: compound
The compound
relation is presently used for two constructions.
- Reduplicated adjectives.
- deug ‘ten’ at the end of a numeric phrase (numbers to the left of the noun they are counting are
Currently noun–noun compounds are annotated with nmod
Reduplicated adjectives and adverbs
The motivation here is that they can appear both attributively and predicatively and the use is to intensify the meaning.
Attributive: lèabagan mòra mòra an fheadhainn ud ‘very big flounders those ones’ (c10_161)
tràigh mhòr mhòr mhòr ‘a very very low tide’ (c06_082a)
Predicative: cha robh e ach beag beag ‘it was nothing but really small’ (c10_165)
If on the other hand there is a sequence of adjectives that aren’t all the same adjective then they are connected to whatever they describe separately and with their own relations:
fhìor sheann fhreumhan ‘very old roots’ (fp07_007)
an naodhamh latha deug ‘the nineteenth day’ (fp06_001)
compound in other languages: [bej] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [hu] [hy] [it] [ja] [kk] [ky] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]