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advmod: adverbial modifier

An adverbial modifier of a word is a (non-clausal) adverb or adverbial phrase (ADVP) that serves to modify the meaning of the word. This includes adjectives which become adverbs when the particle ‘go’ is placed in front of the adjective i.e. ‘go hiontach’.


Averbs of direction

Fuair mé fliú mór a bhí ag dul thart `I caught a bad flu that was going around

Averbs of place

Chaithimid an oíche amuigh ar an fharraige `We spent the night out on the sea’

Adverbs of time

Níor tháinig sé go fóill `He hasn’t arrived yet

chuala mé iad ag maíomh go minic ‘I heard them stating often

NOTE: Some temporal constructions which bear this dependency relation are also treated as fixed multiword expressions, e.g.:

fad a bhí Fianna Fáil ar thaobh an fhreasúra `while Fianna Fáil were in opposition’

Adverbs of manner

D’éirigh go hiontach leis `He did very well

Despite having a POS tag of ADJ, when used with the particle ‘go’ an adjective takes the role of an adverb.

Interrogative adverbs

raibh na mórmheáin eile go léir idir phoiblí is phríobháideach? `Where were all the other main public and private media outlets?’

Conas atá sé? `How is he?

Ní gnó don Stát é a threorú dóibh conas ba chóir dóibh préamhú as an nua. `It’s not the responsibility of the State to guide them in how they should get re-established.

General adverbs

Rinne an fear comharthaí agus é ag labhairt ionas go dtuigfí a scéal. ‘The man made signals while he was speaking so that his story would be understood.’

Rinne an fear comharthaí agus é ag labhairt ionas go dtuigfí a scéal

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