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NumType: numeral type

Values: Card Frac Mult Ord Sets

Czech has a complex system of numerals. For example, in the school grammar of Czech, the main part of speech is “numeral”, it includes almost everything where counting is involved and there are various subtypes. It also includes interrogative, relative, indefinite and demonstrative quantifiers (words like kolik  “how many”, tolik  “so many”, několik  “several”), so at the same time we may have a non-empty value of PronType.

From the syntactic point of view, some numtypes behave like adjectives and some behave like adverbs. We tag them ADJ and ADV respectively. Thus the NumType feature applies to several different parts of speech:

Card: cardinal number or corresponding interrogative / relative / indefinite / demonstrative word


Ord: ordinal number or corresponding interrogative / relative / indefinite / demonstrative word

This is a subtype of adjective or adverb.




Mult: multiplicative numeral or corresponding interrogative / relative / indefinite / demonstrative word

This is subtype of adjective or adverb.


Frac: fraction

This is a subtype of cardinal numbers. It may denote a fraction or just the denominator of the fraction.


Sets: number of sets of things; collective numeral

Morphologically distinct class of numerals used to count sets of things, or nouns that are pluralia tantum.


NumType in other languages: [bej] [bg] [bm] [cs] [el] [en] [es] [fi] [fr] [ga] [hu] [hy] [it] [ka] [kk] [koi] [kpv] [ky] [mdf] [myv] [pcm] [qpm] [sl] [sme] [sv] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urj] [uz] [xav] [xcl]