Treebank Statistics: UD_German-GSD: POS Tags: PROPN
There are 16387 PROPN
lemmas (36%), 16931 PROPN
types (31%) and 30437 PROPN
tokens (10%).
Out of 17 observed tags, the rank of PROPN
is: 2 in number of lemmas, 2 in number of types and 5 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent PROPN
lemmas: Deutschland, de, of, US, Berlin, deutsch, SPD, Weltkrieg, Frankreich, St.
The 10 most frequent PROPN
types: Deutschland, de, of, US, Berlin, SPD, St., Oktober, Frankreich, new
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: de (PROPN 128, ADP 8), of (PROPN 127, ADP 4, X 1), US (PROPN 108, NOUN 3), deutsch (ADJ 182, PROPN 78, NOUN 7), SPD (PROPN 71, NOUN 1), Weltkrieg (PROPN 70, NOUN 1), Frankreich (PROPN 69, NOUN 1), St. (PROPN 67, NOUN 5), New (PROPN 58, ADJ 2), la (PROPN 23, X 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: de (PROPN 127, ADP 8), of (PROPN 127, ADP 3, X 1), US (PROPN 108, NOUN 3), SPD (PROPN 71, NOUN 1), St. (PROPN 67, NOUN 5, ADJ 1), Frankreich (PROPN 58, NOUN 1), la (PROPN 23, X 1), University (PROPN 55, NOUN 1), Mai (PROPN 53, NOUN 1), November (PROPN 51, NOUN 1)
- de
- of
- PROPN 127: Von 1997 bis 2001 war er Deputy Chair of Committees .
- ADP 3: In dem Anschluss war er ab 1965 Associate Professor an der University of Illinois und von 1968 an Professor of Civil Engineering .
- X 1: Badewitz ‘ alter Freund Wim Wenders , der für Hof vor Jahren den Beinamen `` Home of Films ‘’ erfand , präsentierte diesmal die deutsche Erstaufführung seines mit und für Antonioni inszenierten Films Jenseits der Wolken – das Road Movie als Episodenfilm , der Episodenfilm als Road Movie .
- US
- St.
- PROPN 67: `` Wenn ich in St. Louis geblieben wäre , hätte ich auch frei .
- NOUN 5: 4600 Menschen , die meisten deutschsprechend , leben in den vier Orten St. Pankraz , St. Walburg , St. Nikolaus und St. Gertraud .
- ADJ 1: Die ehemalige katholische Pfarrkirche St. Peter und Paul , heute die Griechisch - orthodoxe Kirche Johannes der Täufer , in Kleinbüllesheim , einem Stadtteil von Euskirchen in dem Kreis Euskirchen ( Nordrhein - Westfalen ) , wurde ab dem 10 .
- Frankreich
- la
- University
- Mai
- PROPN 53: In Ingolstadt traf er in dem Mai 1560 ein .
- NOUN 1: Grund : an dem 6. Mai vergangenen Jahres erließen die Zollbehörden des Landes Vorarlberg eine `` Hofdüngereinfuhrsperre ‘’ für Bauern aus der Schweizer Nachbarschaft , die jenseits der Landesgrenze auf österreichischem Hoheitsgebiet seit Jahrzehnten Pachtland bewirtschaften .
- November
The form / lemma ratio of PROPN
is 1.033197 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.187859).
The 1st highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “deutsch”: Deutsch, Deutsche, Deutschen, Deutscher, Deutsches.
The 2nd highest number of forms (5) was observed with the lemma “neu”: Neu, Neuen, Neuer, neue, neues.
The 3rd highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “alt”: Alte, Altem, Alten, Alter.
occurs with 10 features: Case (27281; 90% instances), Number (27173; 89% instances), Gender (26219; 86% instances), Foreign (2068; 7% instances), NumType (415; 1% instances), VerbForm (55; 0% instances), Mood (45; 0% instances), Tense (40; 0% instances), Abbr (7; 0% instances), Poss (2; 0% instances)
occurs with 21 feature-value pairs: Abbr=Yes
, Case=Acc
, Case=Dat
, Case=Gen
, Case=Nom
, Foreign=Yes
, Gender=Fem
, Gender=Masc
, Gender=Neut
, Mood=Imp
, Mood=Ind
, Mood=Sub
, NumType=Card
, Number=Plur
, Number=Sing
, Poss=Yes
, Tense=Past
, Tense=Pres
, VerbForm=Fin
, VerbForm=Inf
, VerbForm=Part
occurs with 65 feature combinations.
The most frequent feature combination is Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing
(5745 tokens).
Examples: Hans, Peter, Paul, Johann, Wilhelm, Juli, Karl, August, Helmut, Ludwig
nodes are attached to their parents using 22 different relations: flat (7174; 24% instances), nmod (6142; 20% instances), appos (5060; 17% instances), obl (3006; 10% instances), nsubj (2968; 10% instances), conj (2539; 8% instances), amod (1715; 6% instances), obj (494; 2% instances), nsubj:pass (377; 1% instances), root (225; 1% instances), obl:agent (158; 1% instances), compound (153; 1% instances), obl:arg (149; 0% instances), dep (138; 0% instances), xcomp (112; 0% instances), parataxis (15; 0% instances), acl (3; 0% instances), ccomp (3; 0% instances), orphan (2; 0% instances), vocative (2; 0% instances), advcl (1; 0% instances), csubj:pass (1; 0% instances)
Parents of PROPN
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: PROPN (14003; 46% instances), NOUN (8710; 29% instances), VERB (6560; 22% instances), ADJ (636; 2% instances), (225; 1% instances), DET (87; 0% instances), ADP (75; 0% instances), NUM (49; 0% instances), PRON (33; 0% instances), ADV (32; 0% instances), AUX (9; 0% instances), CCONJ (8; 0% instances), X (5; 0% instances), PART (3; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances), SYM (1; 0% instances)
11670 (38%) PROPN
nodes are leaves.
7922 (26%) PROPN
nodes have one child.
5092 (17%) PROPN
nodes have two children.
5753 (19%) PROPN
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a PROPN
node is 26.
Children of PROPN
nodes are attached using 30 different relations: flat (8026; 20% instances), case (7310; 18% instances), punct (6183; 15% instances), det (5699; 14% instances), conj (2530; 6% instances), nmod (2456; 6% instances), amod (2409; 6% instances), appos (2394; 6% instances), cc (1431; 4% instances), acl (429; 1% instances), advmod (388; 1% instances), compound (242; 1% instances), nsubj (180; 0% instances), cop (149; 0% instances), dep (136; 0% instances), nummod (124; 0% instances), det:poss (43; 0% instances), parataxis (20; 0% instances), advcl (17; 0% instances), mark (9; 0% instances), orphan (9; 0% instances), obl (7; 0% instances), compound:prt (4; 0% instances), ccomp (3; 0% instances), acl:relcl (2; 0% instances), nsubj:pass (2; 0% instances), xcomp (2; 0% instances), aux (1; 0% instances), expl (1; 0% instances), obl:tmod (1; 0% instances)
Children of PROPN
nodes belong to 16 different parts of speech: PROPN (14003; 35% instances), ADP (7343; 18% instances), PUNCT (6183; 15% instances), DET (5820; 14% instances), NOUN (2380; 6% instances), CCONJ (1429; 4% instances), ADJ (1009; 3% instances), NUM (841; 2% instances), VERB (441; 1% instances), ADV (388; 1% instances), AUX (151; 0% instances), PRON (102; 0% instances), X (62; 0% instances), SYM (35; 0% instances), PART (12; 0% instances), SCONJ (8; 0% instances)