16; 0% instances), NUM (11; 0% instances), PRON (10; 0% instances), ADP (7; 0% instances), DET (5; 0% instances), AUX (4; 0% instances), SYM (1; 0% instances)

9659 (99%) AUX nodes are leaves.

21 (0%) AUX nodes have one child.

36 (0%) AUX nodes have two children.

32 (0%) AUX nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a AUX node is 7.

Children of AUX nodes are attached using 19 different relations: nsubj (80; 36% instances), mark (36; 16% instances), punct (23; 10% instances), advmod (19; 8% instances), neg (12; 5% instances), advcl (11; 5% instances), conj (8; 4% instances), cc (7; 3% instances), xcomp (6; 3% instances), dobj (5; 2% instances), aux (3; 1% instances), nmod (3; 1% instances), discourse (2; 1% instances), expl (2; 1% instances), nmod:tmod (2; 1% instances), parataxis (2; 1% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), goeswith (1; 0% instances), mwe (1; 0% instances)

Children of AUX nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: PRON (68; 30% instances), SCONJ (34; 15% instances), PUNCT (23; 10% instances), VERB (23; 10% instances), ADV (22; 10% instances), PART (14; 6% instances), NOUN (13; 6% instances), CONJ (7; 3% instances), DET (5; 2% instances), AUX (4; 2% instances), PROPN (4; 2% instances), ADJ (3; 1% instances), INTJ (2; 1% instances), NUM (1; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)

AUX in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]