Treebank Statistics: UD_Galician-TreeGal: POS Tags: ADJ
There are 691 ADJ
lemmas (17%), 906 ADJ
types (16%) and 1722 ADJ
tokens (7%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of ADJ
is: 3 in number of lemmas, 3 in number of types and 6 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent ADJ
lemmas: galego, novo, político, grande, español, mellor, público, propio, social, económico
The 10 most frequent ADJ
types: galega, novo, galego, mellor, español, política, social, actual, difícil, europea
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: galego (ADJ 72, NOUN 27), político (ADJ 28, NOUN 5), mellor (ADJ 20, ADV 6), público (ADJ 18, NOUN 11), propio (ADJ 17, DET 11, PRON 1), europeo (ADJ 15, NOUN 1), nacionalista (NOUN 14, ADJ 13), actual (ADJ 12, NOUN 1), socialista (NOUN 20, ADJ 12), local (ADJ 11, NOUN 2)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: galego (ADJ 16, NOUN 13), mellor (ADJ 15, ADV 6), política (ADJ 15, NOUN 11), actual (ADJ 12, NOUN 1), galegos (ADJ 10, NOUN 10), nacionalista (ADJ 8, NOUN 1), socialista (ADJ 9, NOUN 1), común (ADJ 9, NOUN 1), claro (ADJ 7, ADV 2), político (ADJ 6, NOUN 2)
- galego
- mellor
- política
- actual
- ADJ 12: Cal é o panorama actual ?
- NOUN 1: A proposta presentada a o BNG aposta por un Estatuto con competencias máis amplas que o actual , a o mesmo tempo exclusivas e excluíntes para que haxa invasión de o Estado e baleire a lei galega de contido a través de leis básicas de o Estado como veu ocorrendo até o de agora ( coincidencias con Iniciativas 21 ) .
- galegos
- nacionalista
- socialista
- ADJ 9: Será el o candidato socialista se hai moción de censura ?
- NOUN 1: O próximo 5 de marzo Miguel Barros presentará o seu libro Discurso e tempo . En a procura de un socialismo para Galiza ( A Nosa Terra ) , en o que reivindica non só a súa traxectoria de socialista e galeguista , senón en a que aposta por un entendemento necesario con os nacionalistas .
- común
- claro
- ADJ 7: ” Nin o portugués nin o castelán deben ser prioridades , pero está claro que hai obras fundamentais que deben ter a súa versión galega e , inequivocamente , o Quixote é unha de elas .
- ADV 2: Hai nos tamén , claro que si , que son festexados por las multitudes de o seu tempo e fican para sempre .
- político
- ADJ 6: O activista social Frei Betto reflexiona sobre o problema político que representa a fame .
- NOUN 2: Mais hai quen teima en representar nos como a camareira galega que apenas sabe falar castelán , que ten un fillo de cada pai , incapaz para o traballo , vendo nos como persoas incultas e desestruturadas , e sei que as declaracións de algún político de idade avanzada afondan en esta visión , mais o pobo non é o político e xa deu mostras de enorme dignidade .
The form / lemma ratio of ADJ
is 1.311143 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.384861).
The 1st highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “amplo”: ampla, amplas, amplo, amplos.
The 2nd highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “básico”: básica, básicas, básico, básicos.
The 3rd highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “directo”: directa, directas, directo, directos.
occurs with 3 features: Number (1700; 99% instances), Gender (1696; 98% instances), Degree (40; 2% instances)
occurs with 7 feature-value pairs: Degree=Cmp
, Degree=Sup
, Gender=Com
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
occurs with 15 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Gender=Masc|Number=Sing
(630 tokens).
Examples: novo, galego, español, socialista, constitucional, difícil, gran, claro, próximo, único
nodes are attached to their parents using 19 different relations: amod (1380; 80% instances), conj (137; 8% instances), root (54; 3% instances), xcomp (35; 2% instances), fixed (22; 1% instances), ccomp (15; 1% instances), acl (14; 1% instances), obj (14; 1% instances), compound (10; 1% instances), obl (9; 1% instances), advcl (8; 0% instances), nsubj (7; 0% instances), nmod (6; 0% instances), advmod (3; 0% instances), parataxis (3; 0% instances), appos (2; 0% instances), case (1; 0% instances), csubj (1; 0% instances), list (1; 0% instances)
Parents of ADJ
nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: NOUN (1368; 79% instances), ADJ (128; 7% instances), VERB (107; 6% instances), (54; 3% instances), PRON (18; 1% instances), PROPN (17; 1% instances), ADP (16; 1% instances), NUM (7; 0% instances), ADV (6; 0% instances), DET (1; 0% instances)
1228 (71%) ADJ
nodes are leaves.
246 (14%) ADJ
nodes have one child.
90 (5%) ADJ
nodes have two children.
158 (9%) ADJ
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a ADJ
node is 10.
Children of ADJ
nodes are attached using 28 different relations: punct (185; 17% instances), conj (149; 14% instances), advmod (142; 13% instances), obl (122; 11% instances), cop (107; 10% instances), cc (99; 9% instances), det (64; 6% instances), nsubj (62; 6% instances), case (38; 3% instances), mark (27; 2% instances), advcl (23; 2% instances), csubj (18; 2% instances), ccomp (10; 1% instances), acl (8; 1% instances), parataxis (7; 1% instances), xcomp (7; 1% instances), amod (6; 1% instances), nmod (6; 1% instances), obj (4; 0% instances), aux (2; 0% instances), iobj (2; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), aux:pass (1; 0% instances), expl (1; 0% instances), fixed (1; 0% instances), flat:foreign (1; 0% instances), nsubj:pass (1; 0% instances), nummod (1; 0% instances)
Children of ADJ
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: PUNCT (185; 17% instances), NOUN (163; 15% instances), ADV (143; 13% instances), ADJ (128; 12% instances), AUX (110; 10% instances), VERB (96; 9% instances), CCONJ (87; 8% instances), DET (64; 6% instances), ADP (42; 4% instances), SCONJ (34; 3% instances), PRON (26; 2% instances), PROPN (16; 1% instances), NUM (1; 0% instances)