Treebank Statistics: UD_Galician-TreeGal: POS Tags: ADV
There are 160 ADV
lemmas (4%), 165 ADV
types (3%) and 1192 ADV
tokens (5%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of ADV
is: 5 in number of lemmas, 5 in number of types and 8 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent ADV
lemmas: non, máis, como, tamén, moito, xa, así, aínda, agora, cando
The 10 most frequent ADV
types: non, máis, como, tamén, xa, así, aínda, agora, cando, moi
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: máis (ADV 101, CCONJ 1), como (ADV 90, SCONJ 51), moito (ADV 44, DET 26, PRON 7), tanto (ADV 32, PRON 6, DET 2, NOUN 1), só (ADV 29, ADJ 4), menos (ADV 14, NOUN 1), mesmo (DET 22, ADV 12, PRON 8), si (ADV 11, PRON 4), mellor (ADJ 20, ADV 6), arredor (ADV 5, NOUN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: máis (ADV 97, CCONJ 1), como (ADV 80, SCONJ 49), só (ADV 26, ADJ 3), tanto (ADV 14, PRON 5, NOUN 1), menos (ADV 13, NOUN 1), mesmo (DET 17, ADV 11, PRON 5), moito (ADV 12, DET 7, PRON 5), si (ADV 10, PRON 4), mellor (ADJ 15, ADV 6), arredor (ADV 5, NOUN 1)
- máis
- ADV 97: En titulares máis pequenos pode se ler :
- CCONJ 1: Adxudicou se a a Sociedade Espazos Temolúdicos SA de capital maioritario de Caixa Galicia , a xestión privada de unha parte de a obra , nomeadamente a explotación comercial e os locais de hostalaría con o que se xerarán , en conxunto , case catrocentos empregos directos máis outros tantos indirectos , aspecto importante dada a elevada porcentaxe de paro existente en a comarca coruñesa .
- como
- só
- tanto
- ADV 14: Moi cómoda , tanto en o partido como en o grupo municipal .
- PRON 5: Crea se por lo tanto unha bolsa de licenciados en precario de a que se aproveitan as empresas .
- NOUN 1: Aproveitando a circunstancia , Porro , sempre atenta a a posibilidade de pendurar se medallas , quixo apuntar se un tanto propagandístico ofrecendo se como mediadora entre as partes .
- menos
- mesmo
- moito
- ADV 12: Gustaría me moito desenvolver esta arte aquí por varias razóns .
- DET 7: Pois van de lado , temos Zapatero para moito tempo e Touriño será o próximo presidente .
- PRON 5: Ademais se o alumno vai ser profesor de escola ou de música en xeral serve de moito ter certas nocións básicas para realizar acompañamentos .
- si
- mellor
- arredor
The form / lemma ratio of ADV
is 1.031250 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.384861).
The 1st highest number of forms (3) was observed with the lemma “moito”: moi, moito, moitísimo.
The 2nd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “como”: como, cómo.
The 3rd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “libremente”: libre, libremente.
occurs with 2 features: Polarity (215; 18% instances), PronType (137; 11% instances)
occurs with 3 feature-value pairs: Polarity=Neg
, PronType=Int
, PronType=Rel
occurs with 4 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is _
(840 tokens).
Examples: máis, tamén, xa, así, aínda, agora, moi, só, despois, sempre
nodes are attached to their parents using 17 different relations: advmod (994; 83% instances), case (61; 5% instances), mark (40; 3% instances), fixed (31; 3% instances), cc (16; 1% instances), conj (12; 1% instances), root (11; 1% instances), nmod (10; 1% instances), advcl (4; 0% instances), parataxis (4; 0% instances), ccomp (2; 0% instances), flat:name (2; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), compound (1; 0% instances), csubj (1; 0% instances), discourse (1; 0% instances), nsubj (1; 0% instances)
Parents of ADV
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: VERB (643; 54% instances), NOUN (227; 19% instances), ADJ (143; 12% instances), ADV (85; 7% instances), PRON (29; 2% instances), PROPN (14; 1% instances), NUM (12; 1% instances), (11; 1% instances), ADP (10; 1% instances), DET (9; 1% instances), CCONJ (7; 1% instances), AUX (1; 0% instances), SCONJ (1; 0% instances)
993 (83%) ADV
nodes are leaves.
141 (12%) ADV
nodes have one child.
33 (3%) ADV
nodes have two children.
25 (2%) ADV
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a ADV
node is 6.
Children of ADV
nodes are attached using 19 different relations: advmod (65; 22% instances), fixed (54; 18% instances), punct (49; 16% instances), case (34; 11% instances), obl (24; 8% instances), cop (19; 6% instances), cc (13; 4% instances), mark (13; 4% instances), conj (8; 3% instances), nsubj (5; 2% instances), ccomp (3; 1% instances), csubj (2; 1% instances), flat:name (2; 1% instances), parataxis (2; 1% instances), advcl (1; 0% instances), aux (1; 0% instances), det (1; 0% instances), discourse (1; 0% instances), flat:foreign (1; 0% instances)
Children of ADV
nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: ADV (85; 29% instances), PUNCT (49; 16% instances), ADP (48; 16% instances), NOUN (32; 11% instances), SCONJ (30; 10% instances), AUX (20; 7% instances), CCONJ (15; 5% instances), VERB (9; 3% instances), ADJ (6; 2% instances), PRON (2; 1% instances), DET (1; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances)