: degree of comparison
Values: | Dim | Pos | Cmp | Sup |
Degree of comparison is used as an inflectional feature of adjectives. The degree of comparison is encoded in Georgian by two methods: synthetic and analytic. The synthetic method of forming the degree of comparison is closely connected to the use of special affixes, while the analytic method employs the adverbs უფრო ‘more’ (in the comparative degree) and ყველაზე ‘most’, ყველაზე უფრო ‘most of all’ (in the superlative degree) before the adjective. While the synthetic method can be processed as a part of morphology, the analytic envolves syntax.
: comparative, second degree
The diminutive degree (the so-called ‘-ish degree’) expresses a lesser degree, small size, or, metaphorically, affection towards the entity described by the noun.
- კაბა მოთეთროა. “The dress is slightly white.”
- კაბა ოდნავ თეთრია. “The dress is slightly white.”
: comparative, second degree
This is the base form that merely states a quality of something, without comparing it to qualities of others.
- კაბა თეთრია. “The dress is white.”
: comparative, second degree
The quality of one object is compared to the same quality of another object.
- კაბა უფრო თეთრია, ვიდრე ჩანთა. “The dress is whiter than the bag.”
: superlative, third degree
The quality of one object is compared to the same quality of all other objects within a set.
- კაბა უთეთრესია. “The dress is the whitest.”
- კაბა ყველაზე უფრო თეთრია. “The dress is the whitest in comparison with others.”
Degree in other languages: [af] [bej] [bg] [cs] [cy] [el] [en] [es] [et] [fi] [ga] [grc] [gub] [hu] [hy] [it] [ka] [ky] [la] [pcm] [pt] [qpm] [quc] [ru] [sl] [sv] [tr] [tt] [u] [uk] [urj]