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X: other


The tag X is used for words that for some reason cannot be assigned a real part-of-speech category.

Note: Some acronyms and foreign words which could be assigned a real part-of-speech category have not yet been fixed and are still marked as X.


Treebank Statistics (UD_French)

There are 1 X lemmas (6%), 762 X types (2%) and 1056 X tokens (0%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of X is: 17 in number of lemmas, 6 in number of types and 15 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent X lemmas: _

The 10 most frequent X types: etc., the, a, of, ‘s, k, B, s, di, quant

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: _ (NOUN 73641, ADP 64129, DET 61780, PUNCT 44312, VERB 36183, PROPN 31663, ADJ 22616, PRON 17750, ADV 13108, NUM 10834, CONJ 10138, AUX 8952, SCONJ 2908, PART 1668, X 1056, SYM 486, INTJ 267)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: the (DET 24, X 8, PROPN 2, NOUN 1), a (AUX 1834, VERB 370, ADP 20, X 7, DET 2, NOUN 1, PRON 1, INTJ 1, PROPN 1), of (ADP 58, X 15, PROPN 5, DET 2), ’s (PART 25, X 11, VERB 2, ADP 1), k (NUM 2, X 1), B (X 9, PROPN 7, NOUN 1), s (X 7, NOUN 3), di (ADP 17, X 6, PROPN 1), quant (ADV 17, ADP 7, X 5), R (X 5, PROPN 1)


The form / lemma ratio of X is 762.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 2777.470588).

The 1st highest number of forms (762) was observed with the lemma “_”: <ref, ‘06, ‘07, ‘s, +2, +5, 04, 1, 10h30, 12H15, 12h00, 14H, 15H00, 16cl, 16h30, 18H, 18R, 18S, 1900, 1N4, 1x17, 200D, 20a, 20h, 22h00, 23h, 26F, 2NaN3, 3D, 3N2, 3h, 3h00, 48H, 4B, 630, 6b, 9F, 9H30, A., A.L.F.A., A.V., A0, A1, A104, A15, A2B4D, A3B3D, A3B5, A4, A5, A5D, A7, A8, AA, AAA, AB, ABB, AC, AD, AELE, AG, AITA, ANPEA, AOC, AR-180/AR-180B, AR-18S, ARN, ARNm, AS, AVS, About, Absolutt, Acceuil, Ak, All, Allgemeine, An, Andragatos, B, B., B1, B11tz, B18, B36, B737, B777, BB, BC, BD, BIS, BP, BSD, BT, BVM, Bars, Blacks, Blood, BoJ, Board, C., C.I, C.II, C.III, CAC, CAP, CBA, CCPI, CCRF, CDHK, CEDH, CER, CFM, CGA, CHT, CIAC, CIDDHU, CJUE, CNC, CNRS, CNT, COI, CPU, CSL, CSS, CUP, CWM, CZ-4B, CaF2, Called, Cape-cape-de-hon, Ce4, Cesarz, College, Comes, Community, Crack, Crow, D.III, D.Va, D2, D80, DC, DCE, DF, DGCCRF, DGSE, DHD, DKG, DKK, DMI, DNI, DP, DPS, DSK, DSL, DTM, Dębe, E., E0, E2, ECCB, ECCU, EFEO, EGA, EHESS, ET, ETA, Ed, Ev, F, FAST-20XX, FC, FDLP, FDP, FERN, FF, FH, FIDH, FIS, FPLP, FSF, FW17, Fg5, Filler, Florida, Forssk, Frankfurter, FtM, G., G.I., G3, G8, GIEC, GLAM, GMT, GPU, GR, GS, GST, Gekitō, Girl, Good, Great, Grienbosc, Grimbost, H1, H1M, H2, HF, HGST, HP, Habbo, Hc, Her, Here, Hip-Hop, Holding, IBM, ICHC, IFM, IGPN, IGS, IIHF, ILIS, IMAR, IMTA, ING, ISO, IUP, Inc., Inch’Allah, Innocent, Is, It, J., J2EE, J4, JCM2000Dsl, Jadów, Jadów-Letnisko, Jordan, Ju, K1c, KF, KS360, Kamianets-Podilskyï, Kazan, Killer, Kwi, L., L20A, LA.L.F.A., LC, LM-4B, LMP1, LNH, LP, LUNRIC, La, Lat., Let, Li, Lost, Luck, M., M4A, M95, MET, MF, MIRV, MLC, MLT, MNHN, MOAD, MOAO, MOAS, Man, Małe, Mia, Mme, Mr, Mr., Ms.O, MtF, My, N, N.B, N4, N5, NBA, ND, NGC, NPO, NSA, NSC, NSRL, NT, Nada, Naprzód, Ni2, Ninja, Nowy, O, O.J.A.M., OA, OCL, OK67, OLP, ONG, ONU, OSC, One-two-two, Orygia, Ox, Oy, Oz, P.32, P.32bis, P1, P1800, P1P2, P2, PAN, PC, PCRM, PDG, PH, PJ, PK, PLDM, PMR, PMU, PPRD, PS, PSU, PUC, Paradise, PostgreSQL, Pts, Pun, Q, Qarawiyyĭn, R, R., R15, RAE, RAW, RB, RC, RC4, RCD, REBENT, RGA, RGS14, RN113, RRE, RRE-CAT, RVB, Raid, Rev, S., S.A., S.R.I.A., S.U.A.P.S., S.p.A, S55, S7, S8, S9, SAM, SB, SCL, SEB, SECO, SEM, SEO, SFIO, SI, SK, SMPVA, SNCB, SPVM, STAGE, STIF, STO, STP, Si, Slammin, Sm, So, St., Sulejowska, Sun, Sweat, Sándor-díj, T-33A, TC, TDF, TDI, TEC, TLC, TMSF, TOF, TTL, TV, Tag, Taisen, Tears, Tell, Triple-A, Trustees, U, UAI, UDF, UEFA, UGLE, UMB, UNESCO, UNRIC, URSS, USA, USD, Uptown, UÇK, V, V1, V6, V8, VAPS, VER, VGA, VHS, VIP, W, WE, WMVP, WR, Wi-Fi, Wie, Wielkie, Work, Wylie, Wólka, X., XML, XO, XY, YES, Yat-Sen, York, ZTV, Zeitung, a, abord, agit-prop, al, allerersten, alumni, am, amphoe, and, ant, ap, ar, art., atos, atus, auprès, awraja, baby-sitter, band, be, ben, berretto, big, binding, book, box-office, c, cal, calla, cantor, ce, cep, cf, cf., chan, ci-dessous, codex, comic, comitat, commentcamarche.net, complutense, correctores, cost, crook, cross-over, cul, cum, d, da, daiyun, dda, ddha, de, death, deca-BDE, decumanus, decumbens, dei, del, delbrueckii, der, dgon, dha, dhāl, di, digesta, do, doo-wop, dos, e, e.g., eV, eV/c2, eguen, ektomé, el, emaki, emporos, engi, er, es, etc, etc., ex, fait, fantasy, feluca, flint, food, for, für, g, genre-defining, genus, gia, gj, gja, gmina, goliardo, grauwacke, group, grrrl, guipuscoan, hamed, high-a-PAY-sha, his, hkl, hollow, horresco, hrs, huronne-wendat, hêmisus, hřbitov, i, i.e., ibn, id, idrisside, ie, in, insurgents, iuris, iustiniani, j, jusqu’aujourd’hui, k, kHz, kanhua, kb, kemonomimi, kholop, kinein, knedliky, koku, kwamb, kwanbu, l, lapiazs, latere, laude, lez, liber, lidric, live, logos, loira, loka, lorsqu’ils, los, lugger, lugsail, m2, m3, making-of, manifestive, matter, maximus, me, melhfa, metal, mg/100, mi, mix, mizwij, mm, mochao, mont, morena, mu, muban, mudajjan, mudéjar, munster, munster-géromé, must, n’roll, n.W.o, na, nad, name=”Tottenham, nauplius, new, nj, nna, no, non, nov, nøvile, of, officio, og, open, or, osb, ovocné, p, pa, par-ée, patrzy, petty, peña, pha, pileo, pl, pod, podkopaï, point, posteriori, poç, priori, pré-ARNm, psiekrwie, ptp, publicly-traded, qqchose, quant, quo, quèque, radic, rec.arts.movies, referens, reinen, rgya, rink, riot, romani, rva, rxvt, s, sail, sample, savoir-faire, se, seldjoukide, sensing, sic, sit-in, sopra, soundtracker, spp, statu, stopped, subsp, sôma, sông, sự, t, ta, también, tambon, tcheta, ter, tha, the, tin, tolosana, top, trucks, tte, tà, témoins.rtl.fr, ue, uk, underholdning, universitario, uu, v., van, via, villare, vilt, vocoder, von, wah, week-end, welters, whuffie, win32, wok-wok-wok, woredas, x_, x_k, xxx, y, z1, z2, zakoup, zu, zuria, {, ², ×, éd, địch, ɟa, ʿ, ͡ʂɨ, Ω, γ, ε, чета, شرك, مدجن, ḏāl, 乙, 四号, 火箭, 粉, 胡, 长征.

X does not occur with any features.


X nodes are attached to their parents using 23 different relations: fr-dep/appos (280; 27% instances), fr-dep/compound (267; 25% instances), fr-dep/conj (166; 16% instances), fr-dep/nmod (149; 14% instances), fr-dep/name (51; 5% instances), fr-dep/nsubj (36; 3% instances), fr-dep/dobj (27; 3% instances), fr-dep/mwe (14; 1% instances), fr-dep/root (13; 1% instances), fr-dep/case (9; 1% instances), fr-dep/dep (9; 1% instances), fr-dep/advmod (6; 1% instances), fr-dep/amod (6; 1% instances), fr-dep/acl (4; 0% instances), fr-dep/det (4; 0% instances), fr-dep/foreign (4; 0% instances), fr-dep/nsubjpass (3; 0% instances), fr-dep/aux (2; 0% instances), fr-dep/nummod (2; 0% instances), fr-dep/advcl (1; 0% instances), fr-dep/cc (1; 0% instances), fr-dep/ccomp (1; 0% instances), fr-dep/goeswith (1; 0% instances)

Parents of X nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: NOUN (387; 37% instances), PROPN (275; 26% instances), X (217; 21% instances), VERB (116; 11% instances), NUM (21; 2% instances), ROOT (13; 1% instances), ADP (11; 1% instances), ADJ (8; 1% instances), PRON (4; 0% instances), SYM (2; 0% instances), ADV (1; 0% instances), DET (1; 0% instances)

589 (56%) X nodes are leaves.

115 (11%) X nodes have one child.

190 (18%) X nodes have two children.

162 (15%) X nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a X node is 22.

Children of X nodes are attached using 28 different relations: fr-dep/punct (399; 32% instances), fr-dep/case (147; 12% instances), fr-dep/det (129; 10% instances), fr-dep/compound (120; 10% instances), fr-dep/conj (112; 9% instances), fr-dep/appos (66; 5% instances), fr-dep/nummod (52; 4% instances), fr-dep/nmod (48; 4% instances), fr-dep/cc (45; 4% instances), fr-dep/amod (15; 1% instances), fr-dep/cop (15; 1% instances), fr-dep/name (13; 1% instances), fr-dep/acl:relcl (12; 1% instances), fr-dep/advmod (12; 1% instances), fr-dep/acl (11; 1% instances), fr-dep/nsubj (8; 1% instances), fr-dep/aux (4; 0% instances), fr-dep/foreign (4; 0% instances), fr-dep/mwe (3; 0% instances), fr-dep/nmod:poss (3; 0% instances), fr-dep/nsubjpass (3; 0% instances), fr-dep/advcl (2; 0% instances), fr-dep/auxpass (2; 0% instances), fr-dep/dep (2; 0% instances), fr-dep/dobj (2; 0% instances), fr-dep/expl (2; 0% instances), fr-dep/ccomp (1; 0% instances), fr-dep/mark (1; 0% instances)

Children of X nodes belong to 15 different parts of speech: PUNCT (390; 32% instances), X (217; 18% instances), ADP (149; 12% instances), DET (132; 11% instances), NOUN (95; 8% instances), NUM (66; 5% instances), PROPN (45; 4% instances), CONJ (40; 3% instances), VERB (40; 3% instances), ADJ (16; 1% instances), SYM (15; 1% instances), ADV (13; 1% instances), PRON (7; 1% instances), AUX (4; 0% instances), SCONJ (4; 0% instances)

X in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]