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Treebank Statistics: UD_Old_Church_Slavonic-PROIEL: POS Tags: ADP

There are 56 ADP lemmas (1%), 245 ADP types (1%) and 16246 ADP tokens (8%). Out of 14 observed tags, the rank of ADP is: 7 in number of lemmas, 10 in number of types and 5 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent ADP lemmas: въ, на, отъ, къ, съ, о, по, ради, прѣдъ, до

The 10 most frequent ADP types: въ, на, отъ, къ, съ, по, о҅тъ, вь, о, о҅

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: на (ADP 2582, INTJ 1), съ (ADP 1107, DET 1, NOUN 1), о (ADP 970, INTJ 1), оу (ADP 80, ADV 30, INTJ 5), дѣльма (ADP 76, ADV 6), прѣжде (ADV 119, ADP 66), посрѣдѣ (ADP 61, ADV 3), близъ (ADP 41, ADV 8), противѫ (ADP 38, ADV 8), сквозѣ (ADP 29, ADV 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: въ (ADP 3364, ADV 9, PRON 1), на (ADP 2525, PRON 6, CCONJ 1, DET 1, INTJ 1), отъ (ADP 1115, ADV 70, VERB 1), съ (ADP 911, PRON 14, DET 8, ADV 5, CCONJ 1, NOUN 1, VERB 1), по (ADP 751, ADV 2, SCONJ 1), о҅тъ (ADP 742, ADV 1, NOUN 1), вь (ADP 589, ADV 1, DET 1), о (ADP 434, INTJ 1), о҅ (ADP 371, INTJ 2), вь҆ (ADP 356, DET 1)


The form / lemma ratio of ADP is 4.375000 (the average of all parts of speech is 5.263244).

The 1st highest number of forms (41) was observed with the lemma “из”: з, и, и͑, и͑з, и͑зʼ, и͑зд, и͑зъ, и͑с, иж, из, из-д, из-д-, изъ, изь, ис, и҅, и҅ж, и҅с, и҅ꙁ, и҅ꙁ-д, и҅ꙁд, и҅ꙁъ, и҅ꙁꙿ, и҆ꙁ, иꙁ, иꙁꙿ, і, і-з-д, із, із-д, іс, ї, їз, їз-д, їс, їꙁъ, ꙇ, ꙇж, ꙇз, ꙇз-д-, ꙇс.

The 2nd highest number of forms (26) was observed with the lemma “отъ”: о̆тъ, о͑т, о͑тʼ, о͑тъ, о͑ть, о͑ть͗, о͗тъ, от, отʼ, ото, отъ, оть, оть҆, о҃тъ, о҅т, о҅тъ, о҅ть, о҅ть҆, о҅ть҆тъ҆, о҅тꙿ, о҆тъ, тъ, Ѡто, Ѡть, ѡтъ, ҆Отъ.

The 3rd highest number of forms (19) was observed with the lemma “въ”: (в)ъ, =въ=, КЪ, в, во, вовь, въ, въ͗, въвъ, вън, въс, въі, въ҆, вь, вь͗, вь҆, в҃, вꙑ, вꙿ.

ADP does not occur with any features.


ADP nodes are attached to their parents using 15 different relations: case (16171; 100% instances), obl (43; 0% instances), root (9; 0% instances), ccomp (6; 0% instances), dislocated (3; 0% instances), advcl (2; 0% instances), amod (2; 0% instances), mark (2; 0% instances), nmod (2; 0% instances), acl (1; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), fixed (1; 0% instances), obl:agent (1; 0% instances), orphan (1; 0% instances), parataxis (1; 0% instances)

Parents of ADP nodes belong to 11 different parts of speech: NOUN (10851; 67% instances), PRON (3619; 22% instances), PROPN (676; 4% instances), ADJ (567; 3% instances), VERB (243; 1% instances), NUM (220; 1% instances), ADV (28; 0% instances), AUX (19; 0% instances), DET (10; 0% instances), (9; 0% instances), ADP (4; 0% instances)

16197 (100%) ADP nodes are leaves.

30 (0%) ADP nodes have one child.

4 (0%) ADP nodes have two children.

15 (0%) ADP nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a ADP node is 6.

Children of ADP nodes are attached using 16 different relations: cop (14; 16% instances), nsubj (13; 14% instances), advmod (12; 13% instances), obl (11; 12% instances), mark (7; 8% instances), nmod (6; 7% instances), conj (5; 6% instances), fixed (4; 4% instances), obj (4; 4% instances), case (3; 3% instances), cc (3; 3% instances), discourse (3; 3% instances), appos (2; 2% instances), advcl (1; 1% instances), det (1; 1% instances), obl:agent (1; 1% instances)

Children of ADP nodes belong to 10 different parts of speech: NOUN (28; 31% instances), ADV (15; 17% instances), AUX (14; 16% instances), PRON (13; 14% instances), SCONJ (7; 8% instances), ADP (4; 4% instances), CCONJ (3; 3% instances), NUM (3; 3% instances), VERB (2; 2% instances), ADJ (1; 1% instances)