: compound
The compound
relation is one of three relations for multiword expressions (MWEs) (the other two being fixed and flat). It is used:
- for any kind of X0 compounding: bare noun compounds (e.g., phone book), but also adjective/adverb compounds.
տուն - թանգարան \n house - museum
compound(տուն, թանգարան)
compound(house, museum)
գեներալ - լեյտենանտ \n general - lieutenant
compound(գեներալ, լեյտենանտ)
compound(general, lieutenant)
թղթակից անդամ \n associate member
compound(թղթակից, անդամ)
compound(associate, member)
երկար - բարակ \n long - thin
compound(երկար, բարակ)
compound(long, thin)
- for fraction and some range numbers in contrast with flat. The leftmost numeral is the head, the other numerals are attached as its modifiers:
երեք քառորդ բաժին հաց \n three quarters pieces of-bread
nmod(հաց, բաժին)
nmod(of-bread, pieces)
nummod(բաժին, երեք)
nummod(pieces, three)
compound(երեք, քառորդ)
compound(three, quarters)
չորս-հինգ/NUM[NumForm=Word|NumType=Range] ժամ/NOUN \n four-five hours
nummod(ժամ, չորս-հինգ)
nummod(hours, four-five)
տասից/NOUN[Animacy=Nhum|Case=Abl|Definite=Ind|Number=Sing|NumForm=Word] տասնհինգ/NOUN[Animacy=Nhum|Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Number=Sing|NumForm=Word] ժամ/NOUN \n from-ten to-fifteen hours
compound(տասից, տասնհինգ)
compound(from-ten, to-fifteen)
nummod(ժամ, տասից)
nummod(hours, from-ten)
in Armenian is used also for serial verbs (with the subtype compound:svc), for light verbs (with the subtype compound:lvc) and for a range of reduplicated forms (with the subtype compound:redup).
compound in other languages: [bej] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [hu] [hy] [it] [ja] [kk] [ky] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]