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Treebank Statistics: UD_Maltese-MUDT: POS Tags: ADV

There are 1 ADV lemmas (6%), 240 ADV types (3%) and 1787 ADV tokens (4%). Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of ADV is: 3 in number of lemmas, 5 in number of types and 9 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent ADV lemmas: _

The 10 most frequent ADV types: kif, biss, fejn, ukoll, hekk, aktar, issa, dejjem, wkoll, ftit

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: _ (NOUN 8525, VERB 6386, ADP 5372, PUNCT 4729, DET 3602, SCONJ 2647, PRON 2321, ADJ 2313, ADV 1787, AUX 1690, PROPN 1545, CCONJ 1525, NUM 600, PART 473, X 341, SYM 241, INTJ 65)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: kif (ADV 104, PRON 21, CCONJ 7), fejn (ADV 69, PRON 6), aktar (ADV 57, ADJ 17), ftit (DET 50, ADV 32), kemm (ADV 33, CCONJ 6, PRON 6), għalhekk (ADV 21, SCONJ 3), hawn (ADV 29, VERB 18), barra (ADV 25, ADP 3), ħafna (DET 57, ADV 29, NOUN 1), hemm (VERB 142, ADV 26)


The form / lemma ratio of ADV is 240.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 474.705882).

The 1st highest number of forms (240) was observed with the lemma “_”: Apparti, Difatti, FAĊLI, Fej, Kull, Kuntrarju, Litteralment, Onestament, Oriġinarjament, Pubbliċi, Sadanittant, Viżibbilment, addirittura, aktar, aktarx, allegatament, allura, almenu, anke, anki, anqas, anzi, appik, apposta, appuntu, assolutament, at, attivament, attwalment, aħjar, barra, basta, beraħ, bilfors, bilkemm, billejl, bilqiegħda, bilwieqfa, biss, biżżejjed, boċċu, bħalissa, dakinhar, dalwaqt, daqshekk, daqskemm, daqstant, daqsxejn, dari, de, dejjem, deliberament, direttament, diġa’, diġà, doppju, dritt, effettivament, emozzjonalment, espliċitament, essenzjalmente, estetikament, estremament, eventwalment, ewwelnett, eżatt, eżattament, faċilment, fejn, ferm, filgħaxija, filgħodu, finanzjarjament, fiżikament, flimkien, forsi, ftit, fuq, għada, għala, għaldaqstant, għalfejn, għalhekk, għaliex, għalxejn, għalħekk, għarkupptejh, għax, hafna, haw, hawn, hawnhekk, hekk, hemm, hemmekk, hemmhekk, hinn, iktar, ilbieraħ, illum, ilu, imbagħad, immedjatament, immens, imqar, infatti, inkella, inqas, intrinsekament, intrinsikament, inġenerali, isfel, issa, iżjed, katt, kemm, kemmxejn, kif, kmieni, kompletament, kontinwament, kuljum, kullimkien, kultant, kummerċjalment, kważi, lakemm, lanqas, lbieraħ, lingwistikament, llejla, llum, lura, madanakollu, madankollu, malajr, mbaghad, mbagħad, mbe, meta, minflok, minnufih, mnejn, moderat, mqar, naturalment, nett, neċessarjament, normalment, open-, ovvjament, partikolarment, partikularment, parzjalment, pastaż, personalment, pjuttost, possibbilment, post-, pre-, preċiż, prinċipalment, probabbli, propju, proprju, psikoloġikament, pubblikament, qabel, qabelxejn, qajla, qatt, qattx, quddiem, rari, regolarment, riċentement, sadattant, saflaħħar, saħanistra, saħansitra, sempliċi, sempliċiment, serjament, sesswalment, sew, sewwa, sewwasew, sfortunatament, sikwit, sod, speċifikament, spiss, storikament, suppost, sussegwentement, tabilħaqq, tajjeb, tant, tard, tassew, taħt, teknikament, tond, totalment, tradizzjonalment, uffiċjalment, ugwalment, ukoll, universalment, veru, vojt, wara, waranofsinhar, waħdi, waħdu, waħedha, waħedhom, waħedna, waħidhom, wisq, wkoll, x’, xejn, xi, ċar, ċertament, ċioè, ġa, ġaladarba, ġeneralment, ġew, ġewwa, ġieli, ħafna, ħażin, ħekk, ħesrem, żgur, żmerċ, żżejjed.

ADV does not occur with any features.


ADV nodes are attached to their parents using 23 different relations: advmod (1385; 78% instances), discourse (251; 14% instances), fixed (30; 2% instances), conj (24; 1% instances), root (23; 1% instances), mark (13; 1% instances), advcl (11; 1% instances), nmod:poss (8; 0% instances), obl (6; 0% instances), acl (5; 0% instances), obj (5; 0% instances), advmod:neg (4; 0% instances), ccomp (4; 0% instances), case (3; 0% instances), case:det (3; 0% instances), xcomp (3; 0% instances), nmod (2; 0% instances), nsubj (2; 0% instances), amod (1; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), cc (1; 0% instances), obl:arg (1; 0% instances), orphan (1; 0% instances)

Parents of ADV nodes belong to 14 different parts of speech: VERB (1161; 65% instances), NOUN (262; 15% instances), ADJ (165; 9% instances), ADV (67; 4% instances), PRON (60; 3% instances), (23; 1% instances), PROPN (16; 1% instances), NUM (9; 1% instances), AUX (8; 0% instances), CCONJ (6; 0% instances), DET (4; 0% instances), SYM (3; 0% instances), X (2; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances)

1461 (82%) ADV nodes are leaves.

216 (12%) ADV nodes have one child.

57 (3%) ADV nodes have two children.

53 (3%) ADV nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a ADV node is 8.

Children of ADV nodes are attached using 29 different relations: case (111; 20% instances), punct (99; 18% instances), obl (43; 8% instances), advmod (32; 6% instances), fixed (32; 6% instances), cop (30; 5% instances), conj (29; 5% instances), cc (23; 4% instances), ccomp (23; 4% instances), nsubj (22; 4% instances), mark (21; 4% instances), det (20; 4% instances), discourse (12; 2% instances), aux:neg (11; 2% instances), acl (7; 1% instances), advcl (6; 1% instances), advmod:neg (5; 1% instances), aux:part (3; 1% instances), flat (3; 1% instances), xcomp (3; 1% instances), case:det (2; 0% instances), cop:expl (2; 0% instances), nmod:poss (2; 0% instances), parataxis (2; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), csubj (1; 0% instances), expl (1; 0% instances), goeswith (1; 0% instances), list (1; 0% instances)

Children of ADV nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: ADP (121; 22% instances), PUNCT (99; 18% instances), ADV (67; 12% instances), NOUN (57; 10% instances), VERB (44; 8% instances), AUX (43; 8% instances), PRON (29; 5% instances), SCONJ (24; 4% instances), CCONJ (23; 4% instances), DET (19; 3% instances), PART (6; 1% instances), PROPN (5; 1% instances), ADJ (4; 1% instances), X (4; 1% instances), NUM (2; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances)