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obl:agent: agent modifier of passive verbs

The relation obl:agent is used for agents of passive verbs. In Indonesian, the agent could be optionally preceded by preposition oleh “by”, which is what makes it oblique. For example:

The agent may also be realized as the clitic -nya attached to a passive verb. We split the verb and the clitic into two syntactic words. Here the clitic is coded the same way as a direct (core) object of active verbs. Nevertheless, we still attach it as obl:agent rather than obj:agent, in order to have consistent annotation of agents in passive clauses.

obl:agent in other languages: [cs] [cy] [de] [el] [fr] [hy] [id] [it] [kpv] [pa] [qpm] [ru] [sv] [tn] [tr] [u] [vi] [xcl] [yue] [zh]