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obl:agent: agentive oblique

In a causative construction, the obl:agent relation attaches the infinitive verb to his agent, when the latter is the syntactical oblique of the sentence (this initial agent has been demoted and became the oblique complement of the causative construction). I.e. a complement introduced by a preposition (see the page about the obl relation).

Patrick a fait boire du thé à Micheline alors qu'elle déteste ça. \n Patrick made Micheline drink tee, even though she hates tee.
Monique a fait toiletter son bichon par le meilleur toiletteur de la région. \n Monique made her Bichon Frise groomed by the best groomer in the area.

The infinitive verb governs the syntactical subject of the sentence (i.e. the causer) with a nsubj:caus relation and the causative verb with an aux:caus relation.

N.B.: For more details about the analysis of causatives see this page.

obl:agent in other languages: [cs] [cy] [de] [fr] [hy] [id] [it] [kpv] [pa] [qpm] [ru] [sv] [tn] [tr] [u] [vi] [yue] [zh]