: numeral
A numeral is a word, functioning most typically as a determiner, adjective or pronoun, that expresses a number and a relation to the number, such as quantity, sequence, frequency or fraction.
tag is used for digit numerals (3 / 3.), roman numerals (III / III.), cardinal word numerals (tri “three”) and generic numerals (troje “three sets of”).
Other word types expressing a number or a relation to a number in Slovenian are marked as adjectives (tretji “the third”, trojen “triple”, trikraten “threefold”), adverbs (trikrat “three times”, tretjič “the third time”) or nouns (tretjina “a third”, trojica “triplet”, trojka “number three”).
- 1, 2, 3
- 1., 2., 3.
- I, II, III
- I., II., III.
- en “one”, dva “two”, tri “three”
- enoje “one set of”, dvoje “two sets of”, troje “three sets of”
Conversion from JOS
The following numerals are converted to NUM
: numerals with Form=digit; numerals with Form=roman; numerals with Form=letter and Type=cardinal; numeral with Form=letter, Type=pronominal and lemma en or eden; and numerals with Form=letter, Type=special and lemma not ending in -en.
Treebank Statistics (UD_Slovenian)
There are 485 NUM
lemmas (3%), 524 NUM
types (2%) and 1927 NUM
tokens (1%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of NUM
is: 6 in number of lemmas, 6 in number of types and 14 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent NUM
lemmas: en, dva, trije, štirje, pet, deset, eden, tisoč, šest, sto
The 10 most frequent NUM
types: eno, tri, dveh, dva, ena, eden, tisoč, štiri, štirih, dve
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: V (NOUN 2, NUM 1), V. (X 3, NUM 1), X (NOUN 1, NUM 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: V (ADP 423, NOUN 2, NUM 1), V. (X 3, NUM 1), X (NUM 1, NOUN 1), dvajsetih (NUM 1, ADJ 1)
- V
- V.
- X
- dvajsetih
- NUM 1: Pri dvajsetih letih se le redko katera ženska sprašuje o svoji plodnosti , večina se zanositvi prav v teh letih skuša čim bolj izogniti .
- ADJ 1: Bluesovska zgodovina je v eksploziji “ umazanega ” , “ globokega ” , silovitega bluesa Muddyja Watersa in sodobnikov ob koncu štiridesetih let razbrala ponovni vznik stila , ki ga poznamo iz dvajsetih let , v downhome bluesovski tradiciji .
The form / lemma ratio of NUM
is 1.080412 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.894262).
The 1st highest number of forms (10) was observed with the lemma “en”: en, ena, ene, enega, enem, enemu, eni, enih, enim, eno.
The 2nd highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “trije”: treh, trem, tremi, tri, trije.
The 3rd highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “štirje”: štiri, štirih, štirim, štirimi, štirje.
occurs with 5 features: sl-feat/NumForm (1927; 100% instances), sl-feat/NumType (1927; 100% instances), sl-feat/Case (740; 38% instances), sl-feat/Number (740; 38% instances), sl-feat/Gender (486; 25% instances)
occurs with 18 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Ins
, Case=Loc
, Case=Nom
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, NumForm=Digit
, NumForm=Roman
, NumForm=Word
, NumType=Card
, NumType=Ord
, NumType=Sets
, Number=Dual
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
occurs with 61 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card
(921 tokens).
Examples: 10, 15, 2000, 50, 30, 3, 20, 6, 40, 2
nodes are attached to their parents using 12 different relations: sl-dep/nummod (1586; 82% instances), sl-dep/compound (114; 6% instances), sl-dep/conj (101; 5% instances), sl-dep/advmod (66; 3% instances), sl-dep/parataxis (24; 1% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (13; 1% instances), sl-dep/dobj (9; 0% instances), sl-dep/dep (8; 0% instances), sl-dep/root (3; 0% instances), sl-dep/acl (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/iobj (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/nmod (1; 0% instances)
Parents of NUM
nodes belong to 9 different parts of speech: NOUN (1558; 81% instances), NUM (128; 7% instances), VERB (109; 6% instances), ADJ (68; 4% instances), PROPN (47; 2% instances), PRON (8; 0% instances), ADV (5; 0% instances), ROOT (3; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)
1471 (76%) NUM
nodes are leaves.
319 (17%) NUM
nodes have one child.
107 (6%) NUM
nodes have two children.
30 (2%) NUM
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a NUM
node is 7.
Children of NUM
nodes are attached using 14 different relations: sl-dep/punct (178; 28% instances), sl-dep/case (124; 19% instances), sl-dep/advmod (116; 18% instances), sl-dep/conj (108; 17% instances), sl-dep/cc (38; 6% instances), sl-dep/compound (34; 5% instances), sl-dep/nmod (18; 3% instances), sl-dep/acl (10; 2% instances), sl-dep/amod (6; 1% instances), sl-dep/cop (2; 0% instances), sl-dep/advcl (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/aux (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/mark (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (1; 0% instances)
Children of NUM
nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: PUNCT (178; 28% instances), NUM (128; 20% instances), ADP (124; 19% instances), ADV (91; 14% instances), CONJ (38; 6% instances), PART (27; 4% instances), VERB (13; 2% instances), ADJ (12; 2% instances), NOUN (12; 2% instances), PRON (10; 2% instances), PROPN (2; 0% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances), SCONJ (1; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)
Treebank Statistics (UD_Slovenian-SST)
There are 53 NUM
lemmas (1%), 83 NUM
types (1%) and 499 NUM
tokens (2%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of NUM
is: 8 in number of lemmas, 9 in number of types and 16 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent NUM
lemmas: en, dva, trije, štirje, tisoč, dvajset, pet, petnajst, deset, sto
The 10 most frequent NUM
types: eno, dva, en, ena, tri, tisoč, dvajset, dve, pet, enega
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: pet (NUM 17, ADJ 2)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: pet (NUM 14, X 1), ene (NUM 10, ADV 6), osemdesetih (ADJ 2, NUM 1)
- pet
- ene
- osemdesetih
The form / lemma ratio of NUM
is 1.566038 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.575031).
The 1st highest number of forms (9) was observed with the lemma “en”: en, ena, ene, enega, enemu, eni, enih, enim, eno.
The 2nd highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “trije”: treh, tremi, tri, trije.
The 3rd highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “štirje”: štiri, štirih, štirim, štirje.
occurs with 5 features: sl-feat/Case (499; 100% instances), sl-feat/NumForm (499; 100% instances), sl-feat/NumType (499; 100% instances), sl-feat/Number (499; 100% instances), sl-feat/Gender (270; 54% instances)
occurs with 15 feature-value pairs: Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Ins
, Case=Loc
, Case=Nom
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, NumForm=Word
, NumType=Card
, NumType=Sets
, Number=Dual
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
occurs with 39 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Case=Acc|Number=Plur|NumForm=Word|NumType=Card
(122 tokens).
Examples: dvajset, sto, tisoč, petnajst, deset, pet, šestdeset, osemdeset, petdeset, petsto
nodes are attached to their parents using 15 different relations: sl-dep/nummod (284; 57% instances), sl-dep/compound (53; 11% instances), sl-dep/conj (30; 6% instances), sl-dep/nmod (29; 6% instances), sl-dep/root (26; 5% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (25; 5% instances), sl-dep/dobj (20; 4% instances), sl-dep/parataxis (9; 2% instances), sl-dep/reparandum (8; 2% instances), sl-dep/advmod (4; 1% instances), sl-dep/mwe (4; 1% instances), sl-dep/appos (2; 0% instances), sl-dep/ccomp (2; 0% instances), sl-dep/dislocated (2; 0% instances), sl-dep/acl (1; 0% instances)
Parents of NUM
nodes belong to 11 different parts of speech: NOUN (271; 54% instances), NUM (87; 17% instances), VERB (81; 16% instances), ROOT (26; 5% instances), ADJ (12; 2% instances), PRON (12; 2% instances), PROPN (4; 1% instances), ADV (2; 0% instances), AUX (2; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances), X (1; 0% instances)
358 (72%) NUM
nodes are leaves.
71 (14%) NUM
nodes have one child.
33 (7%) NUM
nodes have two children.
37 (7%) NUM
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a NUM
node is 8.
Children of NUM
nodes are attached using 23 different relations: sl-dep/compound (54; 19% instances), sl-dep/advmod (42; 15% instances), sl-dep/conj (40; 14% instances), sl-dep/case (32; 11% instances), sl-dep/cc (17; 6% instances), sl-dep/cop (11; 4% instances), sl-dep/discourse (11; 4% instances), sl-dep/reparandum (10; 4% instances), sl-dep/nsubj (9; 3% instances), sl-dep/discourse:filler (7; 3% instances), sl-dep/nmod (7; 3% instances), sl-dep/parataxis (7; 3% instances), sl-dep/punct (7; 3% instances), sl-dep/acl (4; 1% instances), sl-dep/amod (4; 1% instances), sl-dep/det (4; 1% instances), sl-dep/mwe (4; 1% instances), sl-dep/mark (3; 1% instances), sl-dep/parataxis:discourse (2; 1% instances), sl-dep/aux (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/cc:preconj (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/expl (1; 0% instances), sl-dep/nummod (1; 0% instances)
Children of NUM
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: NUM (87; 31% instances), ADP (37; 13% instances), ADV (28; 10% instances), VERB (22; 8% instances), PART (20; 7% instances), NOUN (16; 6% instances), PRON (15; 5% instances), CONJ (12; 4% instances), INTJ (10; 4% instances), X (10; 4% instances), ADJ (9; 3% instances), DET (4; 1% instances), PROPN (3; 1% instances), SCONJ (3; 1% instances), PUNCT (2; 1% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances)
NUM in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]