Treebank Statistics: UD_Latvian-LVTB: POS Tags: INTJ
There are 66 INTJ
lemmas (0%), 66 INTJ
types (0%) and 206 INTJ
tokens (0%).
Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of INTJ
is: 10 in number of lemmas, 13 in number of types and 17 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent INTJ
lemmas: paldies, lūk, lūdzu, re, ak, labrīt, nudien, vau, vot, nu
The 10 most frequent INTJ
types: paldies, lūk, lūdzu, re, ak, labrīt, nudien, vau, vot, nu
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: ak (INTJ 11, PART 1), nu (PART 170, ADV 99, INTJ 5), ā (INTJ 3, SYM 1), ha (NOUN 6, INTJ 2), nū (INTJ 2, PART 1), nūja (NOUN 9, PART 3, INTJ 2), vai (CCONJ 571, SCONJ 499, PART 292, INTJ 2), še (ADV 4, INTJ 2, PART 1), aiziet (VERB 107, INTJ 1), da (X 2, INTJ 1, PART 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: lūdzu (INTJ 12, VERB 4), nu (PART 103, ADV 76, INTJ 1), redz (VERB 16, INTJ 3), ej (VERB 9, INTJ 1), nūja (NOUN 4, INTJ 2), vai (CCONJ 539, SCONJ 495, PART 114, INTJ 1), zin’ (INTJ 2, VERB 1), Še (INTJ 2, ADV 1), Da (INTJ 1, PART 1), Līgo (PROPN 4, ADJ 2, INTJ 1)
- lūdzu
- nu
- PART 103: - Beidz nu , ej nost !
- ADV 76: Tā nu tu tur čāpo .
- INTJ 1: Viņš tādos vakaros gaidīja mani uz mūsu ielas stūra , sēdēja , savas mašīnas siltajā , smacīgajā tumsā paslēpies , ugunis izslēdzis , smēķēja , domāja , gaidīja ; es nācu steidzīgiem soļiem , nosalušās rokas dziļi mēteļa kabatās , zodu paslēpusi pūkainajā mākslīgas zvērādas apkaklē , katrā solī un sirdspukstā apzinādamās , ka viņš mani redz , mani vēro , smēķē , gaida , kaut ko domā , gaida ; es esmu neveikla , es vienmēr esmu jutusies neveikla , mazliet par garu , mazliet par platu , man trūkst līdzsvara sajūtas , un melno pēdu raksts uz baltā trotuāra celiņa aiz manis stiepjas drusku juceklīgs , pie mašīnas durtiņām tas aprausies pēkšņi , bet tik un tā pēc pārdesmit minūtēm viss jau atkal būs balts vai arī citas pēdas nojauks manējo rakstu ; viņš atver durtiņas , kad esmu dažus soļus no mašīnas , pārliecas pāri pasažieru sēdeklim , - klikt - tās ir vaļā tieši tai mirklī , kad es esmu klāt , es iesēžos žigli , viņš pārlaiž steidzīgu skatu ielai - neviens nav redzējis - un tai pašā acumirklī saņem manus aukstos pirkstus savā lielajā plaukstā , viegls skūpsts uz lūpām , - nu sveika , saule .
- redz
- ej
- nūja
- vai
- zin’
- Še
- Da
- Līgo
The form / lemma ratio of INTJ
is 1.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.340184).
The 1st highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “aha”: Aha.
The 2nd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “ai”: Ai.
The 3rd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “aidā”: aidā.
does not occur with any features.
nodes are attached to their parents using 10 different relations: discourse (117; 57% instances), root (49; 24% instances), conj (17; 8% instances), ccomp (7; 3% instances), iobj (6; 3% instances), dep (4; 2% instances), fixed (2; 1% instances), nsubj (2; 1% instances), flat (1; 0% instances), parataxis (1; 0% instances)
Parents of INTJ
nodes belong to 9 different parts of speech: VERB (93; 45% instances), (49; 24% instances), NOUN (18; 9% instances), INTJ (15; 7% instances), ADJ (10; 5% instances), ADV (9; 4% instances), PRON (6; 3% instances), PART (5; 2% instances), PROPN (1; 0% instances)
25 (12%) INTJ
nodes are leaves.
103 (50%) INTJ
nodes have one child.
45 (22%) INTJ
nodes have two children.
33 (16%) INTJ
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a INTJ
node is 6.
Children of INTJ
nodes are attached using 15 different relations: punct (237; 76% instances), conj (18; 6% instances), iobj (12; 4% instances), orphan (9; 3% instances), amod (8; 3% instances), cc (6; 2% instances), vocative (6; 2% instances), ccomp (4; 1% instances), det (3; 1% instances), discourse (2; 1% instances), acl (1; 0% instances), advcl (1; 0% instances), dep (1; 0% instances), nmod (1; 0% instances), obl (1; 0% instances)
Children of INTJ
nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: PUNCT (237; 76% instances), NOUN (23; 7% instances), INTJ (15; 5% instances), ADJ (10; 3% instances), VERB (6; 2% instances), CCONJ (5; 2% instances), PROPN (4; 1% instances), DET (3; 1% instances), PRON (3; 1% instances), PART (2; 1% instances), ADV (1; 0% instances), SCONJ (1; 0% instances)