: compound
We use the compound
relation for
- The NOUN-NOUN compounds of Modern Greek (they may be spelled with or without an ‘_’):
κράτος μέλος
compound(κράτος, μέλος)
απόφαση - κόλαφος
compound(απόφαση, κόλαφος)
punct(απόφαση, -)
λέξης κλειδί
compound(λέξης, κλειδί)
- For combinations with the forms κυρ, γερο and παπα as a first member and a PROPN or a NOUN as a second one; these combinations may be spelled with or without an ‘-‘. The overall construct is “visible” with the PoS of the head of the compound and this is the reason why the flat dependency was not preferred because the construct would be visible with the PoS of the first member. Another reason is that these combinations may be spelled as one word, e.g., γεροναύτης ‘old sailor’, in which case they are assigned the PoS of the head of the compound.
ο γερο-Αρτέμης
punct(Αρτέμης, -)
compound(Αρτέμης, γέρο)
det(Αρτέμης, ο)
ο γερο Μαθιός
compound(Μαθιός, γέρο)
det(Μαθιός, ο)
- For combinations of numbers:
Είκοσι χιλιάδες λεύγες
compound(χιλιάδες, Είκοσι)
nummod(χιλιάδες, λεύγες)
Πάνω από τρία εκατομμύρια ευρώ
compound(εκατομμύρια, τρία)
nummod(ευρώ, εκατομμύρια)
The head of the compound cardinal numeral sometimes agrees with a modified noun.
τριάντα τρεις μέρες
compound(τρεις, τριάντα)
nummod(μέρες, τρεις)
The two other compounding relations are:
- fixed for fixed grammaticized expressions with function words
- flat for proper nouns constituted of multiple nominal elements
compound in other languages: [bej] [cop] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [et] [eu] [fi] [fr] [ga] [gd] [gsw] [hu] [hy] [it] [ja] [kk] [ky] [no] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sv] [swl] [tr] [u] [urj] [xcl] [yue] [zh]