Treebank Statistics: UD_Italian-Old: POS Tags: PROPN
There are 738 PROPN
lemmas (13%), 770 PROPN
types (7%) and 1234 PROPN
tokens (1%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of PROPN
is: 3 in number of lemmas, 4 in number of types and 12 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent PROPN
lemmas: Dio, Virgilio, Beatrice, Guido, Roma, Maria, Italia, Piero, Sordello, Stazio
The 10 most frequent PROPN
types: Dio, Virgilio, Beatrice, Guido, Roma, Maria, Italia, Stazio, Adamo, Arno
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: santo (ADJ 32, PROPN 7, NOUN 3), Israele (PROPN 1, X 1), bianco (ADJ 16, NOUN 3, PROPN 1), bocca (NOUN 24, PROPN 1), fra (ADP 5, PROPN 1), mare (NOUN 20, PROPN 1), regina (NOUN 3, PROPN 1), tesoro (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), volto (NOUN 23, PROPN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: Dio (PROPN 65, NOUN 1), Amor (PROPN 5, NOUN 1), Dite (PROPN 4, VERB 1), Latino (PROPN 2, NOUN 1), Deo (PROPN 1, X 1), Mira (VERB 2, PROPN 1), Regina (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), Santa (ADJ 2, PROPN 1), Tale (DET 1, PROPN 1), fra (ADP 4, PROPN 1)
- Dio
- Amor
- Dite
- Latino
- PROPN 2: Vidi Cammilla e la Pantasilea ; da l’ altra parte vidi ‘l re Latino che con Lavina sua figlia sedea .
- NOUN 1: « O tu che con le dita ti dismaglie » , cominciò ‘l duca mio a l’ un di loro , « e che fai d’ esse talvolta tanaglie , di’ ne s’ alcun Latino è tra costoro che son quinc’ entro , se l’ unghia ti basti etternalmente a cotesto lavoro » .
- Deo
- Mira
- Regina
- NOUN 1: La gente che non vien con noi , offese di ciò per che già Cesar , triunfando , » Regina « contra sé chiamar s’ intese : però si parton » Soddoma « gridando , rimproverando a sé com’ hai udito , e aiutan l’ arsura vergognando .
- PROPN 1: « Salve , Regina » in su l verde e ‘n su ‘ fiori quindi seder cantando anime vidi , che per la valle non parean di fuori .
- Santa
- ADJ 2: Questi » , e mostrò con il dito , « è Bonagiunta , Bonagiunta da Lucca ; e quella faccia di là da lui più che l’ altre trapunta ebbe la Santa Chiesa in le sue braccia : da il Torso fu , e purga per digiuno l’ anguille di Bolsena e la vernaccia » .
- PROPN 1: di il nostro ponte disse : « O Malebranche , ecco un de li anzian di Santa Zita !
- Tale
- DET 1: Tale imagine a punto mi rendea ciò ch’ io udiva , qual prender si suole quando a cantar con organi si stea ; ch’ or sì or no s’ intendon le parole .
- PROPN 1: Tutti lo miran , tutti onor li fanno : quivi vid’ io Socrate e Platone , che ‘nnanzi a li altri più presso li stanno ; Democrito , che ‘l mondo a caso pone , Diogenès , Anassagora e Tale , Empedoclès , Eraclito e Zenone ; e vidi il buono accoglitor di il quale , Diascoride dico ; e vidi Orfeo , Tulio e Lino e Seneca morale ; Euclide geomètra e Tolomeo , Ipocràte , Avicenna e Galieno , Averoìs , che ‘l gran comento feo .
- fra
- ADP 4: Io dicea fra me stesso pensando : « Ecco la gente che perdé Ierusalemme , quando Maria in il figlio diè di becco ! » .
- PROPN 1: « Or dì a fra Dolcin dunque che s’ armi , tu che forse vedra’ il sole in breve , s’ ello non vuol qui tosto seguitare mi , sì di vivanda , che stretta di neve non rechi la vittoria a il Noarese , ch’ altrimenti acquistar non saria leve » .
The form / lemma ratio of PROPN
is 1.043360 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.902154).
The 1st highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “Dio”: Deo, Dio, Iddio.
The 2nd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “Alichino”: Alichin, Alichino.
The 3rd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “Amore”: Amor, Amore.
occurs with 2 features: Gender (1; 0% instances), Number (1; 0% instances)
occurs with 2 feature-value pairs: Gender=Masc
, Number=Sing
occurs with 2 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is _
(1233 tokens).
Examples: Dio, Virgilio, Beatrice, Guido, Roma, Maria, Italia, Stazio, Adamo, Arno
nodes are attached to their parents using 26 different relations: nsubj (293; 24% instances), nmod (183; 15% instances), conj (141; 11% instances), obj (132; 11% instances), obl:lmod (117; 9% instances), flat:name (86; 7% instances), obl (54; 4% instances), vocative (53; 4% instances), obl:arg (34; 3% instances), root (28; 2% instances), ccomp:reported (22; 2% instances), parataxis (20; 2% instances), xcomp (19; 2% instances), orphan (10; 1% instances), nsubj:pass (8; 1% instances), obl:agent (8; 1% instances), appos (6; 0% instances), ccomp (5; 0% instances), flat:redup (5; 0% instances), acl:relcl (3; 0% instances), obl:tmod (2; 0% instances), acl (1; 0% instances), advcl (1; 0% instances), advcl:cmp (1; 0% instances), discourse (1; 0% instances), nmod:lmod (1; 0% instances)
Parents of PROPN
nodes belong to 9 different parts of speech: VERB (712; 58% instances), PROPN (216; 18% instances), NOUN (205; 17% instances), PRON (35; 3% instances), (28; 2% instances), ADJ (22; 2% instances), ADV (13; 1% instances), INTJ (2; 0% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances)
341 (28%) PROPN
nodes are leaves.
473 (38%) PROPN
nodes have one child.
207 (17%) PROPN
nodes have two children.
213 (17%) PROPN
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a PROPN
node is 10.
Children of PROPN
nodes are attached using 29 different relations: case (450; 25% instances), punct (275; 16% instances), conj (177; 10% instances), det (163; 9% instances), cc (120; 7% instances), acl:relcl (109; 6% instances), amod (73; 4% instances), flat:name (72; 4% instances), cop (57; 3% instances), nsubj (54; 3% instances), appos (34; 2% instances), parataxis (31; 2% instances), advmod (24; 1% instances), discourse (22; 1% instances), det:poss (17; 1% instances), nmod (16; 1% instances), acl (13; 1% instances), orphan (13; 1% instances), advmod:lmod (10; 1% instances), mark (9; 1% instances), advcl (7; 0% instances), advmod:neg (5; 0% instances), flat:redup (4; 0% instances), advmod:tmod (3; 0% instances), obl:lmod (3; 0% instances), ccomp:reported (2; 0% instances), vocative (2; 0% instances), advcl:relcl (1; 0% instances), iobj (1; 0% instances)
Children of PROPN
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: ADP (448; 25% instances), PUNCT (275; 16% instances), PROPN (216; 12% instances), DET (180; 10% instances), VERB (153; 9% instances), CCONJ (120; 7% instances), NOUN (84; 5% instances), ADJ (81; 5% instances), PRON (68; 4% instances), AUX (58; 3% instances), ADV (51; 3% instances), PART (12; 1% instances), INTJ (10; 1% instances), SCONJ (9; 1% instances), NUM (1; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)